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Old 09-14-2005, 06:49 AM   #81

mouth's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction for Shadow Warrior Released
I just wanted to say, you do get to hear "ah damn you" line every 3 seconds, cos it has nothing to do with the stuff you mentioned back there. Cos I'm playing SW without jonof port and I still get to hear it a lot. It's probably just the enemies' taunt.

btw. how do I get that damn red keycard in the Chinatown level? I can't get rid of those bars blocking my way. Hlp plz!
- I need to donate some blood... someone else's
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Old 09-14-2005, 10:59 AM   #82
mental stampede

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Re: Wanton Destruction for Shadow Warrior Released
mouth said:
I just wanted to say, you do get to hear "ah damn you" line every 3 seconds, cos it has nothing to do with the stuff you mentioned back there. Cos I'm playing SW without jonof port and I still get to hear it a lot. It's probably just the enemies' taunt.

The "ah damn you" is the taunt they use when attacked. Their normal sound is much less annoying. You still hear that a lot even with a good build. The bug just caused it to play constantly whenever you were anywhere remotly close to that type of enemy. Terminix's build fixed that issue for me perfectly.
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Old 09-14-2005, 11:11 AM   #83
Wanton Destruction FAQ!
Hey everyone. I've been working on a Wanton Destruction FAQ/Walkthrough. You can find it on GameFAQs' Shadow Warrior page (it's the one by xwarzone).

Currently up is v0.7, complete up to Level 7 including both secret levels. Guide contains walkthrough & *all* secrets for the covered levels, tips on getting SW to work on XP, and workarounds to the missing bosses bug... the short story: playing on difficulty level 3 (and possibly 4) should fix this bug.

As for the "AH DAMN YOU" that has been asked about, it's the new Ninja's pain sound.

Let me know what you think... my email address is in the FAQ

PS: the final version should come out around the weekend.
Wang. Lo Wang.
- Tonight Never Ends
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Old 09-14-2005, 02:10 PM   #84

Phayzon's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction FAQ!
in the Q&A section, it says SWCLIP is the noclip cheat, its not, its SWGHOST.
I made the first post on the VB!
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Old 09-14-2005, 03:27 PM   #85
Re: Wanton Destruction FAQ!
Phayzon said:
in the Q&A section, it says SWCLIP is the noclip cheat, its not, its SWGHOST.

Also, I've submitted a new version (v0.9) that is content complete - all the level walkthroughs and 100% secrets. Should be up in a day or so...

EDIT: I've attached it to the post, if anyone wants it right away.
Attached Files
File Type: zip (28.2 KB, 101 views)
Wang. Lo Wang.
- Tonight Never Ends
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Old 09-15-2005, 12:25 AM   #86
Re: Wanton Destruction FAQ!

(Excuse my english but it is not my mother tongue)

I have two computer, a 400 mhz with win 98 and a 3 ghz with win xp. I have install Shadow Warrior on my pc with win 98 then install the patch for the sound and then the Wanton Destruction expansion.
After that I made a copy of the file WT (47557kb) and put it in my big pc with win xp.
In that pc I use Jonof and rename the WT file to SW and it work fine with no problem. I was able to find the 2 secret map in level 2 and 5. I am in the the last level now without a crash :-)
It is in my win 98 system that I have sometime experienced crash (when going underwater in some level)
Thank's for that add on for Shadow Warrior :-)
I have wait for it since 1997!!
Old 09-15-2005, 03:07 AM   #87

TerminX's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction FAQ!
Wanton Destruction has its own .exe, simply renamed to wanton.dat -- since Ken's sound patch doesn't search for the values to patch, if you want it to work right you're going to have to get a hex editor and do it yourself. If you're technically inclined, see the top of for instructions.
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Old 09-15-2005, 03:42 PM   #88

T-6000's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction for Shadow Warrior Released
Hey, thanks for the Box art scans. What was the CD art going to look like though, if you don't mind me asking? And what was the planned release date (I'm thinking sometime around 1998 maybe) before it got shelved?

I think I have an old PC Gamer issue stored away that had the origional Magazine ad for Wanton Destruction. If I get the chance to, I'll see if I can dig it out, scan the ad, and post it for old time's sake.
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Old 09-20-2005, 07:53 AM   #89
Wanton Destruction FAQ done
Hmmm, it looks like enthusiasm for WD has died down, at least on this forum... anyway, FAQ v1.0 is up on GameFAQs. All secrets, complete walkthrough, workarounds for bosses bug, hints on playing the game on XP, and more - now with a patin of gloss.
Wang. Lo Wang.
- Tonight Never Ends
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Old 09-20-2005, 03:01 PM   #90

Ras's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction FAQ done
Thanks, but the instructions for secrets on at least level 2 need a little editing. For example, on secret 9, you say to access it from secret 3. It's actually secret 8. For secret 10, you reference secret 4, but it should be 9. I was having a devil of a time finding the ledge from secret 4, until I finally decided to try a few of the other secrets. Still, I wouldn't have known where secret 10 was at all without your help.
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Old 09-21-2005, 02:53 PM   #91
Re: Wanton Destruction FAQ done
Ras said:
Thanks, but the instructions for secrets on at least level 2 need a little editing. For example, on secret 9, you say to access it from secret 3. It's actually secret 8. For secret 10, you reference secret 4, but it should be 9. I was having a devil of a time finding the ledge from secret 4, until I finally decided to try a few of the other secrets. Still, I wouldn't have known where secret 10 was at all without your help.
Whoops! Must have forgotten that when reediting the FAQ. v1.1 version submitted, should be up around tomorrow.

If you see any more stuff like that, feel free to mail me... address' in the FAQ.
Wang. Lo Wang.
- Tonight Never Ends
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Old 09-26-2005, 02:51 PM   #92
Jabba the Hutt

Jabba the Hutt's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction FAQ done
He, I'm just back from vacation and find this on the 3DR-news-site.
These are great news, a great day for all 'Shadow Warrior'-Fans! Thank you, 3DR!!
(Release DNF, and 'gods' isn't an appropriate name for you, guys! )
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Old 09-28-2005, 08:04 AM   #93

Iggy's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction FAQ done
Speaking of disappearing bosses, I'm in the second level (Monastary) and I hear an anime-girl nearby but can't see her. (I'm using ProAsm's build) Anyone else does?

Never mind, I already found her, she was in a secret room.
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Old 09-29-2005, 09:52 AM   #94

ShadeEX's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction for Shadow Warrior Released
Jup nice... im new here but been a longtime fan... of 3drealms games...

I've made a bat-file to all who thinks the game runs slow... when using WDMSound..

i've posted the file in the other sw sorce code thread... heres the link...

Here it is...

Look for my second post there...

Hope you all like it
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Old 09-30-2005, 08:38 PM   #95

ixfd64's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction for Shadow Warrior Released!
This is awesome!
*fires Devastator at next poster*

Visit my forums!
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Old 10-05-2005, 02:08 PM   #96
Little Conqueror

Little Conqueror's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction for Shadow Warrior Released
I have to say that the quality of this add-on is top notch. Kudos to everybody involved - it's a pity it didn't see the light of day when it could have, but thank goodness it made it this far.
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Old 12-10-2005, 02:11 PM   #97

Illdo's Avatar
Re: Wanton Destruction for Shadow Warrior Released
Woohoo SW is still alive after all those years!!
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