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Old 12-28-2008, 02:18 AM   #1
Sonic And Duke
.CON Editing
I was told that editing one of the con files (i think it's game.con) could make duke3d the best, they said you can edit how powerful the weapons are ex:Pistol 1 hit 1kill does anyone know how to do that?
Sonic And Duke is offline  
Old 12-28-2008, 04:00 AM   #2
Re: .CON Editing
In USER.CON (not in game.con) you can find various strength of weapons and modify them

Example: where you find "define PISTOL_WEAPON_STRENGTH 6 ", change "6" into 50, 100, 5000.. or any number you want to be the power of the pistol bullet (only)

repeat the same thing, if you want, with shotgun, chaingun etc... also enemy weapons can be modified (i.e. FIRELASER_WEAPON_STRENGTH is the power of alien laser projectile)
RichardStorm is offline  
Old 12-29-2008, 07:53 AM   #3

lycanox's Avatar
Re: .CON Editing
Game.con is where the inner workings of the game are coded. And you are most likely to code if you want big changes like new or different weapons, actors and effects etc.

However for the people that just want too change small variables without the need of going through the small book in pages game.con is long or learn coding the duke3d team has placed most of the stuff that is relative safe and fun to tamper with in the user.con file.

I must note however that some of the weapons Duke Nukem uses are also in use by his enemies as well. So you might want to stay away from the RPG, shotgun and the chain gun. Unless you want the pig cop and other enemies to be severely overpowered.

Another things to keep into account is that changing the shrinker to anything higher than 0 couses the shrinker to hurt its targets and eventually kill its victim. And that the RPG value also affects the devastators strength.
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