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Old 08-08-2007, 11:38 AM   #1
Smile "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
Hi duke fans & builders, I have some problems with mapster32... I can't figure out wether it is an engine limit on sector size, or just a mapster32 bug.
I had a search for this message in the forum but i had no result.
This error comes up when I want to make a sector red (by pressing Alt-S). If the size of the sector goes beyond some (unidentified) size limit, a "can't make a sector out there" message is shown when i press Alt-S on it.
I came against this message when i was making a large map. Then i tried reducing the size of the sector, and then it worked. Hence i realized the presence of the size limit.
Has anybody found this error/bug/limit before? Please let me know.

All the best on your building.

I write in this forum for the first time. I'm a great fan of map editing. Now i'm on a big map project right now. I'd like to show you the improvements as i go along.
It's nice to see that Duke lives again and that there is such an active community out there. I'm playing this game since '97 and made some maps.
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Old 08-08-2007, 11:53 AM   #2
Commando Nukem

Commando Nukem's Avatar
Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
Originally Posted by polyhedron View Post
Hi duke fans & builders, I have some problems with mapster32... I can't figure out wether it is an engine limit on sector size, or just a mapster32 bug.
I had a search for this message in the forum but i had no result.
This error comes up when I want to make a sector red (by pressing Alt-S). If the size of the sector goes beyond some (unidentified) size limit, a "can't make a sector out there" message is shown when i press Alt-S on it.
I came against this message when i was making a large map. Then i tried reducing the size of the sector, and then it worked. Hence i realized the presence of the size limit.
Has anybody found this error/bug/limit before? Please let me know.

All the best on your building.

I write in this forum for the first time. I'm a great fan of map editing. Now i'm on a big map project right now. I'd like to show you the improvements as i go along.
It's nice to see that Duke lives again and that there is such an active community out there. I'm playing this game since '97 and made some maps.
Im pretty sure this is a well known limit of the engine. One of the ways to work around it is to divid a sector into pieces... I think thats how I used to do it anyway.. im not sure if thats the "right" way to do it however. :P
Open Maw Productions
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Old 08-08-2007, 03:57 PM   #3

Batchelor's Avatar
Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
You don't actually have to divide a sector into pieces, just insert more points in its walls.
Build has problems with really large walls.
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Last edited by Batchelor; 08-08-2007 at 04:11 PM. Reason: Wasn't paying attention in first edit
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Old 08-08-2007, 04:06 PM   #4
Smile Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
Hi commando nukem, thanks for the fast reply and for the tip. So, this is a well known limit... i wonder why this problem has not been solved in the source already. I guess there is a good reason for it.

ok, i go back building.
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Old 08-09-2007, 07:33 AM   #5
Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
You don't actually have to divide a sector into pieces, just insert more points in its walls.
hi batchelor, thx for your reply!
indeed it's easier to just insert points than splitting a sector in pieces!
now i can go on building my huge map. I'm doing the main structure now, i think i will add the details later.

Build has problems with really large walls.
can't someone just fix this problem? is it an unfixable limit of the engine?
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Old 08-09-2007, 01:45 PM   #6

Awesoken's Avatar
Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
In case anyone cares, it's this line in clockdir() of build.c that is overflowing:

templong = (x0-x1)*(y2-y1) - (x2-x1)*(y0-y1);

If the length of 2 neighboring walls on the left side of the sector exceeds somewhere between 32768 and 65536, it will overflow, causing clockdir() to return the wrong result sometimes.
-Ken S.
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Old 08-09-2007, 03:33 PM   #7

Batchelor's Avatar
Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
That, perhaps, would have been better said in the Eduke32 thread over in the source code forums.
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Old 08-09-2007, 04:39 PM   #8

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
Originally Posted by Batchelor View Post
That, perhaps, would have been better said in the Eduke32 thread over in the source code forums.
The creator of the game engine identifies the source of the mapping limitation which was asked about in this thread, and you tell him he should post in another forum.
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Old 08-10-2007, 04:17 AM   #9

Puritan's Avatar
Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
I'm fairly known for my huge maps for Duke Nukem.
Inserting vertexes on long walls doesn't take more than a few seconds.
Matter of fact , I don't even think about it when this problem appears.

Nice to see that you're stopping by to see what's going on with your "baby" Mr.Silverman.
Hail to the king, baby !:
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Old 08-10-2007, 12:16 PM   #10

Batchelor's Avatar
Re: "can't make a sector out there" message in mapster32
Originally Posted by DeeperThought View Post
The creator of the game engine identifies the source of the mapping limitation which was asked about in this thread, and you tell him he should post in another forum.
I'm aware who he is (Ken Silverman + Awesome = Awesoken), I just suggested that it would have been a bit better if he had said it in a thread which had a better chance of being read by someone who could actually do something about the aforementioned limitation.

See where I'm coming from?

Edit: Okay, so I guess I did sound like a bit of a dick. Sorry. I'm only human.
We're born to die. Don't let anyone tell you anything different.
Last edited by Batchelor; 08-10-2007 at 12:19 PM.
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