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Old 09-07-2010, 07:02 AM   #1

Youngerthanold's Avatar
I won't forget you
3D Realms and Apogee

Where do I begin? so many fond memories of these games booting up on my old pentium. When I heard of these simple names, I thought of nothing but fun times, great games, and amazing music. (oh yeah, the soundblaster was great!)

What happened? You went from being leaders of the gaming world to a name that was associated with waiting...dissapointment, and well...just sadness to be honest. I held faith in these two for a long time, When I was growing up, other kids were playing Halo, and Half-life. I still kept up on gaming technology, and was more than equipped to handle the new games coming out, but I still found myself coming back to the classics. I would constantly boot up Raptor, Shadow Warrior, ROTT, or DN3D, and play them over and over. they have a certain quality that just brought joy to my heart. Even though Gearbox took over DNF, I will never forget the joy that all of you brought into my heart, and that keeps flowing everytime I hear the Apogee theme song.

thank you George, Scott, and everyone that made my childhood worthwhile.

I will never forget you.
"We are very busy people"
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Old 09-07-2010, 06:16 PM   #2

joey007's Avatar
Re: I won't forget you
3DR IS NOT DEAD..... Yet
THE sig of useless words. Panda bears are the least racist mammal theyre white, black, and Asian! :p
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Old 09-07-2010, 07:36 PM   #3

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: I won't forget you
Interesting post... many thoughts.

The Apogee melody holds some serious keys to my gaming memories.
Hard to believe the effects of evolution on this company. I don't wonder what happened so much as I just accept that it does.
Look at Michael Jackson... I liked his music when I was younger. I still have my Thriller Album fold out 12" vinyl... yep. He was still black, had his natural wide nose, a frow back then and was on top of the world. But he tried to be something "too" great and set the bar so high that obtaining it lost its enjoyment I think.
I see that in myself on a much smaller scale on specific projects, not in my life as a whole... sometimes I don't start what I know I can't complete at a nearly untouchable level. Not for the sake of being untouchable, but for the sake of something matching what I perceive to be my passion level for a particular thing.

I see Duke Nukem Forever like that... its like George B wanted the game to recapture something (like the impact of Duke 3D) but the impact of Duke 3D was more than the game. There was a comparative factor to other games. There was a LOT of timing involved.
Example... look at GTA 3. After playing that game for a while people realized what it was, not just as a game, but in the scope of all other games at the time. NOTHING was like it and would not be. GTA 3 can now be re-created by other companies lets say, but it was the fact that it was first that made it what it was.
Duke Nukem 3D maxed out what you could do at the time. Quake was AWESOME to me, right after Duke 3D, but was a different product with a different purpose. Then "everyone" was doing it... 3D First Person Shooters.
For the reasons so extensively rambled above, I don't think another Duke 3D can be created at least in the sense of how “we” will react or feel when we play a new game now.
Real-World example... I know a guy who bought an ORIGINAL condition 56 Chevy... just like he had way back then. A ride down memory lane... well it didn't work for him. It wasn't the same. He realized he can never re-capture what it was like back then because it wasn't about just the car and cruisin etc... it was the time and surroundings. Just like Duke 3D, there is a lot more to it in my (our?) memories besides an awesome game. The word Patriarch comes to mind.

Look at Star Wars (1977) seemed awesome at the time and I still watch it and like it, but another Star Wars, at least for me, can not be re-created. Awesome movies are made, but again, there is just more to it than a great movie. Comparative. It is tied to a time period and other movies.
I am sure I will love Duke Nukem Forever when it comes out... because I am not trying to recapture the impact that Duke Nukem 3D had on me way back then.
From a psychology standpoint, none of us can because of an increase in the psychological complexity of our minds since the original came out... for those of us who played the original or long periods of time ago.

Sorry I didn't have time to clean this up, and it was all off the cuff real-time, but I wanted to do the best I could with my available time.

I wish the best to George B, Scott M, Bryan C Turner and all the people involved in 3D Realms and Apogee.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
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Old 09-11-2010, 05:48 PM   #4
Keen Gun Re: I won't forget you
Originally Posted by Youngerthanold View Post
3D Realms and Apogee

Where do I begin? so many fond memories of these games booting up on my old pentium. When I heard of these simple names, I thought of nothing but fun times, great games, and amazing music. (oh yeah, the soundblaster was great!)

What happened? You went from being leaders of the gaming world to a name that was associated with waiting...dissapointment, and well...just sadness to be honest. I held faith in these two for a long time, When I was growing up, other kids were playing Halo, and Half-life. I still kept up on gaming technology, and was more than equipped to handle the new games coming out, but I still found myself coming back to the classics. I would constantly boot up Raptor, Shadow Warrior, ROTT, or DN3D, and play them over and over. they have a certain quality that just brought joy to my heart.

thank you George, Scott, and everyone that made my childhood worthwhile.

I will never forget you.
Ah yes, I hear ya! Moreover, their games like Monster Bash and the Commander Keen games, among others, had so much potential in becoming large series that could continue to rival the Mario and Sonic games down the road. Instead, they just faded into obscurity.
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Old 09-17-2010, 07:36 AM   #5

Nacho's Avatar
Re: I won't forget you
3DR is far from dead.

In fact, while the loss of the Duke IP is a sad event in their history I think a great weight has been lifted off their shoulders. 3DR has been stuck with this one game for far to long and now they have a chance to step into this new era with a fresh perspective.
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Old 09-17-2010, 10:35 AM   #6
crunchy superman

crunchy superman's Avatar
Re: I won't forget you
Originally Posted by Nacho View Post
In fact, while the loss of the Duke IP is a sad event in their history I think a great weight has been lifted off their shoulders. 3DR has been stuck with this one game for far to long and now they have a chance to step into this new era with a fresh perspective.
That's the way I see it. They've gotten out from under this mess and should have much better insight on how not to do things now. Hopefully this will be a nice new beginning for them.

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Old 09-17-2010, 06:33 PM   #7

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: I won't forget you
I agree with you guys... I just got through posting the same view (though not as condensed) in another thread.
I am keeping my fingers crossed. I would like to see them succeed.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
Last edited by MrBlackCat; 09-19-2010 at 09:55 AM.
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Old 09-18-2010, 02:14 PM   #8

evilemperorzorg's Avatar
Re: I won't forget you
Make shadow warrior 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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