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No conspiracy is complete without a theory from me! I also like to comment on other current events, mainly regarding crime, politics, and violence.
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World War III: It's coming!

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Posted 03-28-2008 at 03:45 PM by Spartan_234

Last year, president George W. Bush announced that World War III will indeed start if the Iranians are found to be developing a nuclear weapon for use against the United States. From my understanding of the situation, this "nuclear weapon" isn't just a typical nuke bomb. It isn't even an atomic bomb. This is a "mega-nuke", which is capable of destroying all of New York City.

So let's say that the Iranian government befriends North Korea and the People's Republic of China (both of which are enemies of the United States). By adding up the populations of those three countries and dividing the result by Iran's population, to estimate how many "mega-nukes" the three countries can make together (assuming that Iran can only make 1 mega-nuke), I determined that they can make 20 mega-nukes. I assumed that they would use the mega-nukes on the 20 largest cities in America. If that's the case, then El Paso would become the largest city in the United States. Strangely, I had a dream the night before I thought of this scenario that El Paso became the largest city in the United States. What a coincidence, huh?

Since Washington D.C. would still exist (after all, they need someone to negotiate a surrender with), the U.S. and their allies would go to war with China, Iran, and North Korea. The People's Liberation Army of China has more manpower than the United States army, but the United States has far more advanced technology. And while the war is going on, the People's Republic of China would probably help the drug cartels take over Mexico.

What do you think about World War III? Do you think that it's really going to happen? If so, why? If not, why not?
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