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Old 06-01-2012, 05:03 PM   #1
Flying Techbot
Duke Nukem Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
I recently beat MONSTER BASH, and I'm glad that I finally beat the game in its entirety. I was left hanging ever since I played the shareware version in the early 90s, and the other episodes are better (if harder) than I would have ever imagined. Even the last boss fight was a surprise to me, and it makes me wonder what would have happened if Count Chuck had not been asleep while you were attacking him (I'm sure he would have been even more formidable than all the enemies combined, but the thought makes me shudder). I especially loved the broomstick level, where you got to do heavy duty damage witch-style.

Anyway, I after seeing Count Chuck defeated, I was intrigued by his last malevolent words:

"Your may have won the battle Johnny Dash, but you have not won the war. For I know something you do not. I have in-laws!"
Wow. Usually grooms don't get along with their in-laws, but they must be really protective in-laws if it is true as he claims that they will wreak vengeance upon Johnny.

I'm guessing that Apogee included this bit in the game in case they were to make a sequel (of course, they didn't). It makes me wonder what Monster Bash 2 would have been like, and what the story of the game would be.

Perhaps the story revolves around Count Chuck's family-in-law (perhaps including his wife, if necessary), upon learning of Chuck's death, going after Johnny, and perhaps creating another army of darkness. They would kidnapp him (a la DUKE NUKEM 2), keeping him alive so that they could turn him into a vampire (or attempt to shove him into a giant blender), but he escapes with the help of the rat and Bed Monster. This time, your side-task is not to save cats and dogs, but a new variety of lifeforms: forrest animals, good monsters, and other children. I would envision MONSTER BASH 2 to be a six-episode game, with new enemies, better and grander environments, and a host of deadly vampiric bosses. The Bed Monster, I think, should have larger role, and Spot could serve as Johnny's sidekick NPC in the game.

If only I knew how to mod MONSTER BASH (as well as the rest of Apogee's games), but how would you envision MONSTER BASH 2?
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Old 06-01-2012, 08:56 PM   #2

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
Yep... I would like:
Monster Bash 3D
Monster Bash Caribbean
Monster Bashin in D.C.
Monster Bash: B!Zone series
Monster Bash Forever
Monster Bash Begins
Grand Monster Bash Auto too.
Monster Bash 64 and Total Monster Bash for the PS1.

Some others... but those would be a nice start for me.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
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Old 06-01-2012, 10:48 PM   #3
Flying Techbot
Re: Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
I know what you mean, Mr. BlackCat. I'm surprised that 3D Realms never attempted to capitalize on their previous hits while developing DNF. Duke Nukem has traveled a LONG way from being a colorized version of 006 1/2 and a children's platformer hero, who brags about defeating his enemies in time to watch Oprah. It's amazing that out of all the heroes of Apogee history, Duke Nukem rose above Snake Logan, Halloween Harry, 006 1/2, Mylo Steamwitz, Blake Stone, those kids from Word/Math Rescue, Cosmo, and Johnny Dash (I know I left out Commander Keen, but he technically belongs to id). Each of those franchises deserve at least deserve newer installments in better engines, and maybe even a FPS followup powered by Ken Silverman technology!

I did see someone do a Monster Bash 3D mod, but if were to do a MB3D, I think it might benefit with the help of the BUILD engine (that goes for SECRET AGENT too).

Come to think of it, what would happen if Johnny Dash and Duke Nukem had met? I'm surprised that 3D Realms never attempted a Apogee version of Marvel's THE AVENGERS, where all the heroes teamed up to fight all the game's villains. What would they be called? The Apogee Dudes? DOS Men? The Platformers?
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Old 06-02-2012, 08:47 AM   #4

MrFlibble's Avatar
Re: Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
Originally Posted by Flying Techbot View Post
I'm surprised that 3D Realms never attempted a Apogee version of Marvel's THE AVENGERS, where all the heroes teamed up to fight all the game's villains. What would they be called? The Apogee Dudes? DOS Men? The Platformers?
That's exactly the thought that has occurred to me recently
It's time to go retro and play old games. Come get some!
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Old 06-02-2012, 09:42 AM   #5
Commando Nukem

Commando Nukem's Avatar
Re: Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
Never actually played this one, i'll have to give it a spin.

After I beat Bio Menace that is.
Open Maw Productions
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:21 PM   #6

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
Can you imagine if ALL those IP's had been migrated to Build engine? I get stuck thinking about it for hours... my FPS collection would be much larger.
Ok... deleted a bunch of stuff here.
I realized I have thought about this a LOT. The thought has occured to me in different forms since the release of Duke in 3D, but Mr.Flibble brining it up directly recently got me really thinking about how elements of each game could have been brought to build.

I broke down Duke 1-2's migration into Duke 3D as a concept, then applied the elements conceptually to ALL the things I have seen done with Build in Blood, Shadow Warrior, TekWar, Nam, Witchaven, etc... all those differences and how they are linked back to Build. It gets complicated and fun fast! Then I realize how long ago all of that was and the likelyhood etc. <bleah> Oh well... I will just imagine it for now... because I would have bought them all, then.
(I even own and play Redneck Deer Huntin' and Extreme PaintBrawl! Probably the most obscure commercial Build titles out there... and they are STILL fun.)

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
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Old 06-02-2012, 05:43 PM   #7

MrFlibble's Avatar
Re: Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
Well, maybe someone will do a Duke3D TC with the other Apogee characters someday...

Halloween Harry and Snake Logan seem to be the best candidates for a transition into 3D to me, but maybe I'm a bit biased here. Their respective games have already established the array of weapons and items to use, and all things considered, I can't but think that Halloween Harry in fact did influence some things in Duke Nukem 3D directly (I wonder if there's any proof to that actually ).
It's time to go retro and play old games. Come get some!
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Old 06-02-2012, 06:49 PM   #8

Malvineous's Avatar
Re: Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
I remember Szevvy told me a while back that Gerald Lindsly (Monster Bash programmer) had asked him to leave out support for exporting Monster Bash sprites in Wombat, as he was intending to make further use of them.

I guess that never went anywhere though, as it was at least five years ago now and I'm not aware of anything new that's Monster Bash related.
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Old 06-04-2012, 10:28 PM   #9

joey007's Avatar
Re: Count Chuck Has In-Laws (GASP!): Hint for a Monster Bash 2
Same here, flying techbot. Played MB shareware years ago and a couple years ago I got the 2nd and 3rd parts. Beat them though I had to use the Z+F10 cheat on the broom level.
THE sig of useless words. Panda bears are the least racist mammal theyre white, black, and Asian! :p
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