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My top 5 of 2008, and my most anticiapated of 2009...

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Posted 02-03-2009 at 06:51 PM by Damien_Azreal

Well, my first blog... because I'm bored. And the topic of my first blog, taking inspiration from Zuljin and December Man. Remember, I don't play MP... single player only.

My top five games of 2008:

5: Grand Theft Auto 4 - Well, it's amazing. Honestly what is there to say about GTA4 that others haven't?
The story is wonderful, engaging, emotional, gripping, funny... it goes on and on. Niko is the first star in a GTA game that actually seems human. Yes, he's a sociopath... but even through it all he still has a heart and deeply cares for certain people. The depiction of the city is great, it does feel alive. I could go on, but I think I've made my point.

4: Condemned 2: Bloodshot - A great follow up to an amazing title. Condemned 2 took all that was great from the first and improved upon it. Enhancing the melee combat, making it much more visceral, adding depth to the forensics... coupled with the enhanced visuals and presentation... awesome. Sadly the story fumbles over itself at times and looses it's way towards the end.
But it still fits with the flow of what was originally told in the first game. And with the cliffhanger ending... bring on part 3.

3: Gears of War 2 - Yes, another 360 title. Means nothing. Gears 2 did something I didn't think it could... it made me excited to play as Marcus.
The first game is good... but that's all. Past it's great visuals and wonderfully violent combat... the game was shallow. Paper thin.
Gears 2 fixed all of that. While updating the visuals, adding more blood to the already dark red soaked combat... and beefing up the story and adding some humanity to at least one of the characters.
I was very surprised with how emotional one scene in the game actually was. Add in the much appreciated variety in level design and presentation, and some very "nice vehicles" to ride... awesome game.

2: Left 4 Dead - Well... as I said, I don't do MP. But I f**king love L4D. Even playing the four campaigns by yourself is incredibly enjoyable.
But jumping online with three buddies to slog through wave after wave of zombies... epic. I look forward to any DLC Valve offers, new weapons, new boss zombies... more campaigns.
I will add I'm not a huge fan of VS. The few times I've played it I just don't get the excitement of it.

1: Fallout 3/Dead Space - Yes. Both of them. I couldn't pick just one. They both got my pick for best title last year.
Dead Space because it is simply stellar. A great addition to the survival horror genre. While not scary or even really creepy, it does do a great job of building tension and dread. Add in some great level design, wonderful visuals, a well told story and disgustingly beautiful combat... ahhh.
Fallout 3, well... while not as great as the originals... I don't think it's fare to compare.
But, with it's wide, sprawling world down to it's subtle black humor... it is a game I put over 70 hours into and loved every minute of it. With some polish, proper patching... it could be the classic it should be.

Now, my most anticipated games of 2009. Why make this a double thing... why not make two separate blogs? I'll probably forget to do another one. Also, I'm going with games pretty much guaranteed for release in 09.

5: Ghostbuster: The Videogame - Come on... it's Ghostbusters! And with Dan, Bill, Harold and Ernie back... it's instant win. A buddy from Monolith did tell me the gameplay looked a bit meh from a build he saw at a game convention, but here's hoping it's just an old build.

4: Batman: Arkham Asylum - Again... come on! Batman!! Seriously this game looks fantastic.
And bringing back Mark Hamil to play the Joker... perfect. The game looks to have the dark feel of the newest films and the classic cartoon show. Can... not... wait.

3: Aliens: Colonial Marines - Another Aliens shooter.... ahhh... heaven. It's placed at three on this list because we know next to nothing about it, and have seen even less. But I'm sure it will kick ass.

2: NecroVisioN - From the makers of Painkiller (my Game of the Year in 2004) and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault... a winning combo.
And judging from the demo (even though I couldn't understand a damn thing) it's set to deliver. Dark, gothic, violent and full of awesome.

1: F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin - Honestly, you knew this was coming. But after having followed the development of this game since 2006, playing the demo countless times... I personally feel FEAR 2 will deliver.
And with 7 days until release... time can't go by quick enough.
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  1. Old Comment
    December Man's Avatar
    Yay, I have become an inspiration to all! ^^ :p
    Posted 02-03-2009 at 08:04 PM by December Man December Man is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Malgon's Avatar
    Nice man. :)

    I am kind of surprised that no one started a thread of their top games of 2008. I'm sure quite a few people would have picked Dead Space as their favourite game as well. :D
    Posted 02-04-2009 at 06:35 AM by Malgon Malgon is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Llama Gibbz's Avatar
    Pretty solid list.

    Damn shame Bloodshot didnt get ported to PC,so those with out a console could get a taste.
    Multiplayer was fun also.
    Posted 02-04-2009 at 03:38 PM by Llama Gibbz Llama Gibbz is offline
  4. Old Comment
    superevilcube's Avatar
    Good choice with Dead Space... such an awesome game!
    Posted 02-09-2009 at 01:00 PM by superevilcube superevilcube is offline

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