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Old 02-04-2013, 06:01 AM   #1

MagusElOscuro's Avatar
Need help with Return Of The Triad
Hi everyone. I've a simple question for all who wants to help me: how do I rip Sprites from Return Of The Triad? What's the process and what do I need for this? My goal is to get all Sprites of the Dark Deathfire Monk of Return Of The Triad.
I've seen there is alot of people on the Internet who rips sprites from DOOM and ROTT, and Sprites of ROTT are kept in Darkwar.WAD; but Return Of The Triad has not any similar file. So I need to know the process and what I need to rip manually (from game) the Sprites of the character I need. If it's possible, step by step, the explanation.
I hope anyone can help me. See you soon.
MagusElOscuro is offline  
Old 02-06-2013, 05:18 PM   #2

Neuro's Avatar
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
"Lumps" are the data inside of a WAD or PK3 file.

Use a lump editor such as xwe or Slumped to browse through them, extract them, add more lumps, etc.
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Old 02-07-2013, 05:42 AM   #3

MagusElOscuro's Avatar
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
XWE let me see the ROTT files in Darkwar, but the ones contained in Return Of The Triad are:
fakeiwad (1kb. WAD file), rott_tc_full.pk3 (11.685 kb PK3 File), zdoom.pk3 (570 kb PK3 File).
I cannot view more than letters and numbers, with XWE, in these files. The PNGs are unavailable to view.
Do you know how to rip them manually from the game while playing? Because the Sprites seem to not appearing in XWE.
MagusElOscuro is offline  
Old 02-18-2013, 11:05 AM   #4
Player Lin
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
The maindata in that ROTT TC with ZDooM engine is rott_tc_full.pk3.
(zdoom.pk3 is core data file of ZDooM source port, not needed at all.)

And it's DooM format from ripped ROTT resources, of course, didn't used any of original ROTT wad data at all. I don't know XWE can open PK3 or not, I don't like it when it already stopped updates and out-dated for newer DooM maps/mods/TCs.

(The PK3 files actually a zip file, you can open it with newer WinRAR, but its data has some DooM binary format. Sprites and sounds are PNGs and WAV so you can just extract them out but I don't know they're works or not with this way.)

Or you can.....

Try get SLADE 3 on here.

And if you want, try get latest SVN Builds from here. Extract the package to your SLADE 3 installation(install it first) and overwrite them.
It's my ROTT introduce site, easily structure.
Sorry, please don't care my poor "Grammar of English"... *faint*
Sadly, it died temporary due to I used my all of times on RealLife(TM) and playing Games! XD
*Player Lin escaped from the hell of making website.*
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Old 02-25-2013, 06:26 AM   #5

MagusElOscuro's Avatar
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
XWE ruined my Darkwar WAD File (thanks it was a copy I made for save the original), so I don't wanna know absolutely nothing of it anymore. I got the Slade3 in the original site, as your link led me, but I think I should ask you: will this let me build full huge maps like Doombuilder does? I ask this as I've never used Slade (neither Doombuilder). I mean, the custom maps I can make thanks to the stuff provided by El Zee in each Return Of The Triad copy, to make your own maps? He said he used Slade and Doombuilder. Can I build full maps (like this TC's ones) with Slade3, then? I mean, if it's a Doom Editor, it should let me, right? Thanks for the link, BTW.
MagusElOscuro is offline  
Old 02-26-2013, 05:53 AM   #6
Player Lin
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
Slade 3's mapping functions still not completed(even the SVN build has some limited functions for mapping), it's still developing. But it will completed one day.

Slade 2(old major version of Slade 3) was a DooM map editor only, if you want, you can try that one and you can get it on the Slade official site's download section, but due it's just a map editor and it's not powerful as Doom Builder 1 or 2. Also, when ROTT TC is a newer mod than this out-dated tool, it may not good for the TC.
It's my ROTT introduce site, easily structure.
Sorry, please don't care my poor "Grammar of English"... *faint*
Sadly, it died temporary due to I used my all of times on RealLife(TM) and playing Games! XD
*Player Lin escaped from the hell of making website.*
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Old 02-28-2013, 05:05 AM   #7

MagusElOscuro's Avatar
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
Wait a moment, I still have a doubt. I cannot make maps such as the ones in Return Of The Triad, with different wall shapes, such as cut walls present in the TC (I mean: original ROTT walls, modified with part/s of other ROTT Walls), right? But can I use Slade2/3 to make the maps in classic ROTT style, I mean, only one Floor Tile, box-like rooms, classical walls' environment...? such as with ROTTMD? Then, play them with th ROTT tc tool.
If the answer is yes, I can build in it my huge maps without any problem, considering the amount of things Doom maps have over ROTT, not to mention their size is bigger. Do you have an answer for this? I think if Slade can support Doom maps, it should support ROTT maps, which can have much less items or stuff in general.
MagusElOscuro is offline  
Old 03-03-2013, 08:44 AM   #8
Player Lin
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
I'm not sure what's you means, but...

1. If you want do a DooM/ZDooM format of ROTT level for the ROTT TC, yes, you can use Slade 3 to mapping them but needed asks some help with DooM mapping and how to use ROTT TC's features.

2. If you want use original ROTT map format on DooM/ZDooM engine, no... it's not possible at all, totally different formats. Needed some convert tools for that(from RTL/RTC to WAD or something), and needed extra works to make converted levels works/fits with the ROTT TC too.
It's my ROTT introduce site, easily structure.
Sorry, please don't care my poor "Grammar of English"... *faint*
Sadly, it died temporary due to I used my all of times on RealLife(TM) and playing Games! XD
*Player Lin escaped from the hell of making website.*
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Old 03-03-2013, 01:37 PM   #9

MagusElOscuro's Avatar
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
OK. I'll try to explain it....
Return Of the Triad (and some help tutorial from El Zee's site), allow you to make custom maps for that TC; in the same way that ROTTMD make them for ROTT. In other words, you can make custom maps using same stuff than the TC, that's: ROTT stuff, previously converted by El Zee into Doom format.
I have (supposedly) all tiles and characters in the File included with the TC (I can't remember which one of the 2 it's this one, but it's one of them). All I need is to use a Doom Editor, and use this ROTT stuff, already made, to build my own maps. Doombuilder lets you do it, but in El Zee's words, he also used Slade 3 to develop the TC; so that's the reason I asked if Slade 3 will let me make my custom maps with stuff provided by the TC.
I can use Doombuilder, but I need to install dotnetfx3setup to use it; and in case I can't, I would not be able to use Doombuilder; and as Slade seems to work without any update, I asked if I can use it instead.
I know I cannot build Doom maps (I mean, Doom characters, tiles, etc), but what I want is to built maps for the TC using that provided ROTT stuff.
Have you understood now?
Thanks for answering and help, and see you soon, mate.
MagusElOscuro is offline  
Old 03-05-2013, 10:59 AM   #10
Player Lin
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
Originally Posted by MagusElOscuro View Post
Doombuilder lets you do it, but in El Zee's words, he also used Slade 3 to develop the TC; so that's the reason I asked if Slade 3 will let me make my custom maps with stuff provided by the TC.
I can use Doombuilder, but I need to install dotnetfx3setup to use it; and in case I can't, I would not be able to use Doombuilder; and as Slade seems to work without any update, I asked if I can use it instead.
I know I cannot build Doom maps (I mean, Doom characters, tiles, etc), but what I want is to built maps for the TC using that provided ROTT stuff.
Have you understood now?
Thanks for answering and help, and see you soon, mate.
1. If El Zee doing his TC with Slade 3, then it's OK to use it to do your custom things for the ROTT TC. Just using the ROTT TC's PK3 file as the resource file when you want to do maps for it.

2. I'm not means DooM maps and its resources, I means the ZDooM engine, ROTT TC uses its format and it still a DooM engine game/mod but needed the ZDooM port for running it. But you may still needed learn some basic skills for editing on DooM/ZDooM engine.
It's my ROTT introduce site, easily structure.
Sorry, please don't care my poor "Grammar of English"... *faint*
Sadly, it died temporary due to I used my all of times on RealLife(TM) and playing Games! XD
*Player Lin escaped from the hell of making website.*
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Old 03-06-2013, 06:01 AM   #11

MagusElOscuro's Avatar
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
Do you know where I can get some help or tutorial about editing on ZDoom's engine? If it's written instead of video, better.
Thanks and a salute.
MagusElOscuro is offline  
Old 03-19-2013, 11:34 AM   #12
Player Lin
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
Originally Posted by MagusElOscuro View Post
Do you know where I can get some help or tutorial about editing on ZDoom's engine? If it's written instead of video, better.
Thanks and a salute.

Their wiki always best source for ZDooM editing.

For the DooM engine editing, the basic at all.
It's my ROTT introduce site, easily structure.
Sorry, please don't care my poor "Grammar of English"... *faint*
Sadly, it died temporary due to I used my all of times on RealLife(TM) and playing Games! XD
*Player Lin escaped from the hell of making website.*
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Old 03-22-2013, 03:57 AM   #13

MagusElOscuro's Avatar
Re: Need help with Return Of The Triad
Thank you so much. Have a fine day, mate.
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