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Old 11-04-2014, 04:45 PM   #11

Leminur's Avatar
Re: Duke3D Ultimate Patch
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
Not every patch released means "something new".

I do hold a record for longest time between a release and a maintenance patch. For Crystal Caves & Secret Agent. I released a patch for these on October 24, 2005, some 14 years after they were released originally. It fixed a Y2K computer date bug.
You are right! But you might as well put a special message! Like if the player finish the game beating all the chapters within par time you could greet them with a message like: "Congratulationzz, u just unloked Duk Nukum 4ever betaz 2play. 'Joy it." And you greet them with a random image of Frederik twerking for a Duke Nukem 2 song. What about it, eh?
*Insert Bubble gum here*
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