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Old 12-14-1998, 07:05 PM   #1
Just out of curiosity, why do you have the nickname that you do? I think it could be interesting to hear the reasoning behind everyone's handle (if you want to of course).

To be fair, my name (Sinsear) didn't really have a dramatic origin. Obviously, it's a play of words off of "sincere", but spelled differently (i.e. "Sear", as in "Searing Heat" or something of that order). I thought it had its own little bit of irony to it.

Old 12-14-1998, 07:38 PM   #2
Re: Nicknames?
That's funny, I was just thinking about posting this topic. Anyway, when I was born, my dad said that I looked like a Badger from those children books. So that's where mine came from.

Not Building Software
Current favorite quote: Oh Behave!

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Old 12-14-1998, 08:03 PM   #3
Re: Nicknames?
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Old 12-14-1998, 08:17 PM   #4
Re: Nicknames?
I was watching some show on Area51, while registering for these boards. It then showed the super secret Aurora, a super sonic plane. Well, i just mixed the to and got Aurora51.
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Old 12-14-1998, 08:37 PM   #5
Uncle Duke

Uncle Duke's Avatar
Re: Nicknames?
I was reading The People's Doonesbury: Notes From Underfoot when I registered for the board. Naturally, I thought of Duke Nukem, and that made me think of Uncle Duke from the strip. Since he was my favorite character, due mainly to his outlandishnes, I chose his name for mine.

I didn't notice this until several weeks after it happened, but I also registered to use the Bulletin Board on the Doonesbury Electronic Town Hall at [url][/i] the same day, and my handle there is Dopefish . . .

If you ever see me anywhere else on the internet, I'll be under the name "BadChicken", except two places: on the Internet Gaming Zone, I'm "MarvinBot", and on "Deep Blurting: The MST3k Message Board", the name's TomSerVo.

Whew . . . i feel schizophrenic, now.

Uncle Duke
[email protected]
Visit HodgePodge International:
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Old 12-14-1998, 09:09 PM   #6
Re: Nicknames?
Heard the superchicken cartoon theme song on the radio and was singing it all day and it somehow got on the net. Luckily i didn't here rocket robinhood theme song
Old 12-14-1998, 09:11 PM   #7
Re: Nicknames?
My nickname has no real origin! Whenever I play in a multiplayer game (lets say Quake II) and somebody is about to kill me, I turn into a chicken and run like hell (easy, isn't it?). It sometimes even works, but usualy I die anyway. Well, nevermind!
My other nickname/callsign is DevilMan (no, I'm not obsessed with hell or Satan).
Old 12-14-1998, 09:19 PM   #8

AXE's Avatar
Re: Nicknames?
I had just rented the "Hackers" movie when I named myself, so I was on a hacker kick. I figured, "what hacks besides a nerd?" Since "Paul Bunyon" or "lumberjack" would sort of suck as a nickname, I chose A-X-E, but later shortened it to AXE, because those damn hyphens slowed down my WPM rate A LOT!!!

I am known as SpoonMaster just about everywhere else, except on sailor mercury's chat room, where I combined my two handles to be: SpoonAxe!!!

SpoonMaster came from the fact that people in this classroom I am in would steal my cookies from inside my sack lunches (cafeteria food should be discarded at a toxic waste dump, not at a lunch line with eager children waiting to get a free meal, but I digress...). Actually, it was the teacher!!! Anyway, I finally started leaving threatening notes written on brown paper bags in the fridge saying that "if you touch my food, I will disembowel you with a spoon!" I eventually started Signing them "SpoonMan," and even taping a plastic spoon to the bag. They never touched my lunch again, but spoonman is already taken as most handles on the 'net. So I changed it up to SpoonMaster, and have lived happily ever after.

Also, I think it was the November issue of PC Gamer, but on the last page where they have that tiny little stupid story, it tells about some girl walking in a park, and then is "threatened" by a guy with a grapefruit spoon!! LMAO!!!
--AXE, The original, The best, The palette swapped.
I survived the great space station thread!
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Old 12-14-1998, 09:47 PM   #9
Re: Nicknames?
Well Doppleganger has been my nick for a long time, ever since the days of real BBSes. I chose my nick because I had been playing Magic the Gathering all summer and I found that the Vesuvian Doppleganger kicked ass when you used him right. Anyhow I shortend it and that is what you see today.

Doppleganger is offline  
Old 12-14-1998, 10:21 PM   #10
Re: Nicknames?
In death matches and most chat things I'm in (like ICQ), my name is "fool". It's just something I kinda developed from tricking people in multiplayer. People will think I'm an idiot one minute but then they step into my trap. Heh heh...(I'm not that great but it sounds good...)
Someplaces like IRC and Yahoo chat, my name is "Monogoggle" (Chop off the "e" for IRC, ; They won't let me have that long of a name) which was basically my alternative to "fool" since that name is gauranteed to be taken. I logged onto IRC and it told me to change my name, I looked around the room and saw the box with my chem lab goggles in it and it said "Monogoggle". I figured nobody would have that name so I used it.
In even other places on the net like some Delphi bulletin boards, my name is "Atook". Atook is the character Ringo Star plays in "The Caveman", a really cheesey but fun caveman flick they show on TNT or TBS sometimes. My sister introduced me to the movie shortly before I tried to post a message on a forum and of course "fool" was taken.
Whenever I'm on AOL (which is rare), my name is MattatVT. I think it's really lame but my dad being the head of that account gave me the name and I was stuck with it. Basically derived from my real name which is Matt and the I go to VT (Virginia Tech for those not in the know ).
I think that's about it.

Random quote of the moment:
"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." --Peter F. Drucker

fool is offline  
Old 12-15-1998, 12:27 AM   #11
Re: Nicknames?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Hmmm...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Was that in reference to my story, Loser? Just curious, that's all.

Not Building Software
Current favorite quote: Oh Behave!

BADGER is offline  
Old 12-15-1998, 05:17 AM   #12
Re: Nicknames?
Have more nicks here, but this one sounds funny (it's a common middle name from the old days). I often use it in games like in Duke, it's pretty funny I think to get shot by Petronella instead of 'Mr. Chainsaw' or 'Skullcracker'.

I don't know why I use it here though!?
Old 12-15-1998, 06:26 AM   #13
Re: Nicknames?
Hey sinsear this thread skyrocketing!!

Warlord - flying, disappearing, stealth, gigantic warrior, with a heat seeking missle launcher.. in UnReal...

I must've gotten killed 1000 times with this guy!! and that was from the friendly one i put in a room with the Editor...I havn't gotton to see the Angry one Yet!! *GULP*

When you get to this guy - save the game - then run like mad and prey he dosn't see you!!
I thought he was cool!!

Damn!! I goto get me one of those!
Old 12-15-1998, 08:50 AM   #14
Re: Nicknames?
I really like the movie "The Shinning" so obviously....REDRUM. I just think it sounds cool and the fact that it's murder backwards makes it good for death matches. I dunno, it just stuck in my head...

"Billy's not here Mrs. Tourence"

[This message has been edited by REDRUM (edited 12-15-98).]
Old 12-15-1998, 01:17 PM   #15

Buzzer's Avatar
Re: Nicknames?
i think i figured my nick out in a cafe in a drunk story or anything...dammit i'm dull my first chat session i started of as "hernandez" and then some guy was herassing me and i changed my nick to "taxidrvr" and i started taunting him with the words "you talkin' to me? you must be talkin' to me cause theirs no one else around" ..but that was all a loooong time a go.Hey whattayaknow! a story afterall
Buzzer is offline  
Old 12-15-1998, 02:34 PM   #16
Re: Nicknames?
I made up my nickname from a story I was developing. In the story, Skythunder is the God of storms, and I happen to love storms.
So when a few of my friends read my story, they decided I was Skythunder. And the 1 stands for the one and only.
Old 12-15-1998, 03:52 PM   #17
Re: Nicknames?
Private Ale was the title of a Green Day song from one of their earlier releases. For the uninformed, ale is defined as an alcoholic beverage brewed from an infusion of malt and flavored with hops, sugar, etc., being heavier and more alcoholic than beer. I don't know why I took the name exactly, but I kind of like it. Drink up.

Al Sobrante
"Private Ale"
Old 12-15-1998, 04:28 PM   #18
Re: Nicknames?
My nick is "Loser" because I am a complete loser.

BADGER: Nope, that "Hmmm..." had nothing to do with your story. Just felt like saying (typing) it.
Loser is offline  
Old 12-15-1998, 04:28 PM   #19
Re: Nicknames?
My nick originated from a test I had when I first started out on GeoCities in early 1996. Since AOL didn't allow 'bad' words as nicks, I thought I'd try it with Geocities with pc_bomber. It worked, so I kept it just because it sounded pretty cool at the time. Then, around summer 1997 I shortened it to PCB. It now has three meanings: Personal Computer Bomber (although I am not one), Panama City Beach (my favorite place to pick up girls) , and the last one, which I won't reveal, is my first/last initials with location. Well, I hope that explains the origin of my nick. Later all.

_ - * PCB * - _
Old 12-15-1998, 04:53 PM   #20
Re: Nicknames?
I began using "slaybak" as a handle when i first got my TEN account bak in `96, "slayback" was allready taken so I just dropped the c, i think it looks better anyhow.
Slayback, the name i was going for orginaly is the name of a little known marvel comic character that mainly appeared in the short lived Deadpool serise.

My first handle, bak in the old Real BBS days, around in 91-92, was Amaga Red, a slight variation of the marvel comic character Omega Red. I used that name untill i switched to slaybak in 96, i use to keep up with marvel comics quite abit but not much anymore..

my nick on IRC is also Slaybak, and I use it for everything else with the exception of Everquest where i go by Zshar-Ashnhagog, kind of like Shub-Nigguroth from necronomic lore..



Old 12-15-1998, 06:44 PM   #21
Re: Nicknames?
"Tavern322" is just my screen name on AOL...yeah, it's really stupid, but back then I was naive and foolish and i thought the name was pretty cool..

anyway, tavern is Moe's tavern on the Simpsons, 322 is 3/22, my birthday, which is coming soon.

La taberna
Old 12-15-1998, 07:19 PM   #22

TerminX's Avatar
Re: Nicknames?
My nick comes from the fact I like to terminate things and I like movies that are rated X


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Old 12-15-1998, 10:23 PM   #23
Re: Nicknames?
My nick name comes from Unreal. I always used the rifle in Unreal deathmatchs, about 80% of the time I decapitate someone with my rifle, that is my favorite weapon. Usually when someone starfed, I hit them perfectly in the head with my rifle. I originally wanted to be called sniper but it was already taken. But originally, I got the name Rifleman when I made up a story in my mind, there was a "rifleman" that was on a horse, and he used to fight these punk guys on these motorcycles with rocket launchers and such, he always won and defended this small town from raiders and monsters after the asteriod caused a massive nuclear explosion (Apocolypse) and he defended his people well against all these nuclear mutunts and raiders. Because he was too good and always saved the day, that was why I named it after him.

[This message has been edited by Rifleman (edited 12-15-98).]
Old 12-15-1998, 10:33 PM   #24
Re: Nicknames?
3/22? Hey wait a second that sounds familiar... oh yeah, because it's my birthday too. Weird.

Random quote of the moment:
"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." --Peter F. Drucker

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Old 12-16-1998, 12:05 AM   #25
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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Re: Nicknames?
I just don't know where my nickname comes from.

Joe Siegler
3D Realms Entertainment
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
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Old 12-16-1998, 01:39 PM   #26
Delphi Dude
Re: Nicknames?
I needed a user ID for GeoCities. Since they already used both my first and last name, I thought I'd use something descriptive. I'm male, and make a living as a Delphi programmer. So there it is...
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Old 12-16-1998, 07:18 PM   #27
Re: Nicknames?
Hey Joe, I was going to post this if he didn't. He merely beat me to it. Hmm...Did he spell compliment wrong?

Not Building Software
Current favorite quote: Oh Behave!

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Old 12-17-1998, 12:54 AM   #28
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

Joe Siegler's Avatar
Re: Nicknames?
Just wanted to compilemt Sinseaer here. This is one of the better threads that I've seen pop up here in awhile.

Joe Siegler
3D Realms Entertainment
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
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Old 12-18-1998, 02:20 PM   #29
Re: Nicknames?
Hmm... my name is Wallace... tricky, huh?

Old 12-18-1998, 02:35 PM   #30
Re: Nicknames?
I can't remember why I picked my nick.

J/K, of course. My sisters both play v-ball, my dad and I coach it, and it's basically the controlling factor in my immediate family's life. In other words, I love volleyball.

"Hmmm, I wonder if the NCAA volleyball finals are on today..."

Mr. V
Fav. quote: "Girls rule."
Old 12-18-1998, 10:04 PM   #31
Re: Nicknames?
Some people just call me Chris. I tend to answer to that most of the time.
Old 12-19-1998, 04:27 AM   #32
Re: Nicknames?
Does Keen ring a bell?


Old 12-19-1998, 11:00 AM   #33

Volt9000's Avatar
Re: Nicknames?
Originally when I made my first appearance on the Net, I was Viper. Big snore. There were about 5,000,000 other Vipers, so I changed to Ogopogo (some of you may remember him.) But then this Ogopogo fad caught on and before I knew it there were almost as many Ogopogos as Vipers! So I was experimenting on mIRC, and I thought Volt9000 had a nice ring to it (since I couldn't be 9000Volts.) I think Volt9000 sounds better anyways.
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Old 12-19-1998, 11:08 PM   #34
Re: Nicknames?
I chose my name based upon the silliest cat (shadow) and the word jet combined nicely to form shadowjet, which happened to barely fit in the terminal velocity name for multiplayer. When I signed up for my first e-mail account, shadowjet was taken. I thought of some simple numbers, etc. and eventually liked the sound of "white". That was it. (4 years ago)

This was the beginning of a beautiful concept. I began to chat, e-mail people, get "in" and kept using shadowjet_white. Eventually, I was chatting on Yahoo everyday (quite a lamer eh? ) and began to notice the abundance of "shadows"; people with "shadow" in their name. So I formed the League of Shadows. I recruited over 40 people in 2 years, designed a web page, held chat meetings (not well attended due to peoples schedules) and rallied all the "shadows" who were online into the fewest rooms possible. This really confused people because they could no longer refer to a person as just "shadow".

Though this was fun for a while, it began to suck away my time, I began to neglect it, and it was soon disbanded. Ho hum...
Old 12-20-1998, 08:12 AM   #35

Termite's Avatar
Re: Nicknames?
I got my nickname when I was in the 3rd grade. I used to chew my pencils and the teacher called me a termite. It's stuck ever since. I actually have it tattooed on my back in Old English lettering.

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Old 12-20-1998, 01:12 PM   #36
Re: Nicknames?
woh, thats cool, i use to chew my penciles in school too!!! Long live the pencile chewers


"the Aurora Borealis, here, at this time of year,.. Localized in your kitchen...?! ..Yes. Can I see? ..No."

Old 12-20-1998, 11:25 PM   #37
Re: Nicknames?
I was looking for a new name because my prior name was being used by someone that I didn't know.

My old one was RacerX. I coudln't think of one so I looked on the back of a game box for my old macintosh. It was a puzzle game and it had the word 'illusion' on it. So there you have it.


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Old 01-09-1999, 06:19 PM   #38
Re: Nicknames?
This is an old topic but here we go.
I call myself Mike the Spike just for the fact that if you touch me (or a spike) you're gonna get hurt,Mike is the translation of My Italien name Michele wich is Michael in English.
Good topic ; )

Mike the Spike

What the hell happend to me?
Old 01-09-1999, 06:56 PM   #39
Re: Nicknames?
My old username was Tavern322 (check my post for this name up there somewhere).

For my new name, I wanted "Evergleam" which comes from an Everclear song...but it was already taken by some shmuck! Then I thought of Gleamer, which I think sounds better anyway.

Now I ain't no "Mr. Political Expert" or nothin' like that, but when I can't watch 5 minutes of my TV without seeing piles of nekkid men, I say it's time for a change!
--Huey's grandpa
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Old 01-09-1999, 08:45 PM   #40
Re: Nicknames?
My names comes from wrestling. I use to hate the guy 'Macho Man Randy Savage', but lately he's been pretty cool, and since I was watching wrestling when I was filling out the membership form, I decided to use Savage


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