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Old 08-05-2010, 01:33 AM   #1
Whats guns should Duke carry?
ALL of the ones from DN3D, but I was thinking the following would be nice:

1)doublebarrelled Glock with autoloaded and laser sights
2)m4 with attached mortar below the barrel
3)combat shotgun with telescopic sights
4)Ok now this thinking outside the box! Don't flame me, eek! Here goes..

double M60!!!!! droooollll
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Old 08-05-2010, 01:47 AM   #2

WarThrash's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Double m60 is nice actually. Very....Schwarzeneggarish...for lack of a better word

I'd also go with a classic minigun. Like the one Jesse Ventura had in Predator. Not sure if it'd be too similar to the Ripper though.
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Old 08-05-2010, 04:44 AM   #3

Rapture_Rising's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Ok going with outlandish, overly powerful weapons, i wouldnt mind seeing the "vaporiser" from an ep of CSI Miami or its real life counterpart of the Metalstorm multibarrel prototype (i dont know its real name), who wouldnt like to pump 1 million rounds a minute into a pig cop.

Edit*** for those who dont believe me
Here we go folks... The rarest creature in nature... The Duketard. I will now approach him very quitely and... Jam my thumb in his butt hole. That should REALLY piss him off!.
Last edited by Rapture_Rising; 08-05-2010 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 08-05-2010, 04:46 AM   #4

pjVgt's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
PMS gun - a gun that shoots special projectiles with rate of 3 shots per second, each projectile will have random effect of shrinking, expanding or freezing your enemies.
"Imma want my dukemz to pley!!!" - chaosomega
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Old 08-05-2010, 05:09 AM   #5

X-Vector's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
* 12-gauge autoloader
* .45 longslide with laser sighting
* phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range
* Uzi 9mm
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Old 08-05-2010, 05:12 AM   #6

Rösti's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by pjVgt View Post
PMS gun - a gun that shoots special projectiles with rate of 3 shots per second, each projectile will have random effect of shrinking, expanding or freezing your enemies.
When I read PMS I came to think of premenstrual syndrome and was like "A gun that shoots menstrual blood, eww!".

Anyway, a Golden Desert Eagle is given and other small firearms would be neat. But of course should he also carry grenade launchers, machine guns and similar. My favorite is the Devastator though.
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Old 08-05-2010, 07:03 AM   #7

Nacho's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by pjVgt View Post
PMS gun - a gun that shoots special projectiles with rate of 3 shots per second, each projectile will have random effect of shrinking, expanding or freezing your enemies.
I see what you did there...

The shrinker, expander... hell, even the freezer were so memorable that I'd love to see some more Alien weaponry like that (Alien as in strange). I loved the stuff in Prey but it still just felt like regular weapons with a different look... I feel that we need something on the more strange side....
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Old 08-05-2010, 08:43 AM   #8

pjVgt's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
It's called PMS because of random nature of it (with always deadly end results) - just like in real life .

I have another proposition - complete weapon list!

1. Duke Mighty Boot - in normal mode Duke kicks like a mule and in alternative fire he kick aliens directly in the nads which stuns them for few seconds (good for stronger aliens), on steroids he deals "Nuke-Kicks" which are so fast and so powerful that the energy released on contact with the atmosphere or any solid matter is comparable to small atomic charge

2. Golden Eagle Gun - more like balls-of-steel casull .454 full-auto fire (like those pimped glocks) with dum-dum ammunition (recommended for aliens by the Geneva Convention) than wimpy desert eagle .44 - this config propably would rip off normal guy hand but Duke is immune to bland normality

3. Universal Railgun - gun that serves as shotgun, ripper and rpg - it has mini-fusion chamber instead of rounds with 60 pellets inside, fusion chamber is the power source for the rails which can shoot 15 pellets at once, 12 pellets per second or shoot the fusion chamber itself creating thus a mini-rocket (that is like a anti-personel mine when explodes with all those 60x0.177)

4. Pipebombs - just pipeboms, classically remote detonated, timer-fused, proximity-fused (like in Blood) and special with fusion charge (that kills even thru walls by gamma radiation making aliens glow shortly first like on x-ray) and psycho gas (aliens dance and act like retards for 30 seconds - easy to kill but difficult to hit when they jump all around the place)

5. IO gun (inside-out gun) - creates bizzaro blackholes inside alien bowels which blows them inside out and killing them from blood loss and organ rupture - doesn't work on stronger more massive enemies

6. PMS gun - maybe with switchable fire mode? this way it should be called STFU gun (shrink-to-freeze-up gun)

7. Pete Burns Gun - changes aliens into their sexy (not always) human female counterparts, Duke can perform shake-it-baby on the to regain lost ego

8. Chicken Nuggets box-of-doom - it is a throwable weapon, its delicious scent of fried chicken with 666 spices and herbs lure aliens into its proximity, but when some alien opens the box it reveals its true nature - the box is cursed and everyone who opens it is consumed by it and changed in a chicken nugget, Duke can pick up cursed box after and eat nuggets thus regaining health - he is immune to the curse because even ancient magical fast-food boxes know not to mess up with Duke

9. Mini-Duke - a deadly small 9inch Duke Nukem robot, he can be controlled directly or programmed to hold position, follow and attack - he is armed with mini-pipeboms and mini-ripper plus mini-nuke for remote detonation

0. BoomBox with Bieber record - most powerful weapon in the galaxy, aliens will try to kill themselves while hearing this music (jump through windows or into pits, run into walls banging heads, strangle themselves or simply shot in the head) or slowly die from brain damage if unable to commit suicide any other way - Duke himself is immune because he listens to Megadeath all the time, alien bosses are also immune because they created Bieber in the first place
"Imma want my dukemz to pley!!!" - chaosomega
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Old 08-05-2010, 12:41 PM   #9
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Ok bar none this screams Duke - specially made for that zombie level.

full thread show the full awesomness
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Old 08-05-2010, 02:24 PM   #10
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?

Nuff' said

do it
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Old 08-05-2010, 03:30 PM   #11

JobivanHiob's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
some super inovative experimental weapons.
I want some weapons that are super awesome to handle. Not some standard shooter weapons that only have a different look but shoot the same as those standard shooter weapons. ( english at it best )

Deliver a weapon that is as awesome as the portal gun but actually CAN kill!

Stay up to date with for the UNEXPECTED and PREPARE YOURSELF for SHOCK and AWESOME on Penny Arcade EXPO from September 3-5!
Onebullit: "If DNF comes out in 2010 i will buy 2 copies and send you one."
pjVgt regading DNF at PAX:"I would seriously shit my pants and pre-order three copies - one will be sent to Jobi"
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Old 08-05-2010, 06:42 PM   #12

cof_3pc's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
I think Duke should have the same shit he had in the original Duke 3D.
RAWR! I'm in the Duketard Guild, because I am a lvl 70 bad ass. "Eat shit and die!"
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Old 08-05-2010, 06:57 PM   #13
prophecy holder

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Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by cof_3pc View Post
I think Duke should have the same shit he had in the original Duke 3D.
Nah, we didn't wait 15+ years for the same old shit.
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Old 08-05-2010, 07:38 PM   #14

thunderPIN's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Bring back the Lead Cannon from Duke Advance!
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Old 08-05-2010, 09:35 PM   #15

Acid's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by cof_3pc View Post
I think Duke should have the same shit he had in the original Duke 3D.
Yeah, plus more, the old guns could be altered a tad, dont want them too similar, didnt wait so many years to get just the same guns.
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Old 08-05-2010, 10:36 PM   #16
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by X-Vector View Post
* 12-gauge autoloader
* .45 longslide with laser sighting
* phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range
* Uzi 9mm
Hahahaha exactly what I was going to say.
Duke should also have the minigun from Terminator 2, as well as the T2 shotgun which I believe is the 1901 version of the 1887 Winchester lever action shotgun. Oh yeah and he should have a .44 Magnum and a sawnoff shotgun/chainsaw combination, now that would be groovy.
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Old 08-06-2010, 12:59 AM   #17

WarThrash's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by X-Vector View Post
* 12-gauge autoloader
* .45 longslide with laser sighting
* phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range
* Uzi 9mm
"Hey you can't doo dat!"
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Old 08-06-2010, 03:00 PM   #18
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
I see many cool ideas already. I would like different weapons available in different parts of the game. I would certainly like all of the originals to reappear, but I wouldn't mind a melee attack that really works (not bashing the mighty foot). Something that would make you feel how strong he is, but nothing to complicated to execute. It wouldn't work on anything above pig cops.
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Old 08-06-2010, 08:42 PM   #19

cof_3pc's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by prophecy holder View Post
Nah, we didn't wait 15+ years for the same old shit.
Wouldn't bother me one bit. All I want is Duke3D with modern graphics, and new episodes.

I just want to blow shit up and talk shit in the voice of Duke while I am doing it.

The only difference I'd like to see is more physics and interaction.
RAWR! I'm in the Duketard Guild, because I am a lvl 70 bad ass. "Eat shit and die!"
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Old 08-06-2010, 08:53 PM   #20

Edli's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by cof_3pc View Post
Wouldn't bother me one bit. All I want is Duke3D with modern graphics, and new episodes.

I just want to blow shit up and talk shit in the voice of Duke while I am doing it.

The only difference I'd like to see is more physics and interaction.
Mother******* THIS.
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Old 08-06-2010, 09:07 PM   #21

DerricktheW's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Am I the only one that gets overly pissed off at horribly f***ed up grammar in thread titles?
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Old 08-06-2010, 09:21 PM   #22

gamefan11's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by DerricktheW View Post
Am I the only one that gets overly pissed off at horribly f***ed up grammar in thread titles?
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Old 08-06-2010, 10:19 PM   #23

GrimWoman's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by thunderPIN View Post
Bring back the Lead Cannon from Duke Advance!
I agree, the Lead Cannon is like the Super Shotgun from Doom II, but better!
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Old 08-06-2010, 10:51 PM   #24

thunderPIN's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Glad to see someone agrees with me I remember getting the Lead Cannon for the first time in Duke Advance and laughing out loud at how rediculous the thought of the weapon is. It is really awesome though! Only Duke would be able to stay on his feet after firing a quadruple barreled Shotgun.

The gatling gun he used in Time To Kill was a pretty devastating weapon and is a personal favorite of mine. If I had to choose some kind of weapon not used in previous Duke games, I think it would be neat if Duke had some kind of gun that shoots razor sharp discs that slices and dices enemies.
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Old 08-06-2010, 11:10 PM   #25

WarThrash's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
I'd love any weapon that disintegrates the enemy leaving only a skeleton. I loved the gun on FEAR (forgot the name of it) that left nothing but a human skeleton after you shot them with it. Of course on this game it would be a pig or lizard shaped skeleton rather than a human one.
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Old 08-07-2010, 12:04 AM   #26

Valdsator's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by WarThrash View Post
I'd love any weapon that disintegrates the enemy leaving only a skeleton. I loved the gun on FEAR (forgot the name of it) that left nothing but a human skeleton after you shot them with it. Of course on this game it would be a pig or lizard shaped skeleton rather than a human one.
Or, this.

That gun was aaaawesoooome.
I should play that game again.
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Old 08-07-2010, 11:14 AM   #27

Zeromaeus's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Something alien and somewhat bizarre.
Stuff along the lines that pjVgt suggested
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Old 08-07-2010, 11:48 AM   #28
prophecy holder

prophecy holder's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
I thought of a weapon. Think of a flamethrower, but instead of fire it shoots out acid. Melts the skin of your enemies and if you shoot enough of it you turn it into a puddle of red goo. Secondary attack would be a burst shot, that would hit the target and after awhile the enemy would scramble around in pain ripping off parts of it's body to stop the pain even though it's practically killing itself in the process.
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Old 08-07-2010, 06:37 PM   #29
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Something like a cerebral bore from Turok 2 Seeds of Evil. Loved that weapon when I played that game about 12 years ago !
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Old 08-09-2010, 06:06 AM   #30
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
I got some ideas for new weapons:

1) Radiation Riffle
This one should fire massive wide-range RTG rays. The effect would not be immediate, but the bigger "life to death ratio" is greatly compensated by the horrible deaths of ugly aliens. They would scream in pain and begging for quick, merciful shot .

2) Virus/Poison spreader
The effect is the same as the one mentioned above (slow horrible death), but this one adds new strategy feature: the infected person/alien spread the disease, co it's extremely helpful in situation with hordes of enemies and plenty of time. Use with caution, Duke has to be vaccinated .

3) Squisher
Equipment capable of space distortion. It basically shrinks the space around the target, so it gets squished by walls or anything nearby.

4) Suicider
Ray gun causing suicidal behaviour. The inflicted alien can also drain the mood of other aliens (which leads to worsening of their skills)

5) The Apocalyptor
The Ultimate weapon. No one knows why, no one knows how, but it destroys everything in one big explosion (maybe nuclear explosion?)
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Old 08-09-2010, 06:15 AM   #31

Rapture_Rising's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
How about the MacGyver gun, takes two random objects and turns them into a weapon of mass destruction or another gun that just shoots chunks of cheese, its not real usefull or handy but fun to use.
Here we go folks... The rarest creature in nature... The Duketard. I will now approach him very quitely and... Jam my thumb in his butt hole. That should REALLY piss him off!.
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Old 08-09-2010, 09:20 AM   #32

WarThrash's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
A flamethrower that turns the pigcops into actual Bacon strips on a dinner plate which can then be eaten for health
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Old 08-09-2010, 01:46 PM   #33
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?

Try saying that 5 times fast!
Last edited by bebisjanne; 08-09-2010 at 01:49 PM.
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Old 08-09-2010, 01:56 PM   #34

Valdsator's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by WarThrash View Post
A flamethrower that turns the pigcops into actual Bacon strips on a dinner plate which can then be eaten for health
And, if you shoot the bacon strips, more appear, and it gives double the health!
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Old 08-09-2010, 03:36 PM   #35

WarThrash's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
You know, aside from weapons, I'd like to see what ideas people come up with for new equipment items (like the Holoduke, steroids, etc)

As for another weapon...I suggest a Duke Burger "Dukie Meal" action figure that you wind up and release. You can control it remotely and detonate it or set it to explode in proximity with baddies.

I really hope I get credit for the term "Dukie Meal", Mr. Broussard...
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Old 08-09-2010, 06:05 PM   #36

PredatorFL's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
I dunno if they could use steroids, the red cross gave ID crap for using the swiss cross on the medpacks so in Doom XBLA they are a pill. I'm sure they would go bonkers if a game had a protagonist that used steroids.

I still find it amazing how he can get women when his nuts have to be the size of chic-peas lol.
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:50 PM   #37

GrimWoman's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by PredatorFL View Post
I dunno if they could use steroids, the red cross gave ID crap for using the swiss cross on the medpacks so in Doom XBLA they are a pill. I'm sure they would go bonkers if a game had a protagonist that used steroids.
I say let red cross cry and wine, Duke doesn't take vitamin X he takes steroids.

Anyway, i a bit surprised no one wants to see the Plasma Cannon from DN64 back in the game, its easily one of the best guns Duke carried in any of his games.
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Old 08-09-2010, 09:33 PM   #38

cof_3pc's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
I never used the steroids in Duke3D anyways. Useless if you ask me. Modern games don't need a guy that runs 50mph like in DOOM and Duke3D anyways.
RAWR! I'm in the Duketard Guild, because I am a lvl 70 bad ass. "Eat shit and die!"
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Old 08-09-2010, 09:43 PM   #39

GrimWoman's Avatar
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by cof_3pc View Post
I never used the steroids in Duke3D anyways. Useless if you ask me. Modern games don't need a guy that runs 50mph like in DOOM and Duke3D anyways.
You must have not played alot of Dukematch, steroids are a must.

Also modern games are too slow. I want DNF to be a bit slower then DN3D, But still fast.
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Old 08-10-2010, 01:50 AM   #40
Re: Whats guns should Duke carry?
Originally Posted by warthrash View Post
"hey you can't doo dat!"
wrong! Bang!

Duke should have like a mk19 or something like that
Last edited by DN4ever; 08-10-2010 at 01:52 AM.
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