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Old 11-20-2013, 10:24 PM   #1
Flying Techbot
Question Parody Games of Apogee Classics
Awhile ago, I was thinking of writing a satirical poem about the development of DNF. I was trying to come up with alternate titles for 3D Realms'/Apogee's original titles, and then I got thinking that I might want to develop these parody games. I want to make games in the vein of my favorite Apogee titles, but take the premise into different and clever directions. My parody of Apogee would be called Prodigee (unless there is a better name I could use), and these are the homage parody games I was thinking of doing.

Misogynist Spy (Secret Agent):

It plays exactly like Secret Agent, but with with more comic writing and additional interactivity. The main character is an awkward version of the James Bond archetypal spy, who has the appearance of hating women, but that's merely a facade (despite the anti-female symbol on the chest of his uniform). He must infiltrate an achipelago privately owned by a mostly female supercriminal organization (an amalgam of SPECTRE, ***** Galore's Trapeze Artists, and Octo*****'s Octopus Cult) from destroying most of the world's vegetation and becoming the Earth's sole resource of flowers (or something very convoluted). Unlike Secret Agent, this game would have boss fights. And in the end of each episode, the (anti) hero would be shocked when his defeated foes claim that he is a gentleman. Enemies would include female ninjas, tight leather elite guards, cyborgs, flower mutants, killer ballet dancers, dressed to kill femme fatales, and bikini clad melee fighters.

Creature Slash (Monster Bash)

Instead of a young boy, it's a young girl armed with a Nerf Arrow gun (like that one they used to sell back in the 90s), with unicorn pajamas and a Rambo headband. Her foes are much more hideous and gruesome looking, like something out of Lovecraft and Tales from the Crypt.

The Earl of Radiation 1+2 (Duke Nukem 1+2)

A bleached haired Austrian fights radioactive freaks and mutants a la BioMenace in post-apocalyptic Debrisopilis (a bad pun, I know), who must fight Professor Molecular before the rest of the Earth becomes infected. He is armed with a radioactive fusion canon which shoots kind of like a BFG. In the second Earl of Radiation, Earl battles against an entire planet of meat-eating robots who want to use Earl as a source of unlimited radioactive energy.

The Earl of Radiation 3D (Duke Nukem 3D)

Earl returns to Debrisopilis to discover that perverted cyborgs have overtaken the city in much the same way as the Cycloids overtook L.A. Plays like an amplified version of Duke 3D.

Galactoid's Galactic Experience (Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure):
Simpson-like alien who has magnets instead of plungers for hands. Level design would borrow more elements from Cosmo's other inspirations, like Super Mario World and Sonic the Hedgehog (I definitely see the influence from both those games on Cosmo's level design and look).

Those are just a few of my ideas. For EoR 3D I could just use BUILD, but I don't know what engine I could use for the other platformers. I would like to just mod the games I want to parody, but the level editors given with those games might be too restrictive. I don't think I can achieve the same effect Apogee did with their games in Game Maker, because the retro-games I've played on Game Maker feel too modern. I particularly want to learn how to mimic to EGA graphics engines of Secret Agent and Duke Nukem 1, because I love the feel and look of those classic games.

What do you Apogee/3D Realms fan veterans suggest I do?
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Old 11-21-2013, 10:26 PM   #2
Phil Carter

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Re: Parody Games of Apogee Classics
Originally Posted by Flying Techbot View Post
My parody of Apogee would be called Prodigee (unless there is a better name I could use)
Wouldn’t “Perigee” make more sense?
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Old 11-21-2013, 11:56 PM   #3
Flying Techbot
Re: Parody Games of Apogee Classics
Originally Posted by Phil Carter View Post
Wouldn’t “Perigee” make more sense?
Absolutely! Thank you, Phil Carter! It's the perfect for my parody of Apogee, a better alternative to my planned name, and it still has a "p" at the beginning.

As for parodying 3D Realms, I've thought of 4D Realms (even though we can't perceive 4D in games yet). If there's a better alternative, I would appreciate it.

Hence, Perigee Software, the parody mirror of Apogee Software, has been born!
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Old 11-22-2013, 06:31 AM   #4
crunchy superman

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Re: Parody Games of Apogee Classics
I do like "the Earl of Radiation". That's funny.

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Old 11-23-2013, 04:14 AM   #5

Malvineous's Avatar
Re: Parody Games of Apogee Classics
I've often thought that it wouldn't have taken much for Commander Keen to be named something like Captain Enthusiastic :-)

But I think a better alternative to 3D Realms would be 2D Realms though, because a) promoting the fact that you're 2D is kind of silly when everything was already 2D to begin with, and b) 4D Realms actually sounds like something improved rather than a parody!

It is kind of fun thinking up silly alternatives to game titles though. Maybe instead of Dangerous Dave you could have Perilous Pete, and Paganitzu could always become Christianitzu, Buddhitzu, or some other variant...
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Old 11-23-2013, 08:41 PM   #6
Flying Techbot
Re: Parody Games of Apogee Classics
I've often thought that it wouldn't have taken much for Commander Keen to be named something like Captain Enthusiastic :-)

But I think a better alternative to 3D Realms would be 2D Realms though, because a) promoting the fact that you're 2D is kind of silly when everything was already 2D to begin with, and b) 4D Realms actually sounds like something improved rather than a parody!

It is kind of fun thinking up silly alternatives to game titles though. Maybe instead of Dangerous Dave you could have Perilous Pete, and Paganitzu could always become Christianitzu, Buddhitzu, or some other variant...
Excellent. It's good to meet another kindred spirit. Now that you mentioned it, I was thinking of a clever parody of Commander Keen. I'd call it Lieutenant Acute, and the hero would be equipped with a biker's helmet, rollerskating padding, and spring boots. Since his name his Acute, I was thinking that the level design should have trigonometry-based jumping gameplay.

I need to come up with a good parody name for Wolfenstein 3D.

For Alien Carnage (Halloween Harry), I thought of Grey Onslaught, aka All Hollows Eve Garry.
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Old 12-11-2013, 12:05 PM   #7
Altered Reality

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Re: Parody Games of Apogee Classics
Originally Posted by Flying Techbot View Post
I need to come up with a good parody name for Wolfenstein 3D.
I suggest "Hundefelsen 4C". If you translate "Wolfenstein" into the German words that comprise it, you get "Wolfstone." "Wolf" is the same word in German, and "stein" means "stone" or "rock." "Hundefelsen" is a combination of the German words for "dog", and "felsen" is a synonym for "stein." And "4C" is what you get if you add 1 to 3 and subtract 1 from D.
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