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Old 12-06-2015, 09:05 AM   #49
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Re: Gearbox now owns all rights to Duke Nukem
The details of Devolver Digital's ownership of the Shadow Warrior IP have not been made clear to the public.
I don't know how the deal was broken down, and it is unclear if DD only owns the SW IP from the reboot forward, or if it includes the entire series.

In the former, 3DRealms would still retain the original 1997 SW and, in turn, it's alphas and betas.
If the later, DD would be in control of any and all SW related material.
As this point, asking for alphas or betas for Shadow Warrior is almost pointless. You would need clarification on who owns what before asking for anything specific from either publisher.

Old-school apogee/3dr fans were anticipating these releases far more than ANYTHING else.
You're generalizing. Assuming all Apogee/3DR fans were feeling the same way about this simply because a group of them are.
Remember, not all Apogee/3DR fans use And, even so, I'm a HUGE Shadow Warrior fan. But, my interests in the betas and alphas is... basically zero.
I love the final game, before that... while interesting to see it's development cycle and how it changed, means very little to me personally.

My favorite game out of the big Build Trilogy is BLOOD. I have an early Alpha build. And, this is my FAVORITE build game, the one I've played more then anything.
I've messed around with the alpha... maybe twice. My love, is for the final release.

Just remember, that while there are fans excited for early/preview builds and unreleased material. There are also fans that have little to no interest in such things as the final released game is what they love, and were their interests lie.

Going by your logic, if GBX owns Duke, why ask about IT here?
Because until the lawsuit was settled recently, past Duke titles were handled by 3DR. So, asking about those here was the proper thing to do.
Now, that the lawsuit is settled and Duke is fully owned by GBX, such discussions have no real place here as there's little/nothing 3DR can do.
Without GBX's approval.
Monolith Fanboy since 1997

Upcoming Anticipated Games: Doom, Shadow Warrior 2, Mafia III, DisHonored 2, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
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