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Old 07-03-2013, 02:42 PM   #1

Litude's Avatar
Apogee game version differences and other trivia
I uploaded some of the stuff I've been working on and have had laying on my computer for a few years by now. The main thing is probably the version changes that I've tried to compile into lists but there are also other things like a collection of all Apogee Catalogs I've managed to find during my searches.

There's also a .zip file with some old press releases and other text files that provide some curious information. There are e.g. press releases for the Apogee game releases from Q3 1993 through Xenophage and there are also some pieces of news that are from the time before there was a website.

Finally there's some ANSI art that used to be presented at the Software Creations BBS back in the day and I've also done some longer write-ups on the development of Crystal Caves and Bio Menace.

I would be very interested in any possible contributions someone might have, no matter whether it is a catalog I'm missing or some change in a version of a game I've overlooked.
Any archived finger news would be absolutely awesome but I realize the chance of that happening is pretty slim.

Visit the website here - Apogee Software Game Information Vault
Last edited by Litude; 07-03-2013 at 02:55 PM.
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Old 07-03-2013, 02:47 PM   #2
Re: Apogee game version differences and other trivia
This is fantastic, thank you for doing this! I'm going to download everything now, and then I'm gonna go read the Bio Menace and Crystal Caves articles, cheers!
Edit: If you don't mind, I'm gonna give a shout out on the GOG forums to this post.
Scpm is offline  
Old 07-03-2013, 04:57 PM   #3

jbailey's Avatar
Re: Apogee game version differences and other trivia
Thanks for putting this stuff up! Nice find...

Download Winrott here:

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Old 07-03-2013, 05:54 PM   #4

Litude's Avatar
Re: Apogee game version differences and other trivia
Sure, I don't mind if you post it over at GOG.
Litude is offline  
Old 07-09-2013, 10:11 PM   #5
Darkman 4
Re: Apogee game version differences and other trivia
This is extremely handy! Thanks for making this!
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Old 07-16-2013, 03:22 PM   #6

jpb6891's Avatar
Re: Apogee game version differences and other trivia
I am going to archive all the zip files on this website and post them on mediafire. I have 55 GB of total space on mediafire. It is going to take a long time to use that up.
jpb6891 is offline  
Old 07-23-2013, 10:40 AM   #7

Flaose's Avatar
Re: Apogee game version differences and other trivia
Ah yeah, I loved the old ANSI art!
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