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Old 03-18-2007, 05:41 AM   #1
Mia Max

Mia Max's Avatar
2 questions
Hallo guys!

As the topic says I got two questions:

First: When an enemy is killed, is it possible to get a door automatically opened?
When yes, how?

Second: How can I respawn blood splatter?
Mia Max is offline  
Old 03-18-2007, 06:33 AM   #2
Re: 2 questions
I don't think the first is possible.

Second: I dont know.

I'm not much of a help , huh.
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Old 03-18-2007, 07:17 AM   #3
Mia Max

Mia Max's Avatar
Re: 2 questions
Okey, my first question is answered: respawning sprite 2426 is quite fine.

Is it really not possible that when an enemy is killed resulting something activates?
It is also possible to spawn sprites after enemy gets killed, right?
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Old 03-18-2007, 08:12 AM   #4

Puritan's Avatar
Re: 2 questions
Originally Posted by Mia Max View Post

Is it really not possible that when an enemy is killed resulting something activates?
I think you have to do some coding in 'game.con'.

It is also possible to spawn sprites after enemy gets killed, right?
Thats possible. You know,the pigcop spawns shotgun from time to time when killed. The Enforcers spawns both ammo and chaingun. Finally, the troopers spawns ammo.
Go inside 'game.con' and see the coding for those features. Maybe you could 'copy' this spawning code.
Hail to the king, baby !:
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Old 03-19-2007, 11:17 AM   #5

Sang's Avatar
Re: 2 questions
All I can tell you is yes & yes, but that's it. Ask TerminX or DeeperThought or something.
traB pu kcip
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Old 03-19-2007, 12:19 PM   #6
Mia Max

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Re: 2 questions
Hm, I think I know how to let an enemy spawn something after he is killed via con editing.
But it must be difficult to let a door get opened.
The enemy must have a function as switch after dead or something like that, right?

But anyway, I don't want to change the eduke.con file - it isn't that important for me, I just thought that my request would be possible to get worked by doing something in mapster32.
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Old 03-19-2007, 05:27 PM   #7
Re: 2 questions
>>First: When an enemy is killed, is it possible to get a door automatically opened? When yes, how?

The key to the trick is to utilise a feature of the swing door. Basically, when blocked it continuously tries to open and will do indefinately. When actor dies, door closes.

Nobody said the door sector had to be a rectangle ! So, make a zero height swing door, make one line blocking and place actor in front of it - dorr will be blocked from opening. If actor moves away then door will open ... dont want this, so put actor in a small sector directly in front of the door and make it a "stay put" actor. Make one of the door sectors a mask wall and give it a door texture. Et voila !

See attached example map.

I've used a switch + activator but I'm sure a touchplate + masterswitch would also do the job (in fact, in teh test map, only press the button once - hey, its only a demo!).

OK, so there are some restrictions - nearby walls need to be sprites for example. Also, this would also look a lot better in a much bigger play area (with a bigger ST23 area) ...

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Old 03-20-2007, 11:47 AM   #8
Re: 2 questions
Right, here you go.

The door only opens after you kill the two bad guys.

To test it, you will need god mode and all ammo of course

Only known "bug" is that you may be able to find to small blocking lines after the bad dudes are dead. If this were a proper game I'd hide them inside a piller made of sprites.

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Old 03-20-2007, 01:31 PM   #9
Mia Max

Mia Max's Avatar
Re: 2 questions
That are very good ideas you have

The problem is, that I wanted the enemy to move around, but I think that's not possible, right?

But I think I'll use your trick with the last big boss.
First the player will beam into one big closed room with the big boss inside and then, after killing him, a large iron door will open. Sounds cool, right?
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Old 03-20-2007, 02:46 PM   #10
Re: 2 questions
Sadly the trick relies on the baddies to block the "door", so nope, they can't roam. In the example map I guess they could be allowed to move sideways (or forward/backwards, depending on the "door"" sector's shap), but then that short blocking line would need to be bbigger and hence more difficult to disguise.

The only other minor annoyance is you can't have a sound effect with the door (or at least not a door sound - abuse being hurled at duke would of course be quite appropriate!).

Also, as the play area gets bigger you need a slower and slower spped sprite - I suspect there will come a point where the speed has to be so slow that you may get some initial movement of the door - dunno, haven't tried.

But yeah, could make a cool ending. If there is only one blocking enemy then you could in fact arrange two contra-rotating sectors so you at least get a splitting door door, which I think would look better.

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