3D Realms Anthology

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Old 10-24-2014, 09:29 PM   #1

eisnerguy1's Avatar
Question Some issues with Commander Keen in the Anthology Release
So, I've found some issues with the versions of Commander Keen included in the Anthology Release. I figured I'd put it all in 1 topic. Just as a heads up, I know these are Mac screenshots. I installed the games in Windows 8 (via VMWare) and copied over the game files back to my Mac.

It looks like Keen 4 is version 1.1 & Keen 5 is version 1.4.

Both should be version 1.4 (like the Steam release). Here's what it should look like if the 2 games are the latest version:

Another thing, it looks like Keen 4 & Keen 5 have old save-games included. Not sure if they were for testing purposes or what.

This also affects the default high-scores

I know that some of these are minor gripes but, can the installer (both for Goodbye Galaxy & the Anthology) be updated to included version 1.4 for Keen 4?
Last edited by eisnerguy1; 10-25-2014 at 04:25 AM.
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Old 10-25-2014, 12:56 AM   #2
Lunick Fiore

Lunick Fiore's Avatar
Re: Some issues with Commander Keen in the Anthology Release...
Those saves should be removed indeed. I also agree with the game being patched up to the latest stable version.
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Old 10-25-2014, 04:23 AM   #3

eisnerguy1's Avatar
Re: Some issues with Commander Keen in the Anthology Release...
Originally Posted by Lunick Fiore View Post
Those saves should be removed indeed. I also agree with the game being patched up to the latest stable version.
Thanks! I wasn't sure if the game already having save files was just annoying me or if it was an actual issue :P
eisnerguy1 is offline  
Old 10-25-2014, 09:07 AM   #4
Re: Some issues with Commander Keen in the Anthology Release...
I noticed that Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure also had some non-default high score data. I hope that they will fix these little issues as these oversights make the entire package feel like a dubiously obtained "outpouring of water".

The included version of Monster Bash Episode 1 is also the shareware release as opposed to the registered release (the registered release omits the annoying nag screens).
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Old 10-25-2014, 11:38 AM   #5

Litude's Avatar
Re: Some issues with Commander Keen in the Anthology Release...
Monster Bash episode 1 is actually only at version 1.0 as well, should definitely be changed to the v2.1 registered. Also since it has the FILE_ID.DIZ of the shareware version, you can't play part 2 and 3 past the first level.

Stargunner is also only at v1.0b while the most recent version is v1.1a.

Some hints sheets are also missing:
- Alien Carnage
- Arctic Adventure
- Bio Menace
- Major Stryker
- Monuments of Mars
- Pharaoh's Tomb
Last edited by Litude; 10-25-2014 at 03:39 PM.
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Old 10-25-2014, 06:50 PM   #6
Re: Some issues with Commander Keen in the Anthology Release...
Originally Posted by Litude View Post
Stargunner is also only at v1.0b while the most recent version is v1.1a.
The GOG release is the same way. I asked their support staff about it, and they said this:

Our games are usually patched to the latest official, working version. This patch however breaks the game - specifically the sixth mission. We weren't able to find a fix as this is a known issue, so we decided to not include this patch at all.
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