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Old 01-20-2014, 07:44 PM   #1

twelvepaws's Avatar
Question Mystic Towers
At Apprentice Level, Tower 6, where is the yellow key? I looked in every corner, under every movable object and could not find it. I finally had to cheat and lost the thousands of points I had earned going through Towers 1-6 plus I lost 5 lives because I kept running out of food, water, heal spells, etc. before resorting to cheating. Strangely enough it was just a couple of years ago that I went through all the towers at both levels helping another member look for treasures. How could I forget so much in such a short time?
Rest in peace Paloma, my sweet little Tortoiseshell, with your gold mask that spread over your eyes and down your nose. It formed a perfect replica of a dove.

KC Royals - World Series 2015 Champs!
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Old 01-21-2014, 02:25 PM   #2

DragonsLover's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers
According to this video: and GameFaqs, the yellow key is simply near the ladder in room 18 (the one at the bottom-right in the video). If it isn't in your game, then you encountered a bug.
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Old 01-21-2014, 09:36 PM   #3

twelvepaws's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers
Thanks, DragonsLover. I haven't gotten to A6 yet in the video collection...having too much fun watching. I did find a walkthrough but I didn't need that and there were pages and pages of text to go through. That's when I gave up and used the cheat. Guess I never read the credits...didn't realize the game was made by Australians. The guy playing and providing commentary had an accent that was hard to pin down. I enjoyed the humor. Back to watching...Thanks again for taking the time to help!

Got to that video for A6...SmashTom Part 10. He found the yellow key under a stool next to the door that wouldn't open, on the first floor (I think...but I'll recognize it when I see it). I was too frustrated at that point and never thought to look there. I was just rushing around like mad trying to stay alive while frantically searching. Now I'll have to start over or get stuck with the disgracefully low score.

This is one of the best games ever from Apogee. I've never seen anything else like it.
Rest in peace Paloma, my sweet little Tortoiseshell, with your gold mask that spread over your eyes and down your nose. It formed a perfect replica of a dove.

KC Royals - World Series 2015 Champs!
Last edited by twelvepaws; 01-22-2014 at 03:56 AM. Reason: Add to Post
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Old 01-22-2014, 08:37 PM   #4

DragonsLover's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers
No problem. And yeah, Mystic Towers has a nice gameplay. Would love to see a level editor of this game to make our custom towers.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...
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Old 02-14-2014, 06:53 AM   #5

twelvepaws's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers
Yes, a level editor would be nice if you have the time to work with something like that.

I finally had to start over at A1, got through that, got to W3 and luckily had a save file to begin Wizard level at W1 because I had gotten down to 3 lives. W1and W2 are harder than 3 through 6...not enough weapons...I was fighting with ice.

There is a malfunction in my game in W4. It kept showing the fifth floor red and only one monster remaining, so I was frantically running all over that floor trying to find it. Finally, I went back to the 1st floor hoping to find some food or weapons. The monster was there on 1, even though floors 1-4 were gray. Weird. When I killed that one, the whole tower finally turned gray.

It took me a week to get through Wizard level, playing two hours per night, but after I got to W3, I started winning back lives and finished with 7. Not much of a total score though, not even close to what I got in 2007, 2009 and 2011. Those three years I didn't play left me really rusty. You Tube really helped.

Would be nice to find other games like this. I tried an old, really old version of Baldric once, but it didn't work for me at all.
Rest in peace Paloma, my sweet little Tortoiseshell, with your gold mask that spread over your eyes and down your nose. It formed a perfect replica of a dove.

KC Royals - World Series 2015 Champs!
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