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Old 01-24-2006, 04:27 PM   #1
Nuclear Winter HRP
Since there are HRPs for Duke Caribbean and Duke It Out In D.C., I decided to start one for Nuclear Winter. It is not out yet, but I have done the "Nuclear Winter" sign on the title screen and the UnDEFs. I am working on the End of Level Screen, which is just the HRP one with a shadow effect and a Christmas tree. The shadow is done, but I can't find any pictures of Christmas trees that have a background that can be made transparent to insert into the picture. Any volunteers to create one? Thanks in advance.

The "Nuclear Winter" insignia is attached.

Here is undef.def:

undefmodelrange 1280 1292
undeftexturerange 1280 1292

undefmodelrange 1680 1705
undefmodelrange 1715 1717
undefmodelrange 1720 1727
undefmodelrange 1730 1734
undefmodelrange 1738 1742
undefmodelrange 1744 1751
undefmodelrange 1754 1755

undeftexturerange 1680 1705
undeftexturerange 1715 1717
undeftexturerange 1720 1727
undeftexturerange 1730 1734
undeftexturerange 1738 1742
undeftexturerange 1744 1751
undeftexturerange 1754 1755

undefmodelrange 1915 1926
undefmodel 1930
undefmodelrange 1935 1944
undefmodelrange 1950 1957

undefmodelrange 1975 1985
undefmodelrange 1989 1992

undefmodelrange 2000 2019
undefmodelrange 2025 2027
undefmodelrange 2030 2037
undefmodelrange 2040 2047

undeftexturerange 1915 1926
undeftexture 1930
undeftexturerange 1935 1944
undeftexturerange 1950 1957

undeftexturerange 1975 1985
undeftexturerange 1989 1992

undeftexturerange 2000 2019
undeftexturerange 2025 2027
undeftexturerange 2030 2037
undeftexturerange 2040 2047

undefmodelrange 2048 2052
undefmodelrange 2055 2061

undefmodelrange 2120 2145
undefmodel 2150
undefmodelrange 2155 2156
undefmodelrange 2160 2161
undefmodelrange 2165 2177
undefmodelrange 2180 2185
undefmodelrange 2190 2197

undeftexturerange 2048 2052
undeftexturerange 2055 2061

undeftexturerange 2120 2145
undeftexture 2150
undeftexturerange 2155 2156
undeftexturerange 2160 2161
undeftexturerange 2165 2177
undeftexturerange 2180 2185
undeftexturerange 2190 2197

undefmodelrange 2502 2503
undeftexturerange 2502 2503

undefmodel 3245
undefmodel 3293
undeftexture 3245
undeftexture 3293

undefmodel 3400
undeftexture 3400

undefmodelrange 3584 3839
undeftexturerange 3584 3839

undefmodelrange 3840 4095
undeftexturerange 3840 4095
Attached Images
File Type: png 1028057-NW2502.png (6.0 KB, 149 views)
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 01-24-2006, 05:12 PM   #2

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
3830 - NAUGHTY

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Old 01-24-2006, 05:31 PM   #3
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Nice start for the NWinter HRP.
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 01-24-2006, 06:53 PM   #4

Mr.Fibbles's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
I have a christmas tree model on my HD. I could isolate it and render it to a size, but I am not sure what it is supposed to look like, I do not have Nuclear Winter
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Old 01-24-2006, 09:34 PM   #5

Ras's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Here's a screenshot if it'll help. If you "view" it, it'll appear larger:
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 1028193-duke0000.jpg (59.2 KB, 353 views)
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Old 01-25-2006, 03:58 PM   #6

Mr.Fibbles's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
I used to have a model of a christmas tree. I lost it in my backing up stuff. I can make another one though now that I have a pic. It seems that I did not back up that one file, pitty too because it was a very complex scene with lots of poly's and neat effects.
Mr.Fibbles is offline  
Old 01-28-2006, 11:07 AM   #7
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
GodBlitZor, 3830 - Naughty is the whole thing, aka billboard, light, etc. Instead of looking like this:

It should look like the attachment below with the Naughty sign instead of the Innocent? sign, but the transparent areas and gradients should be turned white.

I'll just use the 1211 - Innocent? Model with the updated skin.

Ras and Mr.Fibbles, I need a (good quality) christmas tree that has white or multi-colored lights on it with a transparent background so I can add it to the layers in the picture and export it.


P.S. Here's some updated UnDEF code.
undefmodelrange 1280 1292
undefmodelrange 1013 1021
undefmodelrange 1032 1034
undeftexturerange 1280 1292
undeftexturerange 1013 1021
undeftexturerange 1032 1034
Attached Images
File Type: png 1030312-1211_innocent.png (90.4 KB, 119 views)
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 02-14-2006, 05:30 PM   #8
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Before I release a beta, I will need some (more) help. For the Wooden Horse and Palm Tree Sprites in TILES014.ART, I'm probably going to use Piterplus's Tree Top Model and the wooden horse model. There is one problem, though. Almost NOBODY has Piterplus's model yet, and since it is also part of the main game, there's no point to adding it to a Nuclear Winter HRP and adding to file size. Should I just add a set of system requirements in including it?
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 04-17-2006, 02:33 PM   #9
Question Nuclear Winter HRP
There is another critical issue with the NWHRP. With the release of the 32-Bit SOB-BOT, I was thinking about requesting a feature which changes Duke to Santa with art that is included in Nuclear Winter for Dukematch\Santamatch. However, somebody (most likely me) would have to write UnDEF code for the incomplete art. The art is incomplete in the fact that the tiles replaced for Nuclear Winter are still there in their normal form, except for Duke\Santa.

Please take a poll on the subject for your opinion on what should be done.

A. Keep Duke in Dukematch
B. Put Santa in Dukematch (Santamatch) with non-Nuclear Winter art
C. Put Santa in Dukematch (Santamatch) with Nuclear Winter art (will require art editing, possibly infringing copyright) and make an IPS patch to patch the art
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Old 06-21-2006, 03:24 PM   #10
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Originally Posted by Hendricks266
GodBlitZor, 3830 - Naughty is the whole thing, aka billboard, light, etc. Instead of looking like this:

It should look like the attachment below with the Naughty sign instead of the Innocent? sign, but the transparent areas and gradients should be turned white.
Oops. Sorry GodBlitZor, I thought that your texture was #3658 instead of #3830. I have added it to the NWHRP now.
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 07-06-2006, 01:33 PM   #11
Unhappy Anybody want to help?
Um, I don't know how to say this, but there needs to be more people working on the NWHRP in order for anything to be done. There are lots of thing to do still.

Does anybody have a high-res Christmas Tree model?
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Old 07-06-2006, 01:45 PM   #12

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
I tried playing Nuclear Winter once a long time ago and I remember not liking it very much. Maybe I just got a bad impression from the crappy graphics for the snowmen and stuff (which you are trying to fix, of course) but I have a feeling that it may be more than that. Anyway, unless there are other people around who like NW, you probably aren't going to get much help
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Old 07-06-2006, 02:02 PM   #13

NightFright's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
The enemies were the worst in NW. Their graphics style just didn´t fit in, the sprites looked like been drawn by a 12-year-old with rudimentary MS Paint skills... However, this could be compensated by good 3D models. On the other hand, the level design was... well, you can´t compare it with Carribbean or DukeDC, let´s just put it like that.
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Old 07-06-2006, 02:35 PM   #14
Ozzy Papat

Ozzy Papat's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
yeah that right , Duke Carribean gonna be more interesting to make a High res pack and ..... .... . .. penthouse euh Doh
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Old 07-06-2006, 04:33 PM   #15

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
The main problem that I have with Carribbean and NW is they both use modified CONs, so they aren't compatible with other mods (like mine).
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Old 07-07-2006, 05:37 PM   #16

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Originally Posted by DeeperThought
The main problem that I have with Carribbean and NW is they both use modified CONs, so they aren't compatible with other mods (like mine).
With a little modifying theyre easily compatible.
GodBlitZor is offline  
Old 07-24-2006, 10:18 AM   #17
Christmas Tree!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I have good news!

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO!

Not really... but I do have good news!

I finally found a suitable picture of a Christmas tree to put on the end of level screen!

It is attached. I should have the end of level screen complete in a day or two.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg ChristmasTree1_L1.jpg (75.0 KB, 122 views)
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 07-24-2006, 01:31 PM   #18
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Here is Tile #3425, Episode 2 (Nuclear Winter) End of Level Screen.

You may notice that it is based off of the Ep. 1, 3-4 screen. I just have it in the defs to undef those and define the other tiles that make Duke animate from Ep. 1, 3-4 to Ep. 2.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 3245.jpg (88.4 KB, 172 views)
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 07-26-2006, 03:08 PM   #19

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
That looks really bad, no offense. Looks pasted in. Shading is off.
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Old 07-27-2006, 09:42 AM   #20
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Personally, I think the shading is fine (unless you mean that on the floor it's diagonal and in the BG it's vertical), it's just the Christmas Tree that looks bad. If only I had a render of a model that I didn't have to size up it would look better. I have the original attached.
Attached Images
File Type: png 3245.png (21.4 KB, 155 views)
Last edited by Hendricks266; 07-27-2006 at 09:54 AM.
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Old 07-28-2006, 11:41 AM   #21

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Well what I mean is, the tree is in complete darkness and its really bright.
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Old 07-28-2006, 05:38 PM   #22
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
The only way to remedy that is for me to get a render of a model with a transparent background.
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Old 07-28-2006, 06:53 PM   #23

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
....I take it you use MSPaint?
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Old 07-28-2006, 07:25 PM   #24
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Originally Posted by GodBlitZor
....I take it you use MSPaint?
No, actually I use GIMP. Note that I said transparent, MSPaint can't handle alpha channels.

The thing is, this christmas tree (which I got from the Internet) had a black background on it, so I just made it black. The original is different in the fact that the christmas tree had lights on it, and the whole background is black. I could make the whole background black if I got the .psd/.xcf with the layers on it for the standard HRP end of level screen.
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 07-28-2006, 08:48 PM   #25

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
This is more of what I was thinking. I still have the PSD.

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Old 07-28-2006, 10:38 PM   #26
oak man

oak man's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Haha! Evan te plush head crab!
"I hereby nominate 'DUDE!! Huge bag of cheetos!' for 'Best Topic Title of the Year, 2006.'"-ZzTX
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>>My flickr page<<
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Old 07-28-2006, 11:00 PM   #27

Telee's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
I laughed at the plush headcrab as well

Originally Posted by Hendricks266
Since there are HRPs for Duke Caribbean
There is?
Last edited by Telee; 07-28-2006 at 11:03 PM.
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Old 07-29-2006, 07:17 PM   #28
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
The Caribbean HRP wasn't really an HRP, it just had the neccessary UnDEFs, a skybox or two, a sand texture, and some other textures that were already in the HRP. No one really did much work for it, plus it'll be hardest because of every enemy being changed, although slightly (With the exceptions of the Ep. 1-2 bosses and the Atomic enemies), plus new hud and pickup weapon and item sprites, with the fact that Duke himself was changed.

Duke Nukem 3D Add-On Windows Port Installation Guide

Caribbean HRP Download Link

GodBlitZor, may I use that texture in the NWHRP?

If the answer is yes, this much is done:

by Hendricks266
Tile # Nuclear Winter Insignia (Large)
Tile # Nuclear Winter Insignia (Small)

by GodBlitZor:
Tile #3830 NAUGHTY (In blood)
Tile #3240\3245 End of Level Screen
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Old 07-29-2006, 08:02 PM   #29

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Yes, use whatever I've posted
IM still thinking on making the end screen tile even better (Snowy, with a north pole-ish background)
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Old 07-30-2006, 05:30 AM   #30

Parkar's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Let me know if you want a render with just Duke and barrels or any combination and I'll render it with the other stuff hidden. Can change the ground texture to if you want.
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Old 07-30-2006, 04:00 PM   #31

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Really? Thatd be pretty awesome. Could you actually send me these layers seperately? (Sky, "destruction" [in front of sky], Duke) I think that'll be a big help. Thanks Right now, I'd like to have an "evil snowman" for duke to have his foot on(The knocked over barrel), I havent had any luck.
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Old 07-31-2006, 12:01 PM   #32
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Originally Posted by GodBlitZor
Really? Thatd be pretty awesome. Could you actually send me these layers seperately? (Sky, "destruction" [in front of sky], Duke) I think that'll be a big help. Thanks Right now, I'd like to have an "evil snowman" for duke to have his foot on(The knocked over barrel), I havent had any luck.
Does this help? Click it to get a bigger version.

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Old 07-31-2006, 12:06 PM   #33

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP perfect. +700 awesome points for you!!!
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Old 08-25-2006, 05:07 PM   #34
Question Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
How's it coming?
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Old 08-25-2006, 09:12 PM   #35

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
I kind of stopped. Waiting on Parkar. :X
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Old 08-25-2006, 09:31 PM   #36

Parkar's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Ohh yea, sorry about that. Completly forgot. I'll render it sometime during the weekend.
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Old 08-30-2006, 02:42 PM   #37

Odin's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Originally Posted by GodBlitZor View Post
This is more of what I was thinking. I still have the PSD.

The base of the tree is on a different plane than the floor (I.E. the carpet is tilted too high).

EDIT: Yeah, this is kind of a bump. Sorry.
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Old 08-30-2006, 04:39 PM   #38
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
That's just the way the original pic of it was. That's not the final version, anyway.
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Old 08-30-2006, 06:05 PM   #39

Odin's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Ah. Just suggesting.
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Old 08-31-2006, 02:00 PM   #40

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Nuclear Winter HRP
Thats true, I'll see what I can do next time
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