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Old 08-18-2009, 08:30 AM   #121

Jeffpiatt's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
i would be happy if it became an $5 ebook or apogee pit it up for sale on amazon.
interestingly the sod manual has an amazon page
Last edited by Jeffpiatt; 08-18-2009 at 08:49 AM.
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Old 08-18-2009, 01:42 PM   #122
The Carnage Man

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Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Don't think they will do that.. with only 3 people working at 3drealms its hard to process all those orders
Maybey after the lawsuit and 3drealms is back in full force they will update the shop again with some nice goodies
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Old 08-18-2009, 02:07 PM   #123

Jeffpiatt's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
amazon can handle the fulfillment for them if they can get the budget. roght now the only way to get a hint book is to buy the gt interactive retail box of wolfenstine 3d hopefully id will bout out a wolfenstine collectors edition and include one massive hint book for all of the games in the box
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Old 08-18-2009, 10:22 PM   #124
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Well, they did release a special collector's edition of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, so here's hoping they'll do something similar with the new game.
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Old 08-19-2009, 02:43 PM   #125

jpb6891's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
I need my ROTT and Shadow Warrior links to be fixed. My email is [email protected] .
Last edited by jpb6891; 08-19-2009 at 02:45 PM.
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Old 08-19-2009, 04:11 PM   #126
The Carnage Man

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Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Originally Posted by jpb6891 View Post
I need my ROTT and Shadow Warrior links to be fixed. My email is [email protected] .
Email to [email protected] and maybey Bryan can help you with it..
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Old 08-30-2009, 08:02 AM   #127
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Originally Posted by Jeffpiatt View Post
personally i want to get shadow warrior and give us a download sound track option. also i really hope that the wolfenstine 3d hint book goes back up for sale i have been waiting to get one.
That won't be happening. When 3DR laid off all the staff, the people who shipped orders were let go. THAT WAS THE ENTIRE REASON for me overhauling the product line. To put it in a form that would not require any sort of manual intervention. It's why I added games that weren't available online before. Because there would be nobody around to ship anything. If your idea involves 3DR shipping anything to you - forget it. Not happening.

Originally Posted by marzsyndrome View Post
Maybe if it did get onto GOG the 3DR store might drop its own price in response. I don't know who decided on SW being $10 compared to almost everything else being $6, nor do I understand the reasoning behind it. Is it based on how recent a game is? Like games in '97 or later are pricier?
When the source code for Shadow Warrior was released, the price was dropped to $10 "in celebration" (according to the guy who sets the prices). It remained there. When the prices were overhauled he looked at everything, and set prices.

Now this part is personal speculation, the prices were set after I left, so I have no idea what the thinking really was.. Shadow Warrior is what one of 3DR considers a "prime game", one to be priced higher than everything else, so it was left where it was. Besides, for what you get, it's not totally outrageous, anyway. The reason Duke3D is not also $10 is Gog, I'm assuming.

Originally Posted by jpb6891 View Post
I need my ROTT and Shadow Warrior links to be fixed. My email is [email protected] .
Email [email protected]. No point in asking for help here.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

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Old 11-29-2009, 05:34 AM   #128
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Originally Posted by Bryan3DR View Post you thought that Goodbye meant there will be no more updates ever? That was a Goodbye from the development team.

Anyway, I'm here to report on an update I have posted to the 3D Realms online store. As some of you may have noticed, 3D Realms ceased shipping physical product right around the time we posted the Goodbye story. We went to downloads only, and we're here to report that this will remain the same. 3D Realms will no longer ship physical product of any kind. We are however, continuing to make available our older titles via registered download.

Available now in the online store is our new product line of registered downloads. This is a complete overhaul, too. It's not just the same files we had in our old store in a new store. All of them have been redone with a new installer, and most importantly a new DOSBox wrapper. Our previous downloads were the original DOS games, which for a lot of people who weren't familiar with the original DOS commands was a difficult thing. DOSBox gets around that, and all of the old games have this included, so you will be able to run them from Windows quite easily. The new installers will install the game through Windows (even works in Vista), and you can click on them with icons, and all that good stuff. This was no easy task to rebuild the entire product line like that. A major thanks goes out to former 3DR staffer Joe Siegler for doing all of this on his final two days at 3DR. Also, a big thanks goes to Peter Veenstra from the DOSBox crew for helping out in testing the builds. There's no way this could have come together so quickly without these two guys.

But that's not all! In addition to all the games we previously had in our online store, we've also made some available that we never sold as registered downloads before - or just haven't sold in awhile. New additions to the 3D Realms online store include Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Terminal Velocity, Death Rally, & Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project! Also available again after a rather long wait is Balls of Steel! You can buy all of these, plus all the previously available titles by visiting our online store by visiting

And if that wasn't enough, don't forget that we have released several of our legacy titles in the past via freeware. Check out our list of freeware releases here.
And if I want the original game files without the enforced DOSBox wrapper?
I just want the original DOS-Games as unmodified version in its original DOS-Version.

I can handle dosbox myself and don't want an "enforced" DOSbox in the instalation.

Please can you offer in the installatin option the games also in its "original DOS version" for thoose who can handle it themselves?
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Old 11-29-2009, 07:36 PM   #129

Phayzon's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Dude, the data and executables are there... Dosbox doesnt just conjure the games. I'd think if you could "handle it" yourself you couldve figured this out.
I made the first post on the VB!
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Old 11-29-2009, 10:50 PM   #130
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Yeah, the games are still the same as they were before. The only differences are a new installer and the addition of DOSBox (which can easily be removed if you wish).
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Old 08-05-2010, 01:32 PM   #131

swh's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Can the new downloads be played in Linux? Has anybody got experience with it?

And second, if you ever bought games from the store, are you eligible to download the rewrapped ones, or do you need to buy them again?
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
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Old 08-06-2010, 04:54 PM   #132

Rellik66's Avatar
Re: 3D Realms Online Store overhaul
Q1: No and yes, the new downloads use a win32 installer, so you may need to use WINE or manually extract the files if it is possible. Second, all the dos-based games use the windows DOSbox version, so in theory, all you need to do is get the linux DOSbox version from your local friendly repository, or download it from the DOSbox website.

Q2: I don't have the answer to that, but I'm guessing probably not.
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