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Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Haha, they can't even botch up a game on schedule! :D
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Maybe they're giving it a total overhaul?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Hear hear.
I was thinking the same thing. Major overhaul. Can only be a good thing though, no matter what is delaying it. |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
hope it gets released.
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
At the end of Max Payne 2 Max had brought everything full circle. He was at peace, he was finally okay with the death of his wife... Bringing him back now seems almost insulting in a way. |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Poor, poor Vinnie. :(
;) |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Maybe they'll ditch the title and char of Max Payne (3) for that game and call it Fat Dude Down South.
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
To me, this isn't and will never be Max Payne 3. Sure those new to the series will pick it up, maybe even like it, but give them the first two to play and the first thing that will be uttered is "this isn't Max Payne!" (them having played Max Payne 3 first once its eventually released).
I still have the thought to order a book from Amazon about detective film noir and send it to Rockstar with the following note attached: "HINT!". Just an idea. ;) Regards, Yickle! |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Yeah, I was pretty pissed and heartbroken when I saw that Max Payne 3 looked like a trashy GTA than it did a film noir game. Honestly, I don't care if it ever gets released. In the state that its in right now, its an affront to the Max Payne name.
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Vinnie was in 1 and 2.
Don't click if you not played Max Payne 2. Spoiler: :censored: |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
I really hope it's getting remade because 2K realized people want Max Payne, not a fat bald hobo.
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Now that Remedy is done with Alan Wake, T2 should aproach Remedy and ask nicely to develope Max Payne 3. I believe, they might be secretly working on AW 2, though.
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
New info:
http://www.shacknews.com/laryn.x?story=67444 MP3 may not make it in the 2012 fiscal year ! :O Hope they are totally re-doing it, in real MP style, and not hanging it out to dry. |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Remedy should be making this game, they created and wrote everything from the beginning of Max Payne, no on else knows it like them, no one else will do it right.
The story should happen shortly after the events of Max Payne II, while Max is still young, and it should definitely take place in the irreplaceable New York City in that unique gritty Max Payne noir style graphic novel story telling method, which is so great. :) And also they should make sure the same people from the first 2 games do all the voices for any character that also appears in Max Payne III, and I hope there are several. :) |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
I'm hoping they completely remake the game as well. It looks more like a generic TPS based on the Brazil levels from Modern Warfare 2 than a real Max Payne game.
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
could the guy from the 2nd screenshot actually be Max in a flasback? Also, when I saw Max's with the hawaiian t-shirt I was like: "yeah! like in the very first game".
But still, be ashamed of your baldness, Payne, dam*it! |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
I still consider this a slap in the face to the ending of Max Payne 2.
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
How Awesome is that!!! Not only is James McCaffrey returning to do the voice acting, but is also modeling for Max Payne himself. Great!
marioman, I had trouble entering through the links provided so I'd relink the scans http://gamingeverything.com/?p=2964. Gotta say, in the third scan, Max/James looks a lot like Charlie Sheen. :s |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Is there a 9th page to this??? The text on the 8th page seems to finish mid-sentence...
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
So, they changed the experience of 'bullet time whenever YOU need it' to 'bullet time QT events'. Wow. What a step in the 'right' direction! And you can carry 3 guns at once?! Wow, how generous! Freakin console game now. :( |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
But, continuing Max's story after him being at peace at the end of the second game.... making him an alcoholic and painkiller addict... it's a kick in the nuts to the ending of the second game. Also, PREY 2 is being made by Human Head... the same guys that made the first game. Max Payne 3 is being made by the studio that ported the first two games to the consoles. That poorly ported them to the consoles. So... lets see... Remedy not developing... 3DRealms not producing.... Sam Lake not writing the story, yeah... fail. So, it's easier to be excited about PREY 2 because the universe is so open and huge and has a ton of possibilities. Max Payne is pretty set, changing that so drastically as they've done (regen health, a cover system, three weapon limit, Max is no longer a cop, left NYC for Brazil... large portions of the game take place in the day...)... it's extremely difficult to swallow just because Rockstar say it's awesome. Specially since they hold zero credit with me. |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Also, R* Toronto is involved, the guys that ported GTA IV to the PC.
By the way, DA, I thought I read there was no ren health, maybe I'm wrong. ----- Up to now, the game sounds good to me. I still hate them for having Max's head shaved (hate that trend) and for not waiting Remedy to do the third one, it sure would have been different. But by the comments of the enviroments and the attention to the detail, it sounds good. Also, this picture gives me hope that they'll give us an explanation to Max's situation. Probably he's an alcoholic not because of his wife or Mona, but maybe because of some problems he had afterwards, who knows??? I don't :p. |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
The last article I read didn't touch on health. But, the original announcement did say the game would use regen health.
As for the picture you list, the game will go from past to present constantly throughout the campaign. Detailing Max's life over the past eight years.... Which, I think it a horrible move. There's no need or reason to jump around chronologically. And given Rockstar's "story telling" skills.... I'm not sure they can even pull it off. As for Remedy, latest rumors have them gearing up for Alan Wake 2. God I hope it's true... |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Okay.. I haven't played RDR by the way, and still support Rockstar vision of the series. People's problem should not be based on putting this game in contrast with some other Rockstar Game. It should be because of the changes to the formula Rockstar has proposed. But hey! As mean as this changes are, people shouldn't rule out the game!
Jumping from back to present repeatedly, mm? Abrupt time-switching? That doesn't sound good to me, unless they're fooking masters at story-telling and know what they're doing. And I hope they know what they're doing, because besides that quote from the article, it sounds this could be the best thing to apply at a non-linear story when you want to focus on character development. Sure, Max Payne and Max Payne 2 used this but only at the beginning of each game. So you're like wtf, what is that guy doing in the top of the building, only way to find out? Play through 8 hours to the end, and then you're like uhhh, alright I got it. So, what's wrong with using this technique the way Rockstar claims they're doing it? This sounds more attractive than a linear-written game. Seriously, starting as a full-haired Max Payne, chronologically continuing it's story: there's no mistery in that! Non-linear? Show me some twisted twist, f*ck yeah! Revealing an aspect of the character from flashbacks that will make people switch their perception of the protragonits... and there you got the Noir everyone thing that is missing. There are many ways to achieve freaking Noooiiiir... And judging by the elapsing time of the story, which might or might not be 8 years, this could be a more elegant way to show it off. As for this being a slap to the character.. Say, for example, a random guy is happy with his wife after having trouble marrying her, but now he comfronts job/marital/health problems? It's the same with Max: his psychological problem may not be because of his lost ones, but because of something else. The Comedian in Watchmen was depressed because of the secret he found out. Seeing how Max has used conspiracy as a theme in previous games, there's chance he's crazy nuts because of something he knows but tries to forget? Are we getting way too far from what the original Max Payne character is? Not much, the way I see it. The setting and secondary characters may be differents but they surround Max, Max himself doesn't need to be different. At least not from what's been seen so far. This could complement Max's character arc, nevertheless. Max 1/2 story-arc may be over, but putting the character in a different situation has nothing wrong with it. Well, at least if he doesn't have that many drastical changes (some looses a hand, or a leg; but oh Rockstar, why did Max had to loose his hair?) There are many ways to live up this title but at the same time there are many to make it fail as well. In a world where being negative is the most common thing to do, I prefer to hope this game will be enjoyable at best, and have a descent story. |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Red Dead Redemption is overrated.
It's the boring GTA4 formula in the Wild West. That keeps it interesting for a few hours, and then, back the the same snoozefest that GTA4 was. |
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
RDR overrated?! Its ******* awesome! And yes its GTA in the wild west! But that's what I wanted! It's beautiful!
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