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Old 03-14-2005, 08:11 PM   #1

pjohnsonjr's Avatar
Duke Action Figures Idea...
Well we know Resasaurus is pretty much a distant company of the past.. They had cool figures, but with Duke Nukem Forever coming along wiht time, you figure the merchandise will flow as well.
My question is directed as follows: Could another company, such as Todd McFarlane's quite possibly or someone else, establish a new line of figures? They do other game characters, I wouldn't see why they wouldn't do a series of Duke Figures...

Just my personal curiosity.
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Old 03-15-2005, 03:17 AM   #2

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Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
If 3DRealms would grant them permission to do so, I can't think of a reason why not.
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Old 03-15-2005, 08:36 AM   #3
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
They should also make figures of strippers or cocooned babes.
Old 03-15-2005, 01:09 PM   #4

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Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
dukeboss19 said:
They should also make figures of strippers or cocooned babes.
"A exact copy of the strippers from DNF, with enhachet animations and 'off-takeable-clothes'..!"
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Old 03-15-2005, 03:19 PM   #5

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Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
Micki! said:
dukeboss19 said:
They should also make figures of strippers or cocooned babes.
"A exact copy of the strippers from DNF, with enhachet animations and 'off-takeable-clothes'..!"
like those pornstar action figures
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Old 03-15-2005, 03:19 PM   #6

GodBlitZor's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
I want all of the enemies really and their variants liek Cyber Enforcer(Zero Hour) was totally pimp.
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Old 03-28-2005, 01:40 PM   #7
Joe Siegler
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Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
I asked George about that some time ago. I have several of the McFarlane baseball action figures. They're absolutely awesome!

George agreed on their quality, but it would come down to contracts, money, time, what lese McFarlane is working on, etc..

In other words... No idea.
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Old 03-28-2005, 01:45 PM   #8

jimbob's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
Joe3DR said:
I asked George about that some time ago. I have several of the McFarlane baseball action figures. They're absolutely awesome!

George agreed on their quality, but it would come down to contracts, money, time, what lese McFarlane is working on, etc..

In other words... No idea.
well, i really do hope there wil be a new line of action figures, never had a chance to buy the old ones
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Old 03-28-2005, 01:50 PM   #9
Joe Siegler
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Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
Oh, I'm fairly confident there will be more action figures.

I just have no idea who will be making them, nor do I think anyone else here does, either. I'd be surprised if there were any concrete discussions about that now. More important things to deal with at the moment then action figures.
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Old 03-28-2005, 02:55 PM   #10

theRobot's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
Ask the same company that did the action figures for GamePro... Those seemed nice.. I mean I don't have any, but whatever company gets the job done.
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Old 03-29-2005, 01:33 PM   #11

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Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
Release DNF, Wait for it to be a hit(wouldnt be long ), Then make figures!!
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Old 03-29-2005, 04:02 PM   #12

jimbob's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
GodBlitZor said:
Release DNF, Wait for it to be a hit(wouldnt be long ), Then make figures!!
that was the basic plan of action after duke nukem 3d, make a game, if its popular make a sequal.
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Old 03-30-2005, 02:32 AM   #13

Tetsuro's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
No, no McFarlane.

Sure, their action figures are great looking, but at what expense? They have articulation of a screwdriver and they're virtually just statues.

What was the company that released the original action figures, anyway? That was more like it.
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Old 03-30-2005, 02:54 AM   #14

jimbob's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
Takeshi said:
No, no McFarlane.

Sure, their action figures are great looking, but at what expense? They have articulation of a screwdriver and they're virtually just statues.

What was the company that released the original action figures, anyway? That was more like it.
articulation of a screwdriver? i have a predator action fogire by mcfarlane and its incredibly articulate, i can pose it in pretty much anyway i like it. make it sit, lean, play air guitar.

you only need to move the parts around so they loosen up a bit first

also have the "the trooper" eddie from iron maiden by mcfarlane, its also verry articulate, eventhough its not suposed to be an "posable" action figure.
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Old 03-30-2005, 02:58 AM   #15

Tetsuro's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
jimbob said:
Takeshi said:
No, no McFarlane.

Sure, their action figures are great looking, but at what expense? They have articulation of a screwdriver and they're virtually just statues.

What was the company that released the original action figures, anyway? That was more like it.
articulation of a screwdriver? i have a predator action fogire by mcfarlane and its incredibly articulate, i can pose it in pretty much anyway i like it. make it sit, lean, play air guitar.

you only need to move the parts around so they loosen up a bit first

also have the "the trooper" eddie from iron maiden by mcfarlane, its also verry articulate, eventhough its not suposed to be an "posable" action figure.
Well, I haven't had any McFarlane figures since the Shrek protagonists and the old Ash figure...but the new Robocop looks mighty awesome.
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Old 03-30-2005, 03:00 AM   #16

jimbob's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
yeah, wanted to pick that one up, but i noticed you cant take off the helmet
that really sucks imho.

also looking for the angus young figure, but they hardly sell that one over here. the metallica set with the stage is also hardly available

maybe i should order them directly from mcfarlane but i gues shipping costs would cost allot
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Old 03-30-2005, 05:36 PM   #17

pjohnsonjr's Avatar
Re: Duke Action Figures Idea...
Those metallica ones didn't sell down here, much like the KISS Love Gun sets (even as a diehard (Pre-Bullsh*t KISS eras, long story different convo). I guess that's what happens when bands make themselves more commercially marketable at the expense of the diehard care for the music fans.

As for the articulation bit... McFarlane figures have come along way from the first Spawn series. I have the Reunion KISS figures, they look like exaggerated comic book heroes... Depending on the character, the articulation is very flexible.
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