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Old 08-17-2010, 02:33 AM   #36
Re: All your history are belong to us, the rise and fall of apogee/3Drealms
Originally Posted by cof_3pc View Post
The narrator of this video just sounds like a whiny bitter Duke Nukem fan, that decided to spite 3DR with an online video that doesn't even have all of it's facts straight.
Perhaps, although I doubt spite or accuracy were primary goals here. People love punching bags and rise/fall stories, so Apogee is just a convenient, current day target (generates views). In terms of solid facts, they just needed the bare minimum to get the job done.

Yeah, the first three episodes were pretty solid (minus some really tiny mistakes relating to Max Payne and such).
I think that's a bit generous. Other points they missed or got wrong were:

- Todd Replogle created the 2D Duke games (and the initial Duke 3D plan), not George Broussard
- Apogee followed up on Wolf3D with Blake Stone
- the Duke3D project limped along before Broussard took over and turned it into something great
- the lukewarm reception of Shadow Warrior (they solely attribute Apogee's perfectionism to hubris following Duke3D, but the fact is that they were also disappointed with how SW panned out, both critically and commercially. I'd wager that this had some effect on how they approached future games).

Personally, I wish someone would do an investigative piece on the really ugly stuff, such as the staff rebellions after Duke/SW (the roots of Ritual, Rebel Boat Rocker -> Gearbox, ION Storm.....the original Shadow Warrior creators also split off at this time, with one of them soon attempting to redo SW according to the pre-Broussard vision). The early years of internal development were tumultuous, although I doubt anyone would care to revisit this.
Last edited by TJR; 08-18-2010 at 12:16 PM.
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