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Old 09-01-2010, 07:02 AM   #1

ferran275's Avatar
Question Specs needed to run DNF
I'm sure this has been discussed before but I looked and couldn't find anything on the subject (promise!). So seeing as this game will obviously be very heavy graphically what do you all think will be needed to run it at highest settings? I have an Xbox but I don't want to play it on their, you lose so many of the little things on a console, it seems like this game that was built strictly for PC.

That being said I tried to run Mafia II on my pc at lowest settings and it was terribly choppy, guess its time for an upgrade I just don't know if thats just an upgrade for the video card or new ram too any help?
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:09 AM   #2

Steve's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by ferran275 View Post
any help?
Wait until the game is released.
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:13 AM   #3
The Dukenator

The Dukenator's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Depends what your current specs are now.
Usually, games on consoles are the same on PC, but certain things have been redesigned.
Thank you sir. May I have DNF? - KaiserSoze - Look in profile to get joke.
These are English forums; anything the moderators can't read is eligible for deletion. - TerminX
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:13 AM   #4

ferran275's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by Steve View Post
Wait until the game is released.
oh GREAT idea, so I should wait until midnight opening day, get the game, go home, OH NO! it doesn't work! stare at a blank screen until 8AM when Best Buy opens and get shafted paying at least $100 more on a card that I could have researched and had the time to shop around for. No really, that's a really great idea Steve
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:22 AM   #5

Rapture_Rising's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by ferran275 View Post
oh GREAT idea, so I should wait until midnight opening day, get the game, go home, OH NO! it doesn't work! stare at a blank screen until 8AM when Best Buy opens and get shafted paying at least $100 more on a card that I could have researched and had the time to shop around for. No really, that's a really great idea Steve
They might release the specs before they release the game so if people want to play they will have time to upgrade.

My judgement im guessing 512mb graphics should cover it nicely, it aint going to have graphics like crysis.
Here we go folks... The rarest creature in nature... The Duketard. I will now approach him very quitely and... Jam my thumb in his butt hole. That should REALLY piss him off!.
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:25 AM   #6

predl's Avatar
Duke Nukem Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by ferran275 View Post
oh GREAT idea, so I should wait until midnight opening day, get the game, go home, OH NO! it doesn't work! stare at a blank screen until 8AM when Best Buy opens and get shafted paying at least $100 more on a card that I could have researched and had the time to shop around for. No really, that's a really great idea Steve
When the game is officially announced you will get your specs!!!!!
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:33 AM   #7
alex d
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
There's a choice of two things to do:

1) Wait until the game's actually in the open like Steve said and put a machine together based on the firm, hard, factual specs released by whoever's making it.

2) Have some common sense, look at what the average high-end game requires right now and spec above that.

If you buy a shit hot computer now then chances are it'll be more than enough for DNF if it's really relatively near release. Ya know, a £100+ DX11 card, atleast 4gb of ram and a Core i5 or i7 should boat along nicely on virtually anything.

If you spec for low-end or mid-range then you're obviously running the risk of only being able to run it with the graphical settings turned down to low.
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:41 AM   #8

ferran275's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by alex d View Post
There's a choice of two things to do:

1) Wait until the game's actually in the open like Steve said and put a machine together based on the firm, hard, factual specs released by whoever's making it.

2) Have some common sense, look at what the average high-end game requires right now and spec above that.

If you buy a shit hot computer now then chances are it'll be more than enough for DNF if it's really relatively near release. Ya know, a £100+ DX11 card, atleast 4gb of ram and a Core i5 or i7 should boat along nicely on virtually anything.

If you spec for low-end or mid-range then you're obviously running the risk of only being able to run it with the graphical settings turned down to low.
Yeah, I guess I'll just wait, my system is 'ok' now, I can run Fallout 3 at almost highest settings with no lag at all, but anything newer starts to slow down. GTA IV and Mafia II being the biggest examples, I can hardly run GTA and can't run Mafia II at all, well... I CAN but its awful I'll just need to upgrade the whole thing, I'm only running dual cores at 2.40 GHz, and my card is a nvidia 7800 with only 2 GB of RAM. Time to start saving pennies!
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:43 AM   #9
crunchy superman

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Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by ferran275 View Post
I'm sure this has been discussed before but I looked and couldn't find anything on the subject (promise!). So seeing as this game will obviously be very heavy graphically what do you all think will be needed to run it at highest settings? I have an Xbox but I don't want to play it on their, you lose so many of the little things on a console, it seems like this game that was built strictly for PC.

That being said I tried to run Mafia II on my pc at lowest settings and it was terribly choppy, guess its time for an upgrade I just don't know if thats just an upgrade for the video card or new ram too any help?
Why would you think that anyone here could give you recommended system specs on a game that hasn't been announced (or existence even confirmed) by a developer that also hasn't even been officially named?

I'm sure we'll get such information and then you'll have plenty of time before release.

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Old 09-01-2010, 07:44 AM   #10

alexgk's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
I remember this being part of an old F.A.Q., something like: "Don't buy anything for your PC until we say you can"
Playable demo this year! Confirmed!!
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:50 AM   #11
Stevey Boy

Stevey Boy's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Buy an Xbox 360 and not have to worry about it not running, or any other game for that matter

Really, who knows, it may never even come out
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:52 AM   #12
Golden Diva
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by ferran275 View Post
Yeah, I guess I'll just wait, my system is 'ok' now, I can run Fallout 3 at almost highest settings with no lag at all, but anything newer starts to slow down. GTA IV and Mafia II being the biggest examples, I can hardly run GTA and can't run Mafia II at all, well... I CAN but its awful I'll just need to upgrade the whole thing, I'm only running dual cores at 2.40 GHz, and my card is a nvidia 7800 with only 2 GB of RAM. Time to start saving pennies!
What's the native resolution of your display ?
I guess your CPU is a Core 2 duo E6600, right ?
If you are considering a full upgrade of your rig for DNF only, my best advice would be to wait for a release date... If the game is really worked on and sceduled to be released in 2011, you can wait for Intel's Sandy Bridge and the next Radeon generation coming soon.
But i guess a S1156 based rig, with a Core I5 760 and a GTX 460 would allow you to play DNF on the highest settings, with AA8X and AF16X. (it's only a guess, based on the engine they use and what I've seen from the leaked footage)
That is if the game is actually playable one day of course.
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:57 AM   #13

ferran275's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by crunchy superman View Post
Why would you think that anyone here could give you recommended system specs on a game that hasn't been announced (or existence even confirmed) by a developer that also hasn't even been officially named?

I'm sure we'll get such information and then you'll have plenty of time before release.
the question is more like what do you THINK the specs will be, a general question about what kind of bad ass system you'll need to run a game like that, not specifically DNF, I guess the title is a little misleading

---------- Post added at 07:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Golden Diva View Post
What's the native resolution of your display ?
I guess your CPU is a Core 2 duo E6600, right ?
If you are considering a full upgrade of your rig for DNF only, my best advice would be to wait for a release date... If the game is really worked on and sceduled to be released in 2011, you can wait for Intel's Sandy Bridge and the next Radeon generation coming soon.
But i guess a S1156 based rig, with a Core I5 760 and a GTX 460 would allow you to play DNF on the highest settings, with AA8X and AF16X. (it's only a guess, based on the engine they use and what I've seen from the leaked footage)
That is if the game is actually playable one day of course.
yeah, this is more of what I was looking for, and I think I will wait
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Old 09-01-2010, 08:42 AM   #14
Golden Diva
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by Stevey Boy View Post
Buy an Xbox 360 and not have to worry about it not running, or any other game for that matter

Really, who knows, it may never even come out
He has said in his first post that he owns an Xbox dut doesn't want to use it for DNF.
By the way, he can buy a crap PC and not have to worry about it running ... with crap settings. That's about the same as getting an Xbox.
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Old 09-01-2010, 08:46 AM   #15

Jeff's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Based on what I saw in the trailer in 2007 as well as the updated one, I would way anything built within the last couple years could run it on at least minimum settings.

I currently run Mass Effect 2 somewhere between 50-100 FPS. I can't really remember. I'll have to check when I get home. If I can run that, which was made in 2010 and on a newer engine than Unreal 2-2.5, then I should be good.

I was planning on upgrading to a Sandy Bridge 6 or 8 core next year for FSX as well as other stuff I do, and if that won't run DNF, I don't know what will.
Last edited by Jeff; 09-01-2010 at 08:48 AM.
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Old 09-01-2010, 08:51 AM   #16
Dark Rabbit
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
I would say that it would be better to wait until the game comes out, as some of the graphics cards might be obsolete by then if bought now. Or, for all we know, it might not take that much in cards, as my computer can still run games like that, and it's about 4 years old.
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:33 AM   #17

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by ferran275 View Post
oh GREAT idea, so I should wait until midnight opening day, get the game, go home, OH NO! it doesn't work! stare at a blank screen until 8AM when Best Buy opens and get shafted paying at least $100 more on a card that I could have researched and had the time to shop around for. No really, that's a really great idea Steve

That is 100% what was said, and meant by what was said. You are impeccable fine Sir. When you buy your PC parts from Best Buy - you get shafted every time, so I guess you are used to it by now?

Just wait, don't go Full Retard on the forums. When "DNF" is finally announced, for real - you will have all the info you need to make your savvy purchases before DNF is released.
Duke Nukem Forever
Who am I to judge?
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:53 AM   #18

Reaper89's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
1. Buy new PC (Quad-core, and good video card)
2. Sell previous PC
3. Wait till DNF Announcement
4. ????

Start right now, and you'll be ok.
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Old 09-01-2010, 10:16 AM   #19

ferran275's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by Reaper89 View Post
1. Buy new PC (Quad-core, and good video card)
2. Sell previous PC
3. Wait till DNF Announcement
4. ????

Start right now, and you'll be ok.

I'll get right on it!

Simpson's references FTW!
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