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Old 05-29-2014, 01:51 AM   #1

evilemperorzorg's Avatar
Shadow Warrior 2013 Retail Version?
I've read in couple of sites that the game got a retail boxed version released (I think steam version but boxed). I checked on amazon and it indeed has a version that is also sold by many other sellers. And by trusted sellers.
In description they say "good condition, manual in perfect condition etc...".

so I wonder... is it true? shall I order it? or I'll end up getting a code that I don't need? (I already own the game on steam).

Please anyone if a retail version exists and if you have it post some pics...

I posted here because I think 3D Realms still owns the game and the logo was there anyway... so its "Other 3D Realms game"
Last edited by evilemperorzorg; 05-29-2014 at 01:54 AM.
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Old 05-29-2014, 08:38 AM   #2

dan2091's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2013 Retail Version?
Not sure. It seems it's real.

but PC retail boxes... don't make me start on that Alan Wake retail box released in US... sigh.

Console retail games are heading the same way, with no manuals and software agreements on the backside of the artwork.
J'etais parti ce matin au bois. Pour toi, mon amour, por toi... -Barbara
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Old 05-29-2014, 09:00 AM   #3

evilemperorzorg's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2013 Retail Version?
Alan Wake I think was perfect : P
Standard edition for 20 euros and it looked like limited edition from other games that cost more than 60 euros...
I actually bought the Special Edition of Alan Wake and it costed 35 euros I think... and it was perfect...
Or maybe you mean American Nightmare retail version?
That's the standard edition that costs just 20 euros!

Anyway... I just want to have it for collection... you know have the feel that I actually own this game and that is part of my collection...
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Old 05-31-2014, 01:35 AM   #4

dan2091's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2013 Retail Version?
Alan Wake PC european release was very, very good. But Alan Wake PC US release... It's complete crap, physically speaking. As when it comes to software, it throws up the same goodies as the european version.

It's the one this guy holds up at 1:40.. It's just a dvd case, a cardboard and the disc. There's not even an artwork cover or manual.
J'etais parti ce matin au bois. Pour toi, mon amour, por toi... -Barbara
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Old 05-31-2014, 02:46 PM   #5

evilemperorzorg's Avatar
Re: Shadow Warrior 2013 Retail Version?
holy shit indeed... it was 10 times crappier than European retail release of Alan Wake American Nightmare lol
And that one was just a dvd case, small 5-6 page manual and the disk

i bought it for collection... I guess Shadow Warrior will be pretty much like that!
Last edited by evilemperorzorg; 05-31-2014 at 02:49 PM.
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