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Old 12-28-2009, 11:45 AM   #121

JobivanHiob's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by French View Post
Their hands are tied, try to understand them, maybe this teasing ( because it's clear that de "D-DAY" pic is from DNF ) is the only way for them to talk about the game.

Let's just wait the end of the lawsuit.
wait for what end? I can't wait for an end of the lawsuit if I don't know when this will be...It could end in 2 weeks or in 2 months or in 10 to look forward an end if there is no one for us, due to not knowing of it.

and what if the judge is ordering another hearing/court date?

Stay up to date with for the UNEXPECTED and PREPARE YOURSELF for SHOCK and AWESOME on Penny Arcade EXPO from September 3-5!
Onebullit: "If DNF comes out in 2010 i will buy 2 copies and send you one."
pjVgt regading DNF at PAX:"I would seriously shit my pants and pre-order three copies - one will be sent to Jobi"
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Old 12-28-2009, 12:11 PM   #122
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by JobivanHiob View Post
wait for what end? I can't wait for an end of the lawsuit if I don't know when this will be...It could end in 2 weeks or in 2 months or in 10 to look forward an end if there is no one for us, due to not knowing of it.

and what if the judge is ordering another hearing/court date?

'Madness? THIS - IS -' nope I can't do it, that joke's far too easy.
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Old 12-28-2009, 12:25 PM   #123

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Seems like the lawsuit may last as long as the game development at this point.
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Old 12-28-2009, 02:51 PM   #124
the professional
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by French View Post
Their hands are tied, try to understand them, maybe this teasing ( because it's clear that de "D-DAY" pic is from DNF ) is the only way for them to talk about the game.

Let's just wait the end of the lawsuit.
That's the only official way to talk about it. Unless your lips are physically glued shut and your hands are cut off, there are ways to communicate that do not attach your name to it...
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Old 12-28-2009, 04:44 PM   #125

Steve's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
New screenshot:

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Old 12-28-2009, 06:16 PM   #126

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
I've got to pick up that mag!
PC Specs (a.k.a. "Galacticus Prime"):
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Old 12-28-2009, 06:49 PM   #127

Angelo86's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Steve View Post
New screenshot:

Real new screenshot!

Jesus 4ever †
Duke Nukem Facebook
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Old 12-28-2009, 08:33 PM   #128

Psyrgery's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Angelo86 View Post
Real new screenshot!

George Broussard: Two facts: We haven't said anything. This forum is still open.
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:46 PM   #129

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Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Psyrgery View Post
It supports many things. Great app
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:55 PM   #130
Duke's New Chainsaw

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Re: Wired DNF article
You have won 'Post of the Day'!

Congratulations, Steve!!!

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Old 12-29-2009, 04:03 PM   #131

peoplessi's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Steve View Post
New screenshot:

Awesome, those shaders make it look almost life-like.
Duke Nukem Forever
Who am I to judge?
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Old 12-29-2009, 04:05 PM   #132

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Can't argue with that...definitely looks better than HL2 graphics, if not more recent than that.
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Old 12-30-2009, 09:07 PM   #133
Re: Wired DNF article
Was wondering if any of you folks saw this:

Thread from that Duke Source Port thing about the shuttering of 3D Realms. Ken "Build Engine" Silverman himself had this to say about the Wired article.

"I was not interviewed for the article. I wouldn't have anything to say about what happened after my time, however I can say that George behaved the same way for Duke 3D. It's funny how the team motto was to not let him see other games. Luckily, there were fewer games to see in 1996. ;-)"
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Old 12-31-2009, 12:12 AM   #134

MegaMustaine's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
That was why Duke 3D was so kickass and ahead of its time. Hell Duke 3D still does things that most games don't do today.
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Old 01-06-2010, 08:35 PM   #135
Re: Wired DNF article
Geroge, I still play Duke Nukem 3d today and play multiplayer on Yang or Meltdown. Just want you to know that Duke Nukem Forever doesn't matter to me until it's available. If the game becomes available great, I will be the first in line to buy it. To all you idiots out there, stop askin "It will be done when it will be done." . If it never gets done, join me for a game of Duke Nukem 3D. ;P
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Old 01-06-2010, 08:51 PM   #136
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by osuperduke View Post
Geroge, I still play Duke Nukem 3d today and play multiplayer on Yang or Meltdown. Just want you to know that Duke Nukem Forever doesn't matter to me until it's available. If the game becomes available great, I will be the first in line to buy it. To all you idiots out there, stop askin "It will be done when it will be done." . If it never gets done, join me for a game of Duke Nukem 3D. ;P
This is the most intelligent thing i've read on here ever since

I'll join you some day on DN3D
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:00 PM   #137

Wamplet's Avatar
Oh No Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by SpinX View Post
why doesn't anybody know when the court date is? So we can actually abandon any hope of news untill that date and we can spare ourselves a lot of time...

If George or Scott reads this, can they please have the respect to give us a date...

When It's Docketed.
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Old 01-07-2010, 06:06 PM   #138

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Heh...knew that line was coming. Just the ol' same song and dance... The WID jargon is the big montra here in these forums, and it'll just keep on echoing through.
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Old 01-15-2010, 12:46 PM   #139

Unbeholder's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by JobivanHiob View Post
yes thats the case due to the Critical Mass holiday card pic. But there is still the D-Day pic and Scotts message on his FB: "Something big and unexpected will soon be announced"

Scott&George if you don't show us something substential until January 16th (DNF anniversary) I'm done.

Teasing us to death and not delivering is something WE die-hard fans can't take anymore!!! Kidding us this much is just too much!
Well its the 16th today... I guess its over. Nothing.

Good bye JobivanHiob. I left these forums 2 years ago. And only just now have I come in for a quick peak. I guess its now another fan leaving Duke Nukem. Ah well. 3drealms must have known that the teasing, and hype train is just a spit on our faces, and not a light hearted joke like it would seem.
What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!
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Old 01-15-2010, 02:02 PM   #140

JobivanHiob's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
the anniversary was April 26th or 28th 1997, so there is some time left...

hmm....I'm still here, strange I guess something is wrong. We die hard fans have the patience of ents!
Stay up to date with for the UNEXPECTED and PREPARE YOURSELF for SHOCK and AWESOME on Penny Arcade EXPO from September 3-5!
Onebullit: "If DNF comes out in 2010 i will buy 2 copies and send you one."
pjVgt regading DNF at PAX:"I would seriously shit my pants and pre-order three copies - one will be sent to Jobi"
Last edited by JobivanHiob; 01-15-2010 at 02:05 PM.
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Old 01-15-2010, 03:58 PM   #141

duubhglas's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
I'm a Die Hard fan. Damn, Bruce Willis!
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:12 PM   #142

JobivanHiob's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
I'm so DIE HARD, I would even want so see Bruce Willis playing the Duke.
Stay up to date with for the UNEXPECTED and PREPARE YOURSELF for SHOCK and AWESOME on Penny Arcade EXPO from September 3-5!
Onebullit: "If DNF comes out in 2010 i will buy 2 copies and send you one."
pjVgt regading DNF at PAX:"I would seriously shit my pants and pre-order three copies - one will be sent to Jobi"
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:24 PM   #143
Re: Wired DNF article

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Old 01-15-2010, 08:17 PM   #144
Duke's New Chainsaw

Duke's New Chainsaw's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Unbeholder View Post
Well its the 16th today... I guess its over. Nothing.
Uh... it's still the 15th in Texas.
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Old 01-16-2010, 01:08 AM   #145
Re: Wired DNF article
A very good article...someone did some good research. After reading it I think it's clear that the court decision will not be a quick one. But, if Take-Two has documentation requiring DNF to be ready for release after two years or even "a reasonable amount of time" as it seems more likely...then 3DR will owe Take-Two significantly more than just their money back with interest. I think the court will see 3DRs failure to deliver as a breach of contract to deliver DNF to Take-Two. And, the most sensible closure of the Case would be to award Take-Two the rights and properties of DNF in compensation.

Keep in mind that with game releases like COD: Modern Warfare 2 the existing DNF code is technically outdated especially if it's running on the UT1 engine and would never be the blockbuster that George wanted it to be. But, that's George's problem...he didn't understand that if he would have simply wrapped up the work that they had and released it BEFORE changing game engines then none of the sadness would be here. We wouldn't have gotting some huge game that we could spend 20 hours playing, but we would have a new version every 2 years that had about 4 hours each with each upgrade of DNF. I wonder if he really knows how sad this is?
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Old 01-16-2010, 05:14 AM   #146

JobivanHiob's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Rockn-Roll View Post
A very good article...someone did some good research. After reading it I think it's clear that the court decision will not be a quick one. But, if Take-Two has documentation requiring DNF to be ready for release after two years or even "a reasonable amount of time" as it seems more likely...then 3DR will owe Take-Two significantly more than just their money back with interest. I think the court will see 3DRs failure to deliver as a breach of contract to deliver DNF to Take-Two. And, the most sensible closure of the Case would be to award Take-Two the rights and properties of DNF in compensation.

Keep in mind that with game releases like COD: Modern Warfare 2 the existing DNF code is technically outdated especially if it's running on the UT1 engine and would never be the blockbuster that George wanted it to be. But, that's George's problem...he didn't understand that if he would have simply wrapped up the work that they had and released it BEFORE changing game engines then none of the sadness would be here. We wouldn't have gotting some huge game that we could spend 20 hours playing, but we would have a new version every 2 years that had about 4 hours each with each upgrade of DNF. I wonder if he really knows how sad this is?
WTF UNREAL 1 engine?! What have you been smoking.

DNF runs un a 90% rewritten Unreal 2 Engine...the Duke engine is at least as good as Unreal Engine 3.
Stay up to date with for the UNEXPECTED and PREPARE YOURSELF for SHOCK and AWESOME on Penny Arcade EXPO from September 3-5!
Onebullit: "If DNF comes out in 2010 i will buy 2 copies and send you one."
pjVgt regading DNF at PAX:"I would seriously shit my pants and pre-order three copies - one will be sent to Jobi"
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Old 01-16-2010, 07:19 AM   #147

duubhglas's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
You know, know I'm thinking Ken Silverman just gave Take Two more ammunition when he told about Duke 3D development.
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Old 01-16-2010, 10:18 AM   #148

WoodenSword's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Rockn-Roll View Post
A very good article...someone did some good research.
Really what makes it a good research?

Their reliable input?
Their scientifically validated arguments?
Their mature and unbiased! conclusions?

It is not even a research. And i wouldn't dare to name Clive Thompson a researcher even as a joke.
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Old 01-16-2010, 10:52 AM   #149
Duke's New Chainsaw

Duke's New Chainsaw's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Rockn-Roll View Post
A very good article...
Awesome. Someone else who doesn't know wtf they're talking about.
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Old 01-16-2010, 12:41 PM   #150
Re: Wired DNF article
The problem is, we think we know "the truth", but as a matter of fact we don't. We don't know anything more for sure than the author of the article, as any fact regarding 3DR and DNF has to be taken with a bit of scepticism. I would say the article seems fairly close to reality, but of course there's no way to check the anonymous sources.
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Old 01-16-2010, 02:12 PM   #151

MegaMustaine's Avatar
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by Baboy View Post
The problem is, we think we know "the truth", but as a matter of fact we don't. We don't know anything more for sure than the author of the article, as any fact regarding 3DR and DNF has to be taken with a bit of scepticism. I would say the article seems fairly close to reality, but of course there's no way to check the anonymous sources.
His only anonymous sources are the forum members who he stole his ideas from. There is literally nothing new in the article.
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Old 01-16-2010, 02:37 PM   #152
Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by MegaMustaine View Post
His only anonymous sources are the forum members who he stole his ideas from. There is literally nothing new in the article.
Indeed those anonymous sources seem to come from the forum, but it is possible someone did hit the truth with some speculation, who knows. Since Duke3D there has been plenty of stuff going on at 3DR but very few could be officially confirmed, most of the news were simply comments by people working on DNF or something. It's hard to understand what's going on when there's no such thing as official words - and there's no surprise then if people come out with wild speculations. So many that they might even be right sometimes.
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Old 01-18-2010, 12:35 PM   #153
prophecy holder

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Re: Wired DNF article
Originally Posted by WoodenSword View Post
Really what makes it a good research?

Their reliable input?
Their scientifically validated arguments?
Their mature and unbiased! conclusions?

It is not even a research. And i wouldn't dare to name Clive Thompson a researcher even as a joke.
Yes because George and everyone else here is unbiased as well.
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Old 01-26-2010, 09:57 PM   #154
Re: Wired DNF article
I hope I'm not necroing this thread too much, but I found out my old password just to comment how damning this article is.

In fact, I'm not quite sure which specifically is more damning: the actual meat of the article, or the fact that it explains other people were asked my George not to talk to the writers of the article.

Recently Joakim Noah (player for the Chicago Bulls) was asked what he felt about his coach, Vinnie Del Negro. He said "If you were my friend, I would tell you a lot of things, but I feel like if I say something, it's going to make things really bad.".

Just like Noah, the people who didn't speak to Wired didn't have to say anything. When the article later cited other people's comments, it was backed by the fact that these were the few that did talk. Instead of a few disgruntled people, the reader gets the impression that there's a lot more not being said. George's comments to disregard the article only strengthen that belief, and make people question: if the article is so innacurate, why ask people with knowledge of the situation not to assist?

Now, do we need to know it all? No, I don't think so. This article (however George wants to protest that its biased or wrong) makes it pretty clear what doomed DNF; the rest is fluff and backstory. We got what I believe to be an accurate core of DNF's development, despite every attempt at preventing that.

In closing, God Bless Brian Hook.
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