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Old 07-02-2006, 06:07 AM   #1
the true duke

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A couple questions on aliens.
are the aliens in dnf game gonna be the protozoid like in dn3d?

also during gameplay will you learn of the protozoids past and where they came from and other things about them?

i have seen the so called "leecked footage" and i was wonder, will there be other enemy types other than the protozoid?
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Old 07-02-2006, 09:17 AM   #2

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: a couple questions on aliens.
Protozoid slimers were the only enemies called this from what i know... I don't think it's the name of the race...
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Old 07-02-2006, 09:25 AM   #3

Denz's Avatar
Re: a couple questions on aliens.
Yes, there will be naked aliens! o/
crunchy superman said:
10 years and two complete restarts - that's either one very effective filter, or a whole lotta shit. :D
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Old 07-02-2006, 07:30 PM   #4
the true duke

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Re: a couple questions on aliens.
naked aliens, like that one in the movie total recall.
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Old 07-02-2006, 08:39 PM   #5
The Red Slaughter

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Re: a couple questions on aliens.
Well, "Protozoid" seems the better name for then. Remeber the Slimers? They looked like the small step of they evolution. Remeber Octobrains and Area 51?
O.K, maybe the Lizard-like enemies aren't "protozoid", but rather something else. Say:

Cicloids: Troopers, Enforcers, Cicloid Emperor.

Drones: Protector Drones, The Queen, ?Something Else?

Protozoids: Protozoid Slimer, Octobrains, infected humans (part) and ?Something else?

Other: Battlelord (He share some things with the Cicloids, but he have two eyes) , Overlord (Alien Biological Weapon), Pig Cop (Mutated Humans).

But, there's something else that I find no anwser:

How Pig Cops mutate? Radioation? A alien-enginereed virus? G.L.O.P.P-Like slime made by the aliens before Mech Morphix? Genetic Engineering? Possession by other being? (Protozoids?)
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Old 07-02-2006, 10:32 PM   #6
Re: a couple questions on aliens.
mabey the mutated pigcops started out mutating into their subconscience. either way, what a damm good idea..i hope the pork fuzz are around in the next chapter. I have never seen the little boys in blue portrayed so good. gata love it. LARD, LOL. We the people needed a laugh and 3dR's comic genious is unquestionable the best in the video game buiz..Thanks guys.laughter is the best medicine, well i want to overdose on you precriptions. Even though its a little dark in ur waiting room we can see the light coming from under the door. Keep it shut till urs r ready, we know you rock and we aint going anywhere till u ready to show us... ppsssssttt hey guys is there any brown stuff on my nose?
Last edited by StainedCheeks; 07-02-2006 at 10:35 PM.
Old 07-03-2006, 12:01 AM   #7
The Red Slaughter

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Re: a couple questions on aliens.
Yeah, but anyways:
In DNMP, we see Pig Cops mutating by use of the G.L.O.P.P, so, how the aliens mutated them at dn3d? Maybe Morphix FOUND G.L.O.P.P or the like with the aliens, captured it and used it for his own plans?

I think that DNMP should have that small link with DNF. Oh, and Duke should refer to some facts on dn3d in DNF, like say: Last Boss:

"Ow man, that big ass alien makes me miss the Emperor Guy and that Queen bitch"
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Old 07-03-2006, 12:22 AM   #8
Re: a couple questions on aliens.
I thought the proper name for Duke's alien enemies was "the Rigelatins".
They came out of the star Rigel, I guess. But maybe that was only in DN1 or DN2 or something?
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Old 07-03-2006, 04:06 AM   #9

Kalki's Avatar
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
From Rigel. Also gelatinous(like jelly). Name's easy to remember if you know that.
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Old 07-03-2006, 09:21 AM   #10

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: a couple questions on aliens.
Originally Posted by The Red Slaughter
Well, "Protozoid" seems the better name for then. Remeber the Slimers? They looked like the small step of they evolution. Remeber Octobrains and Area 51?
O.K, maybe the Lizard-like enemies aren't "protozoid", but rather something else. Say:

Cicloids: Troopers, Enforcers, Cicloid Emperor.

Drones: Protector Drones, The Queen, ?Something Else?

Protozoids: Protozoid Slimer, Octobrains, infected humans (part) and ?Something else?

Other: Battlelord (He share some things with the Cicloids, but he have two eyes) , Overlord (Alien Biological Weapon), Pig Cop (Mutated Humans).
I don't think there are any kinds of "alien races" in Duke 3D... I can't imagine 3DR having thought through this kind of "background story" for a game back then... And without making it play any big role (if any..?) in the actual game...

The cycloid emperor, was called so, becasue it's a reference to "Cylops" who have one eye... But the Cycloid emperor and the Drone was the only enemies in Duke3D having one eye (i'm not sure about the Queen having that too)...

Also, the Queen can't be in the category "drones" since a Drone, is something like a woker, or whatever role it has in life... Like ants, or Bees.. Who have drones...

The enforcers, troopers etc had two eyes, so they don't fit into this category...

Octabrains are flying brains with tentacles, and 3 eyes... Protozoid slimers doesn't look like they have any kind of relation to them at all...

From what i remember, the Queen (from episode 4) was the "mother" of the Aliens, having birthed the 3 bosses from the earlyer episodes...
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Old 07-03-2006, 09:42 AM   #11
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Aren't the protozoid slimers called protozoid because they are some kind of amoeba, i.e. a protozoan?
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Old 07-03-2006, 04:19 PM   #12
the true duke

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
i just watch some of blue gender today (badass by the way) and i was thinking, duke nukem had his fare share of the same aliens over and over, its time to mature and go on to tougher more feirce alien race or something unknown that evolved on earth. you know something that can pose a threat to duke. but the game could still have some of the old aleins back (for you fan-boys not throwing fits over it)or two alien races banding together to take over earth and try to kill duke.

the blue can easily die from 1 shot to there core but its incredibly difficult to get to it which them evolving creating sheilds to protect it. you need a high caliber weapon to shoot and chip away at the horn armor while doing that finding a secure location to where it cant kill you (top a tall building). then when your done with that you got to shoot the core but the monster is now aware of this and hides out. now you have to go hunting for it and not die in the process.

sounds like a good idea for a boss battle but to make it a little more difficult more enemies come down and pigcops shooting at you, and you are trying to take pot shots at the core to kill the boss.

also has it ever crossed the aliens minds to just destroy the earth from a safe distance with a particle beam. there aliens right? why dont they have huge particle beams to destroy the earth? takes care of there duke problem and they find a new planet to take over.
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Old 07-03-2006, 04:41 PM   #13
Commando Nukem

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Cool Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Or things can be a mix of two things : What 3DR wants.

and: What 3DR knows the fans want to see.

Because 3DR doesn't make badguys that nessacarily "make sense" they make badguys for us to kill and be killed by, and to have a good time. Things they think are cool, and things that spoof on real-life culture.

For instance, does anyone here actually know what the whole pigcop joke is? I bet a lot of the newer people have no idea.

"Pig" "Cop" Cops are often called PIGS by thugs, or used to be. and a lot of cop stereotypes are fat bigs. So theres your joke. =p. So 3Dr made the joke literal. Heh.

Octabrains.... I always figured it was just a poke at the CacoDemon from DOOM. A spoof of that character if you will.

The slimers I always figured were a facehugger joke.

See.. They really don't make much sense, and trying to make sense of them isn't ever gonna happen, you'll just end up having endless debates over which theory is right, and canon. Its why I stopped going over to the PlanetAVP and GAMEGOSSIP AvP forums. Too much bickering over which theory was the right one (Caste or Cowl.... Who cares? They look cool, they terrify and act cool.... Thats what matters. Now kill em.)
Open Maw Productions
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Old 07-03-2006, 06:25 PM   #14
the true duke

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
ok i see what your saying but i want something different in dnf. how bout this:

we know there's now such thing as perfection. why would every pigcop mutation be perfect. how about a level or a freqently appearing dis-figured pigcops that are just horrifying to look at. like one where the pigcops are not fully developt and due to the oxygen and carbon monixcide build up in there body explodes in a bloody mess when you shoot them.

one thing about half-life two is that they didnt stick with the same enemies and it still did great. a new alien race attacked (but unlike all alien based games the aliens win) took over earth and the rebelion started and so on.
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Old 07-03-2006, 07:36 PM   #15
Commando Nukem

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Cool Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Well it has I do like the Pig Cop idea. The thing with it is the ideas have to be translated into terms of size data.

Lets assume you have a standard pigcop with the following data

AI Space : 40 KB.
Model Space : 1.25 MB.
Texture Space : 2.20 MB.
Sound Space : 3.29 MB.

Now add that up and add on another two or three variations for each additional monster, actually it may not be an entirely new addition each monster, but require the use of extensive submodels and extra sounds for each character to give them variation. You also require additional code. It does add up in memory cache and filespace when you expand that to other things. You really push the size limits, and I think the memory requirements go through the roof.

Requiring even more upgrades from the end user.

and to support your arguement, everygame duke has been in has had a different Alien race messing with time. Technically Duke wasn't even fighting an Alien Race in Duke1, it was just some robots and Proton.

Half-Life 2 switch aliens because thats where the story was heading, and what you really had was all the border-world creatures making appearances. Like the Headcrabs and Zombies, and then Slaves and Itchasaurs. Half-life is also more narratively driven then your average Duke game. Duke usually doesn't have much to say in the way of plot-boundedness. Not that im agains't having plot. Its just you can't take Duke so seriously. The games are very Cheesey. Thats what makes them so good is their cheesey one liners and their whacky and badass badguys. Don't forget the strippers and beer neither.

Im just saying. Lets not change what has made Duke good in the past. Thats what Hollywood has done with so many franchises, and fudged it up quite often.
Open Maw Productions
Last edited by Commando Nukem; 07-03-2006 at 07:52 PM.
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:34 PM   #16
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Originally Posted by Commando Nukem
AI Space : 40 KB.
Model Space : 1.25 MB.
Texture Space : 2.20 MB.
Sound Space : 3.29 MB.
It's not going to take 1000 lines of code to write a PigCop since you're going to inherit most of it, so the 40k is a little off; should be around 4k or less.

And the variations are going to have some data in common with the origional(but why would they send a broken pigcop into combat if it'll explode and kill its comrades?).
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Old 07-03-2006, 11:42 PM   #17
The Red Slaughter

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
I don't think there are any kinds of "alien races" in Duke 3D... I can't imagine 3DR having thought through this kind of "background story" for a game back then... And without making it play any big role (if any..?) in the actual game...
From what i've heard, the guys from 3drealms are going to do a pretty kick-ass history on the game. And I like to know who are my enemies... They Can't be just "them alienz fellars".

The cycloid emperor, was called so, becasue it's a reference to "Cylops" who have one eye... But the Cycloid emperor and the Drone was the only enemies in Duke3D having one eye (i'm not sure about the Queen having that too)...
Whate... From what I can remember, the Enforcer have only one eye... the troper have small eyes through. But they look sort of related. Bessides, the Queen have only one eye too.

Also, the Queen can't be in the category "drones" since a Drone, is something like a woker, or whatever role it has in life... Like ants, or Bees.. Who have drones...
Yeah, I know, but the Queen was the one spawing the drones, so they're sort of a same thing and the "Drone" name sticks good.

Octabrains are flying brains with tentacles, and 3 eyes... Protozoid slimers doesn't look like they have any kind of relation to them at all...
Remeber area 51 on Atomic Edition? There was a drawing on a wall showing the Octobrain and his insides. Funny enough, he looked like a big protozoid. Bessides, it'very easy to find a octobrain near Protozoid Slimers... Almost too easy... as it was proposital...

The Queen is just the mother of the Drones from what I know... And from what I know, she came from that Woman in the opening cinematic. Kinda Alien style. Just don't ask how them alien fellas procriate with a human woman to creat the queen... Maybe the emperor guy hehehehehe
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Old 07-03-2006, 11:46 PM   #18
Commando Nukem

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Shes actually just The Bitch. or The Queen.

Enforcers and Liztroops both have two eyes.
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Old 07-04-2006, 04:27 AM   #19

Rider's Avatar
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Bessides, it'very easy to find a octobrain near Protozoid Slimers... Almost too easy... as it was proposital...
Octobrains usually serve as guards for a nest of slimers. I believe it's at planetduke as well, but I'm not sure.
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Old 07-04-2006, 07:13 AM   #20

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Originally Posted by The Red Slaughter

Whate... From what I can remember, the Enforcer have only one eye... the troper have small eyes through. But they look sort of related. Bessides, the Queen have only one eye too.
The Enforcer, is the enemy, with the chaingun, it does have 2 eyes, it looks like a dinosaur with aromor, and weapons...
It's the same enemy as on the Duke3D cover, the difference being that it's in anotehr color (purple, while in-game it's more light-brownish... But the cover is not true to the game, as for instance the weapons on it are not in the game, and Duke's pants being black instead of wearing the blue-jeans as in the actual game)

The enforcer on the cover can also easily be recognized becasue it is wearing the same armor, weapon, and nose-ring...

Originally Posted by The Red Slaughter
Yeah, I know, but the Queen was the one spawing the drones, so they're sort of a same thing and the "Drone" name sticks good.
Yes, but i'm just saying that calling the queen a drone, is misleading, because the quuen makes drones, so it can't be one of them...
This alien race could need a name, to make an actually category for it to fit in, but as ai said previously, Game developers really didn't go that much into story telling back then...

Originally Posted by The Red Slaughter
Remeber area 51 on Atomic Edition? There was a drawing on a wall showing the Octobrain and his insides. Funny enough, he looked like a big protozoid. Bessides, it'very easy to find a octobrain near Protozoid Slimers... Almost too easy... as it was proposital...
I don't have atomic edition, i have never tried it... I am planning to get it... I'll Probably purchase it via the internet like i'll do with the LCE of Prey...

That said, i have never seen this sign, unfortunately...

As a sidenote, i'd like to say that all the info i mentioned, regarding info from the Atomic edition, is stuff i gathered by reading, and watching screenshots...
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Old 07-04-2006, 07:23 PM   #21
the true duke

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
i got dn3d, doom 3, half-life 2 and other great games via bitcomet (free by the way).
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Old 07-04-2006, 09:39 PM   #22
Otto von Keisinger

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
And highly illegal. Bad! No!
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Old 07-04-2006, 09:42 PM   #23
the true duke

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
im sorry, i'll go to my room now
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Old 07-04-2006, 10:15 PM   #24
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
i spend 100 bucks a week on games. LOL , true stuff. sci fi till dawn, then wife throws shoe at me. story of me life..wouldnt have it any other ya think the aliens will invade all the earth this time around? or just western parts of the U.S.?
Old 07-04-2006, 11:27 PM   #25

Malgon's Avatar
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Some of them should have variances (different armour, weapons, colour) but they should still be within a certain group, possibly with a leader who is much more versatile than the standard trooper of that group. Eg, pig cops would be the standard trooper, and they would operate under a commander of some sort, who is possibly a bit more intelligent. With the standard pig cops you'd have ones with riot shields or grenades or shotguns, different levels of armour just to lend a bit more variety. That'd work I think.
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Last edited by Malgon; 07-04-2006 at 11:32 PM.
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Old 07-07-2006, 10:27 PM   #26
The Red Slaughter

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
I think that DNF should have a more "Them alien fellerz are invadin'! People 're being slaughtered, some trying to resist but getting arse kicked." Say, the beginnin' can't just jump us right into action. Say, if Duke was doing "something" (don't ask me what) and Las Vegas, and then... Spaceships came all around, CNN fliping like mad about spaceship being found by satellites and just as things where going, Spaceships begin to descend into Las Vegas and Duke is caught right in the middle of the invasion.
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Old 07-08-2006, 12:39 AM   #27
the true duke

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
well the game has been through constant changes and black out, would las vegas be in the new dnf. if they did change it i want a better location,we should start in space as duke is being lifted to a spacestation (not a lot of story, like 10-20 mins long before going to earth) to get a award for saving earth, there you can get your slow start getting familar with the controlles and what not. then you can have interactivity to the max. then the action starts.
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Old 07-08-2006, 02:10 AM   #28
The Red Slaughter

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Yeah, simple and direct.
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Old 07-08-2006, 05:29 AM   #29
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
I think the aliens could allready be here, replacing certain people. like in "they live" then they try to cause countries to go to war ya know to make order out of chaos. this idea is old and many have been hard at work trying to do this very thing, but were not aliens. so some how duke must make his way to edf and have cool vehicular battles on the way there. when he arrives things get cleared up on who is who so duke must then make his way to remote launch facility to launch prototype starship to enterupt broadcasting signal of evil aliens, duke finds all real people who have been taken and kills the boss and saves the day. blahh blahh rahh rahh then he goes on intersteller vacation with lots of chicky babes.
Old 07-08-2006, 03:49 PM   #30

Sang's Avatar
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Originally Posted by the true duke
its time to mature and go on to tougher more feirce alien race or something unknown that evolved on earth.
Alien race from Earth? Right.

Anyhoo I definitely think DNF should have new aliens, but they should of course bring the fan favourites back (Pigcops, Minibosses,..) It doesn't mean that they have to look like the ones in Duke3D, but the first second you see them you should be thinking "aaah good old pigcops".. Know what I'm sayin'?
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Old 07-08-2006, 03:52 PM   #31
the true duke

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
ya fan favorites like battle lords, pigcops, octo-brains and the enforcers.
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Old 07-08-2006, 04:02 PM   #32

Gatinater's Avatar
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
I don't think any of the aliens in Duke3D really had a connection nor did 3DR really put much into their existance other than Bah aliens comming to take the earth. This was all during a time when games were more pretend than story. Back then they just made something up and gave it a name and that was it.

Duke3D has an enemy that spin around and fires rockets out if it's ass. I don't think 3DRealms was too serious about the story. After all the intro is like a paragrah. Something like.. You were cruisin and they shot down your Astropimp 3000 spacecraft.
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Old 07-08-2006, 04:04 PM   #33
Commando Nukem

Commando Nukem's Avatar
Re: A couple questions on aliens.
Originally Posted by Gatinater
I don't think any of the aliens in Duke3D really had a connection nor did 3DR really put much into their existance other than Bah aliens comming to take the earth. This was all during a time when games were more pretend than story. Back then they just made something up and gave it a name and that was it.

Duke3D has an enemy that spin around and fires rockets out if it's ass. I don't think 3DRealms was too serious about the story. After all the intro is like a paragrah. Something like.. You were cruisin and they shot down your Astropimp 3000 spacecraft.
The Irony is I believe the Fat CMDRS are making a return if I remember hearing correctly. (something along the lines of "Wait until you see em in DNF!" lol)
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Old 07-08-2006, 07:45 PM   #34
the true duke

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Re: A couple questions on aliens.
i hated those fat things, you can tell there close cause you can hear them say "suck it down". in wide open area there easy to kill, in a inclosed area there a little more difficult.
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