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Old 06-28-2004, 07:35 AM   #1

g-dog's Avatar
DNF 2?
Wondering if DNF2 (or 3) is being planned for next gen gaming, such as F.E.A.R. w/ use of PCIe type graphics boards/cards?
My latest rig:
P4 (2.8) Prescott 800 fsb/1 meg cache, oc to 3.1
ATI X800XL 256 DDR3
1 gig (2x512) Kingston 400mhz,Dual Channel DDR Ram
Asus P4P800 SE mb
Monitor: 20.1 inch LCD...(.16 ms/1600x1200)
3DMarks2003 score = 9726
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Old 06-28-2004, 07:58 AM   #2
Orochi Avlis

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Re: DNF 2?
Technically it would be DN5.
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Old 06-28-2004, 08:18 AM   #3

Wamplet's Avatar
Re: DNF 2?
^ Yeap and I'd think they are still planning the current one.
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I think it's a 17"... or maybe it's a 19"..... it's huge... and bulky! but it has served me quite well -Mariamus
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Old 06-28-2004, 08:40 AM   #4
Re: DNF 2?
Will you freeze yourself soon?

Otherwise your question is void.
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Old 06-28-2004, 08:42 AM   #5

Dr.Dude's Avatar
Re: DNF 2?
As stated above, it wouldn't be called DNF2, in the same way DNF wasn' called D3D2. < It'll be Duke Nukem 5.

Personally, I'm hoping they name it something like "Duke Nukem: Sur5ival", whenever the time arrives...
"The wise dude only quotes himself." -Dr.Dude
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Old 06-28-2004, 08:52 AM   #6

Beelze's Avatar
Duke Nukem Returns
5 is a good number to end a pretty long series on. If it'll be made I would like if it was called Duke Nukem Returns. Because not only would that fit with Duke Nukem Forever (Batman Forever, Batman Returns, etc.) but it would also give us a new brand of <font color="yellow"> jokes</font> to discover when it's 2014 and we're still waiting.

<font color="yellow">Ah, I can see it now "When will Duke Return?", "Duke Nukem doesn't Return!", "what, Duke hasn't Returned yet!?" </font>

<font color="orange">WHR : When He's Returned.</font>
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Old 06-28-2004, 08:56 AM   #7

Dr.Dude's Avatar
Re: DNF 2?
5 is a good number to end a pretty long series on. If it'll be made I would like if it was called Duke Nukem Returns. Because not only would that fit with Duke Nukem Forever (Batman Forever, Batman Returns, etc.) but it would also give us a new brand of <font color="yellow"> jokes</font> to discover when it's 2014 and we're still waiting.

<font color="yellow">Ah, I can see it now "When will Duke Return?", "Duke Nukem doesn't Return!", "what, Duke hasn't Returned yet!?" </font>
Aw man, no "Duke Nukem and Robin"? And you're setting it up already for a restart called something like "Duke Nukem Begins"....
"The wise dude only quotes himself." -Dr.Dude
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Old 06-28-2004, 09:13 AM   #8
Re: DNF 2?
Will you freeze yourself soon?
Stand still while I gas you!
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Old 06-28-2004, 04:52 PM   #9

tpz's Avatar
Re: DNF 2?
Wondering if DNF2 (or 3) is being planned for next gen gaming, such as F.E.A.R. w/ use of PCIe type graphics boards/cards?
Even if they had planned a 5th duke nukem game, I don't think they would be talking about it at this point. I think that this should be clear to anyone, who has been reading the posts of George and Joe for a while.
"A Smith & Wesson beats four aces."
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