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Damien_Azreal Damien_Azreal is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 277
  1. Jeff
    04-24-2012 07:27 PM
    Happy birthday man.
  2. smokeemifyougotem
    04-24-2012 09:15 AM
    Happy Birthday Bro,hope its a good one for ya.
  3. evilemperorzorg
    11-28-2011 12:41 PM
    Damien, I've sent ya a message. We need some help for finding who ratted me out!
  4. evilemperorzorg
    10-29-2011 02:54 PM
    Please don't ignore my PM man, you're the only one left i can ask support !
  5. TerminX
    03-13-2011 03:17 PM
    Things are pretty awesome here. Even though I live in the middle of nowhere and can barely even get broadband, I'm really enjoying the whole thing with being married and having a kid and living in a house versus an apartment in the ghetto, et cetera.

    I love my life right now and there's really very little I'd change about it if given the chance. About the worst thing to happen to me in weeks was the flat tire I got the other day... and then about half a dozen people stopped at various points when changing it to see if I was alright and had everything I needed. People are actually nice here, and that's probably the biggest difference between this area and where I was at in California.

    It's great.
  6. dark_angel
    11-22-2010 08:03 AM
    I have been busy working on my project that I launched yesterday. Trimhold. It is a social news portal that aggregates top news from top sites around the web.
  7. dark_angel
    11-11-2010 09:02 AM
    Damn, Blood everywhere !
  8. Justyce
    09-07-2010 03:11 PM
    dude purge my account please.
    I am done with 3DR
    thank GB for me for 13 years of nothing
  9. Joe Siegler
    09-03-2010 07:39 AM
    Joe Siegler
    Answer your PM's, or get on IM or something. WHy is it I send you PM's about 3 minutes after you've stopped looking at the forums?
  10. CanYouDigIt?
    09-02-2010 04:21 PM
    I love you

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