Frequent SWP Crash
Using SWP 4.2.8 (the latest on ProAsm's site at the time of writing) on Win7 64bit, SWP will crash and the log shows this:
Fatal Signal caught: SIGSEGV. Bailing out.
Uninitialising DirectDraw...
- Releasing DirectDraw object
- Unloading DDRAW.DLL
Uninitialising DirectInput...
- Releasing keyboard device
- Releasing mouse device
- Releasing DirectInput object
- Unloading DINPUT.DLL
This crash _always_ happens in the area to control the Yellow car in the first level, and in a secret area in the third level (the one where you jump off the cliff and fall very far into a lake). It might happen in other places too but Ive only played up to level 3 so far. Both give the same error message. What could be causing this?
EDIT: I just checked this in 4.2.4, and it does not crash at either area.
I made the first post on the VB!
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Last edited by Phayzon; 02-17-2010 at 01:49 PM.