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In this blog i will occotionally update any recent interesting events i have gone through, that were caused by boredom...
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Delayed unexpected positive effects of past cases of Boredom...

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Posted 02-14-2008 at 12:10 PM by Micki!
Updated 02-14-2008 at 02:53 PM by Micki!

...It happened to me today (or yesterday if you count the day i was bored as the beginning)...

Yesterday i did absolutely nothing at all, mind that i have winter break this week, so i just sit here at home all day... As if that wasn't enough, a very bad headache started to haunt my head, it caused me dizzyness and i wasn't able to do anything at all, ultimately making me feel "This day was a total waste of free time"...

I just hoped luck would turn the next day, and so it did...

My parents were gonna drive to another city, i figured it beats sitting at home doing nothing again, and the sun was shining unbelievable much that day, it was hot, clear skied, and the perfect day for a walk... Not only did i kill time going walks in good weather, i even for a change bought a CD in a retail store for the first time in forever (last time i ordered them online) And i liked the CD too, so when i got home, i immediately went to another special music store to buy another album of the group, and asked the guy at the counter to order another CD and call me when they get it...

Sun was still shining, it was a great day, i wasn't bored much at all really...

So to rephrase this whole story into a shorter version:
- Yesterday - 5% doing stuff & 95% bored
- Today - 90% doing stuff & 10% bored

Talk about [I]compensation[/I]..!
It's as if destiny tried to make up for the day i felt so bad and did almost nothing at all, and gave me a day where i could enjoy myself with various things, and giving my motivation to do something i rarely do (-like buying CD's in retail stores)
And it's not the end of the day yet... i am pretty sure that todays positive events will keep me motivated to drag out rest of the day doing things i enjoy to do when i get bored later today :)

I'm happy this turn of events occured, a nice change from the usual things i do...
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  1. Old Comment
    Halcyon's Avatar
    Out of curiosity, which CD's did you buy?

    Buying CD's in retail stores was always a great pleasure for me. Walking into the store, looking at all those CD's and then picking up the one I was looking for always felt so great. Unfortunately, most CD shops here don't offer the kind of music I'm listening to anymore, so I have no other choice than to order online via mail-orders now.
    Posted 02-14-2008 at 04:12 PM by Halcyon Halcyon is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Micki!'s Avatar
    Same here, it's hard to find anyhting i want in stores... There are special stores in some cities, even one here, but it mostly focuses on various kinds of Metal and merchandise... Still cool, but not where i find Electronic music genres...

    As for the CD's, it was System of a Down's two albums; Mezmerize and Hypnotize...

    The one i ordered was Agalloch: Pale Folklore...
    Posted 02-14-2008 at 04:34 PM by Micki! Micki! is offline

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