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Old 07-14-2008, 05:53 PM   #81

Kennerado's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
"Mark it ZERO!"
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Old 07-14-2008, 06:17 PM   #82

fast-1's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Nearly it got all. So a company is making handheld games for all consoles like PSP, Nintendo DS and others.

What other are there for, any for PS2 or is it just for what you said .

Moblie phones or there was some already.
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Old 07-14-2008, 06:25 PM   #83

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
This is really great to hear... I believe it is a smart move. There are so many questions to be asked though. I am happy with my Duke Bikini Project on the cell phone, and the Game Boy Color Duke Nukem is fine. Duke Nukem advance is truly fine game for the Game Boy Advance... I can't wait to see what comes of this venture. I will buy most any system to play the Duke Nukem games, but the possibility of some of the other Apogee/3D Realms titles is really great. I still play many of them on the PC to this day.
(When you have a poor memory as I do, every year it's like playing new games again!)

Even Ports are great, like DooM and DooM II, Wolfenstein 3D and others for the Game Boy Advance, but all new games on the same IP like Duke Nukem Advance are a real bonus to me.
I just can't wait to see what comes of this...

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
Last edited by MrBlackCat; 07-14-2008 at 06:28 PM. Reason: Many errors from being excited... :)
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Old 07-14-2008, 06:40 PM   #84

AJack's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
This is great news - I might finally be persuaded to buy a handheld now

If Joe is still around, (and I know there's a lot of stuff you can't answer) is there anything you CAN tell us about that promo pic of Duke running from the explosion? Cos frankly it looks totally kick-ass and I'd love to know if it came from DNF materials or whether it was put together/painted by Apogee.

In any case, happy days for Duke fans!

- AJack
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Old 07-14-2008, 06:44 PM   #85

Pontiaction's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
From a personal standpoint when we stopped putting out games under the Apogee name in 1996, we had just gone to a new version of the fanfare for Stargunner. Turned out it was used in just one title. Whether that gets used, they do something new, or have no fanfare at all is up to them. Although I PERSONALLY would hope they'd use a version of the old fanfare.
Cool man, thanks for the info. This is pretty fascinating stuff, I'll definitely be watching to see what the new Apogee gets involved in. I wonder what classic Apogee IPs they will be revisiting. So much good stuff in that catalog.

Personally I hope they use the Apogee fanfare too, in at least some form. I remember when I first heard a wavetable version of it -- it was in front of ROTT, I think -- it was such a great moment. Like watching a favorite old movie remastered in ultra-high definition...uh, by 1994 standards!
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Old 07-14-2008, 06:47 PM   #86

psyborg's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by alexgk View Post
And PSP. But you'd have to thank Apogee and MachineWorks, not 3DR...
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Old 07-14-2008, 07:18 PM   #87

dan2091's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Daedolon View Post
...."It's a real rebirth."....
It's a reincarnation..
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Old 07-14-2008, 08:24 PM   #88

Morry's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Joe: If you guys aren't involved with "born again" Apogee, then who is?

Do they own the rights to make more games out of all existing Apogee titles?
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Old 07-14-2008, 08:27 PM   #89

Steve's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
I'd kill for a full res version of that Duke pic for my desktop.
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Old 07-14-2008, 09:24 PM   #90
Little Conqueror

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Re: Apogee revived!
This is exciting to me. I hope that they're willing to publish completely independent, low-tech games that have great, unique gameplay experiences and such... I have a 2D hack and slash game in progress that has a great story, great character design, and great mechanics but doesn't use ultra high mip mapping and pixel shaders and stuff like that. Even if I barely made a cent on it, it'd be great just to have a game out there.
If wishes were fishes, we'd smell like ladies' underwear.

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Old 07-14-2008, 09:42 PM   #91

Nacho's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by AJack View Post
This is great news - I might finally be persuaded to buy a handheld now

If Joe is still around, (and I know there's a lot of stuff you can't answer) is there anything you CAN tell us about that promo pic of Duke running from the explosion? Cos frankly it looks totally kick-ass and I'd love to know if it came from DNF materials or whether it was put together/painted by Apogee.

In any case, happy days for Duke fans!

- AJack
Its a promo art piece done for the Duke Nukem Trillogy. not something from DNF.
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Old 07-14-2008, 10:01 PM   #92

AJack's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Nacho View Post
Its a promo art piece done for the Duke Nukem Trillogy. not something from DNF.
Thanks for that Nacho Here's hoping we get a bigger version soon!

- AJack
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Old 07-14-2008, 11:03 PM   #93
oak man

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Re: Apogee revived!

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Old 07-15-2008, 12:01 AM   #94
Commando Nukem

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Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by oak man View Post

(Napoleonic accent) THE REVOLUTION!!!
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Old 07-15-2008, 03:48 AM   #95
Kristian Joensen

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Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Morry View Post
Joe: If you guys aren't involved with "born again" Apogee, then who is?

Do they own the rights to make more games out of all existing Apogee titles?
Scott said that they have access to several Apogee brands. As far as who is running this, the two main guys in charge(that we know about) are Dan Lutter and Terry Nagy.
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Old 07-15-2008, 03:57 AM   #96

Dreams's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
That's it. I'm buying a portable console!
Do you love dos games?
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Old 07-15-2008, 04:16 AM   #97

Retodon8's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Parkar View Post
As I mentioned above this is a new company and not just some brand of 3D Realms.
Must've been another thread, or perhaps you got moderated, because I don't see it.
Anyway, it's clear (enough) to me now; Joe's description is what I said in that post... or tried to say; perhaps my description isn't legally sound.
It's nice Apogee's good name isn't going to waste.
Well, assuming these new games will be any good.
After all, it's not the old Apogee team, and I haven't looked up who the new Apogee are just yet.

Originally Posted by Needle View Post
Also, doesn't really make a lot of sense when the first thing they announce are a bunch of DS/PSP games.
I assumed they were referring to their shareware model, and figured they were comparing it to the more modern thing of releasing a free demo, and sell a

commercial game, which are comparable.
Maybe the announced games will have free demos.
Maybe I'm completely off.

Reading on... yes, I'd love the hear the old Apogee Fanfare again!
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:01 AM   #98

Parkar's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Retodon8 View Post
Must've been another thread, or perhaps you got moderated, because I don't see it.
Anyway, it's clear (enough) to me now; Joe's description is what I said in that post... or tried to say; perhaps my description isn't legally sound.
It's nice Apogee's good name isn't going to waste.
Well, assuming these new games will be any good.
After all, it's not the old Apogee team, and I haven't looked up who the new Apogee are just yet.
It's still there to me, above the quote in the same post .

Wasn't really trying to correct you, just filling in the blanks a bit.
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:21 AM   #99

Malgon's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Wow, this is totally unexpected!

I may have to get a handheld in the future.
-Most wanted games: Doom 4, Tomb Raider, Beyond Good and Evil 2
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:22 AM   #100

motionblur's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by oak man View Post

That rather looks like the death of Apogee °__°

Having the Apogee Label back is very cool, though.
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:42 AM   #101

DOSGuy's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
I think they were going for the concept of the phoenix rising from its own ashes, but the skull in the bottom right corner definitely makes it look like it's supposed to represent the death of Apogee.
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Old 07-15-2008, 08:02 AM   #102

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Well, let's hear from the horse's mouth. Which version of the Duke Trilogy will be the better one? I have both handhelds, actually, so whichever has the better features and the better gameplay, I will be pulling the trigger on the better one...
PC Specs (a.k.a. "Galacticus Prime"):
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Old 07-15-2008, 09:19 AM   #103

Nacho's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
I might buy this game on both just so I can compare the two.

Needless to say, I'm excited.

I just really want to get my Duke on even if its just on the smaller scale.
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Old 07-15-2008, 09:44 AM   #104

Talos's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
This WILL sell me either a DS or a PSP. Whatever console Duke Nukem Trilogy will be released for.
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Old 07-15-2008, 10:17 AM   #105
Joe Siegler
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Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by AJack View Post
If Joe is still around, (and I know there's a lot of stuff you can't answer) is there anything you CAN tell us about that promo pic of Duke running from the explosion? Cos frankly it looks totally kick-ass and I'd love to know if it came from DNF materials or whether it was put together/painted by Apogee.
I don't know what you want me to say. It's from the new revived Apogee. Has squat to do with DNF as far as I know.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
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Old 07-15-2008, 11:07 AM   #106

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
How does the ownerships of IP's go? As the new Apogee is selling stuff that falls under the old Apogee ownership, is there somesort of licensing deal going on? Also, I bet they can only focus on titles/IPs Apogee(old) has ownership for.
Duke Nukem Forever
Who am I to judge?
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Old 07-15-2008, 11:12 AM   #107
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by peoplessi View Post
How does the ownerships of IP's go? As the new Apogee is selling stuff that falls under the old Apogee ownership, is there somesort of licensing deal going on? Also, I bet they can only focus on titles/IPs Apogee(old) has ownership for.
I can't answer that, since I'm not privy to the contracts, but that seems logical. I would imagine it wouldn't include stuff like Wolf & Keen. Not unless they negotiated their own deals with id about that. But again, we're way into speculation. AFAIK, the only announced stuff is the Duke trilogy.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
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Old 07-15-2008, 11:45 AM   #108

Sang's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Daedolon View Post
or is that just a marketing trick?
That's what I'm thinking. Reviving the name alone without any of the original devs.. yeah
traB pu kcip
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Old 07-15-2008, 12:49 PM   #109
The Doctor

The Doctor's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by The Doctor View Post
This suggests there is less work to do on DNF
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
I fail to see how that is relevant. In fact, it's not. This is no different than things like Prey, Earth No More, Scott's Radar stuff, etc. It has no impact on DNF at all. Whether we have one month or 5 more years of DNF development to go, this new stuff today has no bearing on DNF in any way.
I know that, hence the smileys
In the Realms of the Third,
a lost Hero be.
One day He will return,
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Old 07-15-2008, 02:05 PM   #110
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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Re: Apogee revived!
You should realize by now that I'm a bit sensitive to that issue. Smiley or not.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
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Old 07-15-2008, 02:15 PM   #111

Retodon8's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Parkar View Post
It's still there to me, above the quote in the same post .

Wasn't really trying to correct you, just filling in the blanks a bit.
Oooooooooh, I see now.
Indeed, I thought you were trying to correct me, which I wouldn't have minded; I prefer to be enlightened.
Actually, you still did correct me, I was unaware of the two Apogee thing until then.
Anyway, sorry for spreading my confusion.
Sheep happens!
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Old 07-15-2008, 04:30 PM   #112

AJack's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Joe Siegler View Post
I don't know what you want me to say. It's from the new revived Apogee. Has squat to do with DNF as far as I know.
That's fine - the image had a bit of a 3D model look to it, which made me think perhaps you'd lent the Apogee guys a Duke model for their promo images. Please excuse my extreme Duke-related curiosity

- AJack
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:06 PM   #113
Re: Apogee revived!
I'd like to ask, which company is actually DEVELOPING the game? I can only see publishers and producers here...who does the content?
Old 07-15-2008, 05:34 PM   #114
ultra tree 85!

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Re: Apogee revived!
I'm really excited about this! I've always loved the idea of handheld Duke games for the PSP and DS, but I didn't know if it would happen until now! I'm definately going to buy all of the episodes when they are released!

I also have a couple of questions:

1) Will Jon St. Jon be recording Duke's voice for the new games as he has for most of the Duke Nukem games? I know that he will be doing the voice in Duke Nukem Forever, but will he also be Duke's voice in these games?

2) Is Apogee Software Ltd./3D Realms going to be involved in overseeing the development of the new Duke titles, as well as testing, etc.? Or will the new Apogee Software be responsible for those roles, or will both companies? Basically, what I'm trying to ask is, will George, Scott, Joe or other 3D Realms personnel be involved in testing and other tasks as they usually are when Apogee Ltd./3D Realms licenses the Duke Nukem franchise out to another company?
Duke Nukem Forever will be released in 2010. The community will realize its dream of playing the greatest game of all time. :)
Last edited by ultra tree 85!; 07-15-2008 at 05:40 PM.
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Old 07-15-2008, 06:42 PM   #115

JobivanHiob's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
so when we see some vids, pics or interviews from Apogee's booth at E3?
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Old 07-15-2008, 06:58 PM   #116

MusicallyInspired's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Wow! Good to see the ol' name back again! Hopefully they do go with a fanfare at least based on the original. Looking forward to the Duke trilogy! Hopefully it's reminiscent of the old Duke games than the random ones in the late 90s/early 2000s. Never liked many of those much.
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Old 07-15-2008, 07:00 PM   #117
Re: Apogee revived!
My knowledge of what 3D Realms actually owns is limited. Can anyone tell me if a Monster Bash game is possible? I loved those games a lot!
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Old 07-15-2008, 10:02 PM   #118

Malgon's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
I'm guessing another RotT game is possible too?
-Most wanted games: Doom 4, Tomb Raider, Beyond Good and Evil 2
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Old 07-16-2008, 12:23 AM   #119

Iggy's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by timothy2 View Post
I'd like to ask, which company is actually DEVELOPING the game? I can only see publishers and producers here...who does the content?
According to the official press release that should be Machineworks Northwest LLC.
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Old 07-16-2008, 12:27 AM   #120

Steve's Avatar
Re: Apogee revived!
Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
According to the official press release that should be Machineworks Northwest LLC, here is their page about the new Duke game (at least that's my guess).
New Duke game? That mobile version on their page is old (and crappy)
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