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Old 02-07-2007, 03:28 PM   #1
Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Idea is simple, it's all about weapons:
-When you pick another pistol text "Picked up another pistol" is shown and you have pistols akimbo (like submachineguns in DN64). You can select single pistol by pressing "2" key again.
-Altfire button to trigger second weapon function

Weapons Altifires:
1. Kick weapon: Punch - shorter range, less powerful but quicker (maybe swaped - punch primary, kick secondary, difference like in Shadow Warrior between fists of fury and the sword)
2. Pistol: Laser sight toggle - improves aiming, slower firerate but more powerful and accurate
3. Shotgun: explosive round. Better for long distances, creates little explosion (like devastator missile, but hitscan type). Half as powerful as standard pellet shot (with all pellets). Uses 1 ammo.
4. Chaingun: Launches Grenade (uses pipebombs) that explodes on impact (DN64 like)
5. RPG: Heat-seeking Rockets (uses 2 RPG ammo), slower, like in Shadow Warrior
6. Pipebombs: primary fire throws pipebomb and selects another, secondary detonates bombs (detonator button shows and is pressed immediately)
7. Shrinker: I suggest combo - Expander model but with green glow inside. Primary - shrinks, secondary expands. Also an option to replace expander ammo with shrinker ammo is interesting (places where shrinker ammo was as default, leaved intact). One ammo type for the weapon means you can expand enemies also in the 2 and 3 episode (expand shot uses 1 ammo, shrink ray 9 ammo for example, max is 99)
8. Devastator: Shots only single missile from each barrel, but they are incendary. Each missile ignites enemy but flame fades out pretty quick. So you'll have to launch a dozen on them to burn enemies to death (jus like SW Guardian Head primary weapon mode)
9. Tripbomb: flips tripbomb switch and goes into timebomb mode (second and third altfire press sets time (3, 5, 10 seconds for example). Place on the wall and run away!
0. Freezer: It charges itself then ball of ice is released. It explodes on impact and freezes + "breaks" instantly anyone in the radius. Also during explosion, freeze shots are released from the ball in few directions. (simple, its just some sort of BFG ). Uses 33 Freeze ammo.

Cool isn't it??
Zaero is offline  
Old 02-07-2007, 03:33 PM   #2

Mr.Fibbles's Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
complex, but a good concept. applying it and making the models and animations will take time though.
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Old 02-07-2007, 03:38 PM   #3
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Originally Posted by Mr.Fibbles View Post
complex, but a good concept. applying it and making the models and animations will take time though.
Models and animations are already included in the HRP. The only change needed is to reskin expander to have green goo inside it, instead of red.
Zaero is offline  
Old 02-07-2007, 09:05 PM   #4
Mr. Pink

Mr. Pink's Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Chaingun alt fire: how about bouncing around and then detonating on hitscan, like the grenade launcher from SW? That thing was cool.

Haven't played DN64, so I'm clueless as to how that behaves. If it's anything like SW that would rock.
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Old 02-08-2007, 05:48 AM   #5
Re: Altfire mod idea (part of future sd mod maybe?)
Originally Posted by Mr. Pink View Post
Chaingun alt fire: how about bouncing around and then detonating on hitscan, like the grenade launcher from SW? That thing was cool.

Haven't played DN64, so I'm clueless as to how that behaves. If it's anything like SW that would rock.
I also haven't played it, but I watched this, you also should:

Revision 1:
3. Shotgun: explosive round. As powerful as standard pellet shot (with all pellets). Uses 2 ammo.
4. Chaingun: Launches Grenade (uses pipebombs ammo) that rolls on the ground and explodes if it hits something. If not when the grenade speed is low enough it stays on the ground acting like proximity mine. In other words - altfire exactly like Battlelords grenade launcher attack. Same grenade models and animations used (steel balls with unstable core or something..)
5. RPG: Heat-seeking Rockets (uses 1 RPG ammo), slower projectile, like in Shadow Warrior, very long reload time (3 seconds between shots or so)

Also some hud changes:
-Throw power indicator (like in Blood, when throwing dynamite)
-Freeze power indicator (the look same as above) shows how powerful charge is created (altfire)
-Indicator to show how much ammo is left in each pistol clip (when single or akimbo)
-Ammount of time set on tripbomb timer (if in timebomb mode)
-Ammount of grenades (pipebombs) shown when chaingun is selected
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Old 02-17-2007, 06:45 PM   #6

DissidentRage's Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
A couple years ago I programmed the tripbomb so that you could manually program the timer. Back then I was limited in that you could only select from a few preset times but you can do something better than that now.

What I would suggest is that you actually use the tripbomb button (9 key, for instance) to actually switch between timed and tripped modes. On timed mode, you would alt-fire to bring up a small menu (digitalnumber command) that displays the time. You would then lock the player from using the forward and back keys, and remap them to increase and decrease the time using their events. Since time in Duke 3D isn't measured in seconds, you would increment it by I believe 26 time units to equal each second. Primary fire would make the new time the default timer and the secondary fire would make the new time only be used this one time and then reset to the default.
Alt for djevelen!
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Old 02-17-2007, 07:40 PM   #7
Mr. Pink

Mr. Pink's Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part of future sd mod maybe?)
@Zaero: That's pretty much what I was hoping for. It looks to me like it functions like SW's grenade launcher. Way cool!

Also, I've seen the heat seeking RPG in a TC called The Gate. Let me know if you don't have it & I'll find the link.
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Old 02-18-2007, 10:04 AM   #8
Re: Altfire mod idea (part of future sd mod maybe?)
Originally Posted by Mr. Pink View Post
@Zaero: That's pretty much what I was hoping for. It looks to me like it functions like SW's grenade launcher. Way cool!

Also, I've seen the heat seeking RPG in a TC called The Gate. Let me know if you don't have it & I'll find the link.
I don't have the Gate. I was thinking about the way heat-seeker works in SW. Also I think that rocket during homing fly should lock the RPG for fireing once again. Alt-attack uses 1 ammo (quite realistic - one projecitle, one ammo cost) so the ammo cost of this useful attack is very cheap. If we want this attack to by balanced compared to the primary the firerate must be slower. After a bit of thinking I came to conclusion: "guiding module of the RPG which remotely controls the rocket trajectory can handle only one rocket at the time. When the first rocket blows up, the second can be launched."

Roger, you idea is cool but probably too advanced. There is no need for such a precise time counting, just a simple preparation of tripbomb before use. I really don't see the need to set the clock exactly to say..4 seconds. If it's set to 5, maybe the enemy will pass it but the explosion will blow him up to the piecies anyway. Duke is simple, fun-packed game about the One Man Army not the military tactics specialist. My idea is to add more fun but, still keep it simple. Your opinion is interesting, features are cool, just to complicated for an average user that don't read the readme file, I think.

BTW, maybe you Roger have a skills to made such mod as my idea describes? Are you interested in it?
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Old 02-18-2007, 11:35 AM   #9

DissidentRage's Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Unfortunately my time is being taken by a game my team is making from scratch, so I can't really code for your endeavours and I've been so out of the loop on coding that what I suggest to you might not work. You could perhaps ask DeeperThought for guidance.
Alt for djevelen!
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Old 02-18-2007, 01:29 PM   #10

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
I wasn't going to say anything in this thread, but since I was mentioned...

There's actually a good number of people around who know enough con coding to make an alt-fire mod like the one described (I can think of five just off the top of my head).

I have my own alt-fire modes which I use in my mods (see sig). I'm in the process of overhauling the DNWMD mod, but the alt-fire modes are staying pretty much the same.

Some of Zaeoro's ideas for alt modes sound pretty good. I like the idea of having a Megaman style charge up attack for the alt-freezer. Or, perhaps better, forget about freezing entirely and make it an energy weapon. Anyway, like most people, I'm busy with my own work, but I'm sure myself and maybe others would be happy to answer con coding questions.
New map effects and various optional extras for Duke 3D.

XP based weapon upgrades, progressive difficulty, and more.
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Old 02-19-2007, 03:22 PM   #11
Post Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?) anyone interested in participation of such a mod? Hellbound maybe? As far as I know he is from my own country, so the communication about some ideas will be easier, becouse of the native language.
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Old 04-16-2007, 05:45 AM   #12
Lightbulb Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Revision 2:
1. Kick weapon: spinning kick (see Weapons od Mass Destruction by DeeperThought)
4. Chaingun: WMD altfire (it's great and there is no need to change the chaingun model)
5. RPG: altfire enables laser ray to manualy guide rockets (hmm..WMD like )
6. Pipebombs: primary fire throws pipebomb and selects another, secondary detonates bombs (detonator is already held in the left hand). If the altfire is pressed when no pipebombs lay on the ground, duke hides the detonator and fireing mode is changed to timed bouncy grenades (like the grenade launcher in DN64)
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Old 04-16-2007, 04:09 PM   #13
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
¾ of the revisions you made are from DNWMD. Just play DNWMD already!

Anyway, there's a 0% chance of this getting included in SD_Duke if I have anything to say about it. I'm pretty sure the original SD_Creators just wanted to bring the graphics, sound, and other effects up-to-par using techniques that the HRP alone couldn't do. Having your ideas put into SD_Duke isn't fair to people like me who have their own mods because SD_Duke is included with the very commonly distributed HRP, especially because a few of your ideas aren't very original.

Also, please stop just asking around for people to code this for you. You've asked three times so far in this thread. Ideas don't cut it. Skills, patience, and determination do.

However, some of your ideas are pretty good. I'd be happy to consider adding the better ones to H266MOD (with some adjustments), but not before v2.0.
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 04-17-2007, 02:16 AM   #14
Irritated Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Originally Posted by Hendricks266 View Post
¾ of the revisions you made are from DNWMD. Just play DNWMD already!

Anyway, there's a 0% chance of this getting included in SD_Duke if I have anything to say about it. I'm pretty sure the original SD_Creators just wanted to bring the graphics, sound, and other effects up-to-par using techniques that the HRP alone couldn't do. Having your ideas put into SD_Duke isn't fair to people like me who have their own mods because SD_Duke is included with the very commonly distributed HRP, especially because a few of your ideas aren't very original.

Also, please stop just asking around for people to code this for you. You've asked three times so far in this thread. Ideas don't cut it. Skills, patience, and determination do.

However, some of your ideas are pretty good. I'd be happy to consider adding the better ones to H266MOD (with some adjustments), but not before v2.0.
3/5 of revisions to be precise (revision 1 - shotgun), that is 3/10 weapons, too little to leave the idea and just play WMD (which is A LOT of fun).

The reasons why there is so many ideas from WMD in revision 2 are:
1. Kick weapon: spinning kick - it's cool as hell! Also, there is no game where Duke punches - he always use a kick.
4. Chaingun: WMD altfire - it's great and there is no need to change the chaingun model
5. RPG: altfire enables laser ray to manualy guide rockets - heat-seeking rocket like in SW would be probably too powerful. You may then launch a missiles from behind the corner and have eyes peeled for flying gibs - cheat like!

Yes, I also think that sd_mod is some sort of "must have" addon to HRP, not a mod, so you're probably right about the chances. And after a bit of consideration I came to conclusion that it'll be better to make mod like this as a separate module, to give people the right to choose.

"Stop asking" you said.. well I stopped. Skills.. that's the thing I dont have..
I even don't know how to start..
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Old 04-17-2007, 02:32 AM   #15

Hellbound's Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Geez man, con hacking is not a very complicated stuff. The only tip I can tell you is to start with small things, just to understand how it all works.

Here you've got a con faq for Duke 1.4+, start with that, then try to mess around with ED32 commands.

Heh, I saw some people who think that people who are giving ideas are the most important in gamedeveloping teams. How ridiculous...
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Old 04-18-2007, 11:50 AM   #16
Thumbs up Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Originally Posted by Hellbound View Post
Geez man, con hacking is not a very complicated stuff. The only tip I can tell you is to start with small things, just to understand how it all works.

Here you've got a con faq for Duke 1.4+, start with that, then try to mess around with ED32 commands.

Heh, I saw some people who think that people who are giving ideas are the most important in gamedeveloping teams. How ridiculous...
I think that both good ideas and good implementation of them are important. It's like with guns: you may know how to shoot but if you don't have an arm you'll do nothing. The same if you have the gun but dont know how to use it.

BTW: Thank you for the tip!
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:35 PM   #17

Hellbound's Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Haha, NP

but the most important thing in game developing is hard work, sacrifice, blood, tears and pain to take!
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Old 04-20-2007, 02:26 PM   #18

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: Altfire mod idea (part od future sd mod maybe?)
Originally Posted by Hellbound View Post
Haha, NP

but the most important thing in game developing is hard work, sacrifice, blood, tears and pain to take!
Especially the last 4...

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'
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