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In this blog i will occotionally update any recent interesting events i have gone through, that were caused by boredom...
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Boredom is freaking expensive..!

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Posted 02-17-2009 at 01:05 PM by Micki!
Updated 02-17-2009 at 02:56 PM by Micki!

It's been a while... in fact, a year, since i posted something relevant to my blog regarding boredom...

But something made me check out my blog again (-maybe it was boredom, harh harh harh..!)

Yesterday it occured to me, just how freaking expensive it is to be bored... How..?
Do you have a credit card, and 95% constant access to the internet..?

If so, you may already have caught my point...
I'm on a buying spree, and i'm not very good at keeping track on my money...

I've spent much money on buying DVD's and stuff over the internet recently, and it's not like i regret it, it's some awesome stuff i get my hands on... But thing is, i look for it way too much, whenever i'm bored i may check out the next cool thing, and order it at once...

And suddenly i am left with a pathetic amount of money, for the rest of the month, left with a bill for the Karate club, and my recently bought Digital Camera...
I am lucky that i have saved quite a bit of money earlier, so i've created some balance in my account by now, but i can't, and won't rely on that next time

In any case i enjoy ordering stuff online or going to town and buying things there, but boredom drives me into getting things even when i don't currently need them, or when i already have 10 other things from the day before that could keep me occupied...

In the long run, i can't afford being entertained with these things, i don't know if i should blame this cursed/blessed credit card for it, or if i should just try and pull myself together a little bit...
Or for the freaking sake of it, maybe i should watch one of the 5 DVD's i haven't even watched yet, unwrap and install one of those 3-5 gamesi bought a while ago, or return to that old comic i began on a year ago, and finally FINISH it for once...

I've got plenty of other things to do, i wish it wasn't so goddamn easy to order stuff online...

On the bright side...
Soon i may not be able to afford being bored anymore, haha...
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  1. Old Comment
    Damien_Azreal's Avatar
    Yes... credit cards and the internet can be a dangerous combination. Something you must be very careful with.
    Posted 02-17-2009 at 03:11 PM by Damien_Azreal Damien_Azreal is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Steve's Avatar
    Indeed! tis why I have a debit card. Can't spend what's not there!
    Posted 02-17-2009 at 03:18 PM by Steve Steve is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Micki!'s Avatar
    Thanks for commenting guys, i was actually in doubt if anyone still cared...

    I don't think we have debit cards in Denmark, or maybe we do have some equevilent of it, but i dunno what that would be...

    I'd probably not get one anyways...
    Posted 02-18-2009 at 01:29 PM by Micki! Micki! is offline
  4. Old Comment
    ZuljinRaynor's Avatar
    I use credit cards and only spend what I have. :P Just have more self control Micki! :tinyted: :P
    Posted 02-18-2009 at 02:03 PM by ZuljinRaynor ZuljinRaynor is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Joe Siegler's Avatar
    I screwed myself up bad when Iw as in college. Ran up thousands in debt, and didn't pay anything. Completely trashed my credit rating for a very long time. Took me almost 15 years to fix it. Now I have awesome credit, but it took a long time to get back there.

    Yes - be careful.
    Posted 02-20-2009 at 02:34 AM by Joe Siegler Joe Siegler is offline

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