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Old 08-11-2015, 02:39 PM   #15

HailToTheKing1997's Avatar
Re: Duke Nukem Forever Museum: check out the updates!
Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal View Post
After talks I had with a few guys from Triptych, it was them that decided to end the game where they did.
After the layoff they said they had to make a very tough call on how to actually finish the game. They said it would've been almost impossible to try and take on the complete planned storyline.

So, before Randy and GBX even got involved they made the decision to end the game after the Dam levels.
He said they kept what little of the Area 51/space levels they had (which was mostly place holder and concept as some of those levels hadn't even started development yet) in the hopes they could return to it later.
But, in 2010, the goal was to finish what they had. And worry about the rest later.

Once DNF was finished Gearbox pretty much gave Triptych freedom to do what they wanted with it. And they wanted to finish the game, so to speak. Changes were made, mostly the inclusion of Dr Proton, and the DLC was made.

I see the DLC as being superior to the main game in almost every way. And, I think it's mostly because Triptych had more control, more time to really create with it.
Where as with the base DNF game, they were simply trying to complete what had been created. And do so quickly, with little resources.
Huh. With things like Area 51 (shown in various incarnations of Duke Nukem Forever), Dr. Proton (2001 trailer), and the robot trying to kill you in first person (2001 trailer), I just assumed that everything that made up the Doctor Who Cloned Me were all ideas that stuck throughout the years.
I am Duke Nukem and I am forever!
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