Re: Gearbox now owns all rights to Duke Nukem
Yeah Shadow Warrior, I've been a big fan of it since it's release and have put more hours towards it than it took to make it, would be nice to be tossed a cookie in the form of some alpha/beta goodies. That's almost 19 years of actively promoting apogee/3dr. The hardcore fans of these games are the ones who have kept them alive over the years, should be worth atleast alittle respect.
We've heard over and over about the Duke3d stuff and the unanimous answer has been that GBX owns the rights and it's out of 3dr's hands.
- Case Closed.
Now, let's focus on the games they CAN release the development works for.
They're 20-25 year old games.. shouldn't be a big deal.
Who's hands are they in? What's the hold up? Do all the games have to be released all at once or can they be released as they've been gone through and "approved?" Please 3dr, shine some light on this topic.
Old-school apogee/3dr fans were anticipating these releases far more than ANYTHING else. I'd like to think it wasn't just a PR stunt.
The optimal way this should have been handled for the company and fans would have been this order:
Acquire 3dr.
Release anthology.
Release Alpha/Betas
At this point there's a positive buzz about the new 3dr.
Now announce/release bombshell and it's build companion.
= profit.
Last edited by Robman; 12-04-2015 at 03:08 PM.