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Episode 2: Sundays, movies and Duke

Posted 03-17-2008 at 02:40 AM by alexgk
Updated 03-17-2008 at 02:44 AM by alexgk

Hola everyone:

I'll keep a simple format like my last post of three things or topics per post. I feel this is a good experience, to share parts of my life with you guys, so you can know me better. I'll try to update my blog often until I realize it's pointless to write on it anymore because nobody reads it... :(

[B]NUMBER 1:[/B]

I don't know what are the customs of your respective countries, but Sundays here in Mexico usually are [U]familiar[/U]....
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Views 20472 Comments 1 alexgk is offline

Episode 1: Why are blogs so fun?

Posted 03-16-2008 at 12:54 AM by alexgk
Updated 03-16-2008 at 12:58 AM by alexgk

Hi 3DR fellas, it's wonderful when you find out [I]new[/I] features in websites you visit regularly, like blogs in my case.

Well, I'd like to see this blog as a public diary (which is exactly what blogs are in the first place :doh:), so I'll begin by telling you my personal goals in the "near future":
1.- Getting on a diet once and for all (don't laugh, this time is serious!).
2.- Learn how to program in C#.
3.- Finish my literary project.
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