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Old 01-06-2009, 10:47 AM   #7
Tea Monster

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Re: Improving the ROTT engine!
I'm no expert, but from looking at how the Duke and SW ports went, as long as you use the original source as a base (i.e. - you don't just put a ROTT map loader into a Quake source engine) then you you can do pretty much anything you want to with it.

3DR have shut down people who use thier content in other engines. So you can take the ROTT source and make it use 3D models - that is exactly what the Jonathan Fowler port does for Duke Nukem 3D.

What you CANT do is to take all the tiles from ROTT and load them into the Dark Places engine or the HL2 engine.

If you have the knowledge of OpenGL programming to make it work, then Rock and Roll.
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