11-21-2005, 02:29 PM | #161 |
New shotgun
Could someone please provide updated maphacks for Roma Loomīs new shotgun pickup model? THX
11-21-2005, 05:08 PM | #162 | |
Re: New shotgun
/me rolls up sleeves and looks determined |
11-22-2005, 02:42 AM | #163 | |
Re: New shotgun
11-22-2005, 03:33 AM | #164 |
Re: New shotgun
Totaly agree.
Roma, you just have turn you model to the right angle. Thats pretty easy task comparing to the checking every map again , considering that sometimes no maphack was needed with old model. |
11-22-2005, 05:24 AM | #165 |
Trip bombs
Speaking of alignment...! IMHO the Laser Tripbombs can HARDLY be spotted at the moment, for they are lying flat on the ground. For the models being quite flat by themselves, itīd look MUCH better if they would be "lifted" upwards. If you say itīs unrealistic, look at the access cards. The trips should just lie around like that and itīd be perfect.
11-22-2005, 03:28 PM | #166 |
Re: Trip bombs
The access cards are unrealistic. I am almost considering remodelling them and adding a picture-frame style stand to the back. Almost
I never got to know half of you half as much as I'd have liked, and I never liked half of you half as much as you deserved. Christian Death Metal FTW! |
01-08-2006, 07:26 AM | #167 |
Maphacks revisited
I think itīs time to look over the maphacks once again. Models like the Devastator are not aligned correctly with them (model wasnīt released back then).
BTW there isnīt any chance to alter sprite alignment height as well? Iīm asking because in Duke D.C., there are at least two sprites which you canīt replace by models, for they are "stuck" in the ground partially. Meaning the models are stuck in the ground, too. |
01-08-2006, 07:34 AM | #168 |
Re: Maphacks revisited
Well if the sprites are stuck in the ground should not the models be to? I don't quiet see the problem.
Since I'll be adding some maphacks for the floor aligned sprites I could add a z offset hack as well. I can't guaratee JonoF will add it though. |
01-08-2006, 08:25 AM | #169 | |
Re: Maphacks revisited
I 4M T3H |\/|4P H4><0R!!!!!1 |
01-08-2006, 03:19 PM | #170 |
Re: Maphacks revisited
I have already started looking through the maphacks. Episodes 1 and 3 are already finished. I did not only look for Devastator defs, but added new ones for the recently released cinema light as well. Additionally, some existing defs have been improved.
Will make the new maphack pack available as soon as itīs finished on my site. |
01-08-2006, 05:31 PM | #171 | ||
Re: Maphacks revisited
How DARE you interfere with my work?!? |
01-10-2006, 05:34 AM | #172 |
Re: Maphacks revisited
Well there were really quite some bugs in the current maphacks. I already told Dave-ros that the hack for the red keycard in E4L5 for example cannot work because itīs defined as sprite #584 - but itīs 845!
Itīs hell looking through all the hacks, but it proves to be worth the time. Thank God there is Mapster32 with HRP support! BTW we should start listing up what alignment-critical stuff is left in the levels (meaning what needs re-alignment when new models are released). This especially means stuff like cameras, (slime) babes or lanterns. Props in general, that is. It should be avoided having to look through all the levels again just to find out where new models are used. I only hope the slime babes are done soon, for they are almost *EVERYWHERE* throughout the game... |
01-11-2006, 07:01 AM | #173 |
Maphacks Reloaded
I have reviewed *ALL* the maphacks and updated them with latest model hacks and even fixed a few bugs in them.
Follow my signature link and RELOAD! |
01-11-2006, 12:32 PM | #174 |
Re: Maphacks Reloaded
They weren't bugs, they were undocumented features
Seriously, thanks for your tireless efforts! It's good how this is a community project and we're all helping each other and correcting the little mistakes. However, while play-testing last night, it occurred to me that neither of us has "de-aligned" the bottles in E1L2 (which I spent ages doing to the barrels in E4L7-9!). Do you want to do that or shall I? (For those who don't know what I'm on about: I'm referring to making objects such as bottles or barrels that occur in groups face in "random" directions, rather than all facing the same way as they usually do. This happens because the original sprites don't have "directions" to face in, and so the actual sprites' tails all point "north" ) |
01-11-2006, 03:36 PM | #175 |
Re: Maphacks Reloaded
I have edited the bottle hacks for E1L2. Just download the zipfile again if you already have, version number remains the same.
03-02-2006, 08:44 PM | #176 |
E1L2, E1L3 toilets
I am not sure if these have been fixed and I just don't have it set up right but the toilet at the secret door in Red Light District and the toilet in the jail cell in Death Row are turned the wrong way. see attatched.
http://thaunandshad.com |
03-03-2006, 05:42 AM | #177 |
Re: E1L2, E1L3 toilets
Canīt wait for the mighty boot ;) |
03-03-2006, 09:19 AM | #178 |
Re: E1L2, E1L3 toilets
it has, must be somthing wrong with your maphack files, or the short cut you run the game from
hell-angel: "I would sig this if I had the room." Duke 3D art to do list New and improved. |
03-03-2006, 05:15 PM | #179 |
Re: E1L2, E1L3 toilets
it probably did not work because i was installing things in the HRP and i just ran straight from the exe.
http://thaunandshad.com |
03-04-2006, 07:02 AM | #180 |
Re: E1L2, E1L3 toilets
You know you can always put the maphacks directly into the root (i.e. uppermost) dir of the HRP zipfile itself. They are loaded automatically then.
03-05-2006, 04:40 AM | #181 |
Re: Deskphone
// Level: E4L2.MAP - "Duke-Burger" (Original Atomic Edition version)
// Deskphone sprite 678 angoff -1024 |
03-05-2006, 08:44 AM | #182 |
Re: Deskphone
I found out that the deskphone is not the only thing that needs a maphack in Episode 4. The newly added coffee machine and mug often are not well aligned, too. That should be quite enough stuff for the maphacks pack v1.02.
03-16-2006, 04:01 PM | #183 |
Maphacks Reloaded v1.02
The maphacks have been reloaded... again. v1.02 is up on my site (signature link). It mostly fixes alignments for models added within the last 14 days.
03-18-2006, 07:17 AM | #184 |
Re: Maphacks Reloaded v1.02
Found mistake in maphacks for e4l9:
// Pots sprite 528 angoff -384 Should be : // Pots sprite 558 angoff -384 (sprite 528 is socket) |
03-18-2006, 05:23 PM | #185 |
Re: Maphacks Reloaded v1.02
OK, thanks. That has been corrected. Stuff like that may happen.
03-19-2006, 03:00 AM | #186 |
Hacks for 0058
Here are the maphacks for L2īs model #58 (space suit), perhaps someone could check how they turn out ingame (and if I forgot to include any suit sprite):
e2l7.mhk: // Space suits sprite 415 angoff 1024 sprite 416 angoff -768 e2l8.mhk: // Space suits sprite 519 angoff 1024 sprite 585 angoff -512 sprite 586 angoff -512 sprite 588 angoff 512 |
03-25-2006, 12:29 PM | #187 |
Hacks for 0606
So here are the hacks for the dead astronaut (#606) by L2:
e2l8.mhk: // Space suits sprite 594 angoff -512 sprite 596 angoff -128 sprite 597 angoff -512 sprite 598 angoff -64 Note that the two space suits in the examination room (with the bleeding pigcop on the operation table) cannot be turned so that they face the player. Thatīs due to the fact that if they did, their left arms would clip into the wall. To avoid that, I decided to make them look at each other. Still looks better than without hacks... |
03-30-2006, 12:50 PM | #188 |
Maphacks Reloaded v1.08
The new maphacks pack is out, fitting for latest HRP Update Pack content. Due to common demand, I made the version numbers match each other so that you know it belongs together.
04-17-2006, 10:30 AM | #189 |
Maphacks for #686
Here are maphacks for L2theKINGīs movie camera model (686):
e3l5.mhk: // Cameras sprite 155 angoff -192 sprite 156 angoff -768 sprite 157 angoff 128 sprite 176 angoff -128 e3l7.mhk: // Camera (KTIT studio) sprite 242 angoff -128 For DukeDC, three hacks for DUKEDC1 are also necessary and will be applied. |
05-02-2006, 05:54 PM | #190 |
Re: Map Hacks
Thanks 2 Piterplusī watchful eye (just see his avatar), a potential future issue in current maphacks has been removed.
Knives sprites (691-693) were defined as "notmd2"s, forcing any model that would be used to replace them from being drawn in 3D. I have no idea why this was done in the first place, but anyway, itīs gone now. I also checked for #4533 while I was at it. This might explain why some of you guys wondered why test models for knives did not work - the maphacks blocked them. In E4L9, I even added notmd2 command for knives: In the captainīs quarter where the hidden clock switch secret is. I am not sure if these would be shown correctly ingame as models. As soon as models are released, I will check them again. Oh yeah, the updated maphacks pack can be downloaded from my site (v1.09a, tpzīs mirror will have it as well soon). However, this will not be so important until knife models are released. |
05-03-2006, 02:10 AM | #191 |
Re: Map Hacks
he he strange
hell-angel: "I would sig this if I had the room." Duke 3D art to do list New and improved. |
05-03-2006, 06:27 AM | #192 |
Re: Map Hacks
BTW... if anyone still knows which sprites the "rendering any floor aligned model as sprite" portions of each maphack are referring to, please PM me. You would spare me a lot of checking work. I suspect about 50-80% of this notmd2 stuff has to be removed again. Stuff like the Atomic Health used as a desk symbol in Ep.4 will of course remain as it is.
05-03-2006, 10:47 PM | #193 |
Re: Map Hacks
I have checked knives in e4l9 - they placed correctly in the captainīs quarter, so I think you may correct maphack for e4l9 safely too. |
05-04-2006, 03:23 AM | #194 |
Re: Map Hacks
I already have done so yesterday. All you have to do is to remove three lines from the maphacks. I have added comments to them, so they can be spotted easily. When I am home again, I will post new e4l9.mhk here.
If other stuff is modelled (like the sado-maso whip), the hacks must be checked again. Basically, all floor-aligned sprites have to be checked. But I guess in most cases, they can just be removed. However, that does not apply to all of them. *UPDATE* OK, hereīs new e4l9.mhk. I have undone my recent changes for knives in the captainīs quarters plus changed alignment for sushiplate 1 in the kitchen room (spritenum #525).
Last edited by NightFright; 05-04-2006 at 02:44 PM.
05-05-2006, 06:39 PM | #195 |
Re: Map Hacks
Here are updated maphacks for the new models #479 and #516.
Changes: - e2l8.mhk: 948 (radar dish) - e3l5.mhk: 283 (notmd2: lizmanhead1), 482 (radar dish) - e4l6.mhk: 221 (radar dish) *EDIT* I have made a small mistake in e3l5.mhk - I notmd2īed 283 but it should have been 282 (liztrooper leg). Get file below to fix this.
Last edited by NightFright; 05-06-2006 at 02:28 AM.
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