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Old 06-12-2006, 07:59 AM   #1

brabee's Avatar
Question A few questions...again :)
Hi 3DR.
Again, some questions came over my mind, so, if you can spare some time...

1) Im wondering, arent you a little bit tired... I mean, making one game for such a long time... or you dont mind and are still as enthusiastic as ever?

2) Could you tell us about anything you achieved in recent time? The more significant the better?

3) Any DNF gaming experience you would like to share?

4) Could you name a game on the market that you think looks the most like DNFs graphic style?

Ok, that would be it for this time. I hope you will find the time to answer. Thanx
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Old 06-12-2006, 09:37 AM   #2

Da-Masta's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
I'm interested in (4) but I'm not expecting much in regards to that for a while.
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Old 06-12-2006, 09:44 AM   #3
Kristian Joensen

Kristian Joensen's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
I don't think they will answer these question but 1)-3) atleast have a chance, I don't think 4) has a chance. But we will see.

1) Im wondering, arent you a little bit tired... I mean, making one game for such a long time... or you dont mind and are still as enthusiastic as ever?
If they where tired of it they could always move on to another game and cancell DNF they haven't done that so I assume that they aren't tired of it. I mean ulnlike us they DO get a daily DNF fix. So that makes a huge difference bteween waiting on the game from the outside and working on it from a day to day basis.
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Old 06-12-2006, 10:02 AM   #4

brabee's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Originally Posted by Kristian Joensen
I mean unlike us they DO get a daily DNF fix.
Maybe thats why we dont get ours...
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Old 06-12-2006, 01:12 PM   #5

FireFly's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Originally Posted by brabee
1) Im wondering, arent you a little bit tired... I mean, making one game for such a long time... or you dont mind and are still as enthusiastic as ever?
I have as much optimism for the game as I did, 5 years ago, when I was 13 years old and registered for the boards.

[George Broussard] So do I. In fact, more.

No. The burnout's are gone. The people here are all excited and very well motivated.
"I think the push for people to innovate in gameplay - i'm not sure that I particularly agree with it"

John Carmack
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Old 06-12-2006, 01:28 PM   #6
Kristian Joensen

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Re: A few questions...again :)
Firefly your PM inbox is full.
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Old 06-12-2006, 02:42 PM   #7

brabee's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Originally Posted by FireFly
I have as much optimism for the game as I did, 5 years ago, when I was 13 years old and registered for the boards.

[George Broussard] So do I. In fact, more.

No. The burnout's are gone. The people here are all excited and very well motivated.
Thanx man. Although the posts are a little bit old I think... on the other hand, theres no reason to suppose it has changed...
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Old 06-12-2006, 06:55 PM   #8

DavoX's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
With all the possibilities they have to make a fun game i think they are more motivated now than ever!
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Old 06-12-2006, 11:26 PM   #9

Magnamuz's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
I support the (vain) request for an answer to question 4.

After seeing screenshots of "Rainbow Six: Vegas" I don't really know what I'm expecting in DNF, but the hope is still on:

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
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Old 06-13-2006, 01:01 AM   #10

hell-angel's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Thos are Rainbow six shots, they have absolutely nothing to do with DNF. (beside the setting that is).
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Old 06-13-2006, 10:51 PM   #11

Magnamuz's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Originally Posted by Magnamuz
After seeing screenshots of "Rainbow Six: Vegas" I don't really know what I'm expecting in DNF [...]
Originally Posted by hell-angel
Thos are Rainbow six shots, they have absolutely nothing to do with DNF. (beside the setting that is).
...I knew that, that's why I said it, and here Yatta made a very accurate topic about what I meant: Rainbow Six Vegas and DNF
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Old 06-14-2006, 12:48 AM   #12

hell-angel's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
I know you know, just mentioning it for the people who are not so smart.
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Old 06-14-2006, 10:55 AM   #13

Kalki's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Originally Posted by Magnamuz
I don't really know what I'm expecting in DNF, but the hope is still on:
They've got you right where they want you.
"Gentlemen, generations to follow will see us as the first pioneers of the internet. They will look upon our days as those of brave spirits and free ideals - where men were men, women were men and children were the FBI."

Free Speech
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Old 06-14-2006, 04:43 PM   #14

Magnamuz's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
In love with a good franchise?

Or maybe, happy that an excelent idea of game is in development?

Mmm, what can it be? Anyway, I don't care, I just love it
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Old 06-20-2006, 01:45 PM   #15
Fuzzy Bunny

Fuzzy Bunny's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Hi all, haven't been by in a while. Actually am checking in because last night my son and I were driving down to pick up my nephue from the airport.

Anyhow we started talking about video games and what makes a good game or rather what would make a good game. Me being a gamer of almost 40 years (yes I stated with pong) and having raised my kids as gamers (have had 4-8 home gamelan for the last 18 years) so family night at my house is the kids/cousans and I battleling. I had my opinions of what made a good game and my son and nephue had theirs.

I like non-quakelike FPS like Tribes, COD, BF2, CS and RTW as well and MOGs like WOW, COH and EVE.

The kids pefer RTS but also like anything that they can build stuff.

My nephue is old enough that he remembers playing 8 person Dukematches and loved it especally since I had built custom maps and had scanned in and replaced the 4 Dukes with sprites of us (in armor).

Which brings us back to the question, what makes a good "modern" game? Our list goes in order of importance:

1. COOP [we play team/teamDM games. My Nephue mentioned that he best rememberence of Duke was four of us batteling our way through the game]

2. Crafting/Building [For me the allure of WOW and EVE is being able to make stuff. I have seen the guys spend days creating a "skate" map for CS and it is one of the prerequesits they use in looking at new games]

3. Gameplay [Cutting edge graphics is not as important to us as fun gameplay. I have bought some fantastic looking games that sit on the closet because they are simply not as fun to play as sprite based games such as SG and HOMM5]

4. Multi-play [I bought games such as Doom3 which the kids never finished simply because there was not a good MP interface. Can you imagine tring to have fun playing baseball, basketball or even golf by yourself? For us Computer games are, and should be, a group experince]

5. Replay Value [I did beat Doom, RTCW and UR2 and Duke solo but once I beat them I never played them again (the base game). With Duke the replay value was in using the Kenbuild to make maps both for TDMs but also for Single and COOP. I actually used Duke to recreate older games such as EOB and Planetfall. I beat HL/HL2 and never played the base game again, well actually I bought both in order to play CS]

For us these 5 items are what we look for not only for PC games but for Xbox and playstation.

This is what I hope for in DN4, the question is what do you guys look for in games? And how close (what little is known) DN4ever will match your list.
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Old 06-21-2006, 08:45 AM   #16

ReadOnly's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
One thing for sure - no coop in DNF.
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Old 06-21-2006, 09:07 AM   #17

KaiserSoze's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Originally Posted by ReadOnly
One thing for sure - no coop in DNF.
Most likely but something definately held up development again.

I remember asking George a long time back if DNF would be released before the 10th anniversary of Duke3d this past January and at the time really seemed to think it'd be done by then.

This delay was *after* the restart and *after* they had already started with new content. I think I asked this in 2004. I'll let Kristian go look it up.

I wonder what happened that seemingly held up development?

Doubt we'll get an answer though.
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Old 06-21-2006, 09:21 AM   #18
Kristian Joensen

Kristian Joensen's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
I now what you are talking about Kaiser but I know of no such delay at all. Thinks are really going well for 3DR. I only see reasons for optimism everywhere.
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Old 06-21-2006, 09:27 AM   #19

SyntaxN's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Originally Posted by Kristian Joensen
Thinks are really going well for 3DR. I only see reasons for optimism everywhere.
hehe, you should take George´s place for PR stuff
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Old 06-21-2006, 10:02 AM   #20

ReadOnly's Avatar
Re: A few questions...again :)
Originally Posted by Kristian Joensen
I now what you are talking about Kaiser but I know of no such delay at all. Thinks are really going well for 3DR. I only see reasons for optimism everywhere.
Me too. But, if the same situation will be year later, my thoughts won't be that optimistic. I can't think of a good development from 2002 if in 2007 there won't be a sign of a game. (oops, it's near "guess the date" line)
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Old 06-21-2006, 10:29 AM   #21

Arc-Demon's Avatar
Duke Nukem Re: A few questions...again :)
My problem is that during the school year 2007-2008, I will be in college. This means I will not have as much time to play DNF (assuming it comes out in's gotta...right? ). And there is no way I'm gonna let my grades drop because of a game, even if it is Duke Nukem Forever. Duke Nukem is my most favorite game franchise ever, but in 20 years, there will be other Duke games. To me, it's not worth losing an education (which lasts a lifetime) over a game. Anyways...yeah
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