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Old 07-10-2000, 07:24 AM   #1
I want to make a new gun
How do I do that?
What progs do I need, I know that I need to replace the sprites and have new sounds an edit the .con files to match my specs and such.
but first the sprites, how do I edit them and how do I get new sprites into the game, how big can they be?

Mote that not wishing at all times to witness His Divine Shadow is an offence punishable by multiple organ donation. We Worship His Shadow, Long May He Reign
Old 07-10-2000, 08:56 AM   #2

Usurper's Avatar
Re: I want to make a new gun
Read the editart guide and the art resources page. Should tell you how to import art and give you links to progs that let you make your own art easily.

Suppose I should write a chapter on making new guns...
Meadhall of the Comitatus | RTCM
Usurper is offline  
Old 07-10-2000, 02:47 PM   #3
Re: I want to make a new gun
Well I got the tools to make the sprites, 3d studio MAX, Photoshop 5.
I wont be using any mouse/pixel painting crap here, if thats what you´re talkin ´bout.
How hi-res can these be?
and thx for the help

Mote that not wishing at all times to witness His Divine Shadow is an offence punishable by multiple organ donation. We Worship His Shadow, Long May He Reign
Old 07-10-2000, 07:35 PM   #4
Re: I want to make a new gun
What you see in the art file is EXACTLY the same size and shape as what you get in the game.
So if your image is 320x200 it will be big enough to fill up the whole screen. around 100x100 is the normal resolution for the original weapons. 200x400 will be off the screen and so on.
Old 07-10-2000, 07:43 PM   #5
Re: I want to make a new gun
Damn, there should be a way to view them in a smaller format, so you could have like 640x480 and minimize that until it fits like it should and then it would look alot better agree?

Mote that not wishing at all times to witness His Divine Shadow is an offence punishable by multiple organ donation. We Worship His Shadow, Long May He Reign
Old 07-11-2000, 07:31 PM   #6
Re: I want to make a new gun
It would be nicer, but it isn't in their. Just do your artwork better, and it shouldn't be a problem. PS - this means that you also have to **** around with the image in editart to get the colours just right, or it will not shade properly.

PPS - Usurper, fix the last link on the page It is dead.


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