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Old 04-21-2014, 11:05 AM   #1

Frenkel's Avatar
Question Valley of Kroz is not Temple of Kroz
The Apogee FAQ says Valley of Kroz is an alternate title given to Temple of Kroz. And the rest of the Internet copied that statement. But nobody has proof or a copy of Valley of Kroz that confirms that statement.

I think Valley of Kroz is not another name for Temple of Kroz, because both names are used in the same document:
                               KINGDOM OF KROZ
                 Copyright 1989 Apogee Software Productions

      Last year, Kingdom of Kroz won a national programming contest as
      "Best Game."  It's a combination of arcade action, strategy, and
      adventure.  As the intrepid explorer, you will venture through
      25 unique levels (screens) of treasures and perils.  Each level
      is patrolled by as many as 1000 creatures out for your blood! To
      run the program, enter KINGDOM at the DOS prompt.

      Hazards include lava, earthquakes, pits, rushing rivers and
      forbidden forests.  Helpful items to collect are whips, gems,
      scrolls, keys and artifacts.  Whips, your primary weapon,
      are used to break through certain walls and to protect you
      from attacking monsters.  Each level is a series of chambers
      with puzzles and pitfalls to overcome.

      There are three skill levels to choose from, plus a save/restore
      feature and a 15-player high score chart.  If you like Kingdom
      of Kroz, there are two additional Kroz games that can be ordered
      directly from the author for $15 (Temple of Kroz and Valley of
      Kroz). Combined, they have 70 more levels.

      Trivia note:  Kroz is Zork (by Infocom) spelled backward.

      Good luck and have fun,

      Scott Miller
      4206 Mayflower Dr.
      Garland, TX 75043
This document comes with a version of Kingdom of Kroz that Litude calls version 1.9.
Groeten van Frenkel
Visit us at the Official S&F Prod. Homepage
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Old 04-21-2014, 02:13 PM   #2

Frenkel's Avatar
Re: Valley of Kroz is not Temple of Kroz
Here's the nag screen of Kingdom of Kroz version 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 and 1.9. Notice that Caverns of Kroz and Dungeons of Kroz are called sequels to Kingdom of Kroz, but Temple of Kroz and Valley of Kroz are just called two other Kroz games.
Groeten van Frenkel
Visit us at the Official S&F Prod. Homepage
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Old 05-06-2014, 03:15 PM   #3

Flaose's Avatar
Re: Valley of Kroz is not Temple of Kroz
Interesting, I always assumed that info had come from Scott Miller himself. You always dig up the most obscure stuff, Frenkel! I wonder if we'll ever be able to find the answer, though as it says in the freeware release:
It is possible this never really existed, but we cannot get a proper answer on Valley from anyone who would know, so that is why it is not in this freeware release.
Last edited by Flaose; 05-06-2014 at 03:20 PM.
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