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Old 01-18-2002, 04:07 PM   #1
Where it has the cut out that says the stuff about Tom Hall and quake.... that is not a QUAKE LOGO. It is a trident logo, and the text that is to the left and the right of the trident pic says this....

Need trident diver(Trident pic)To go under water.

He was obviously referring to the little sprite in the underwater level of the keen goodbye galaxy who uses a trident, which forces me into thinking that he was planning a level at the time and decided to use the trident diver in the same level dopefish appears..... why alot of people didnt notice this is probably you dont have Internet Explorer V6.0.2600.0000

if you have it go to the pic on this link, and put your mouse cursor over it.. and at the bottom of the pic it will show you a square with arrows coming out of it, click it and it will zoom in and show you the text i mentioned above. [img]graemlins/dopefish.gif[/img]
Old 01-18-2002, 05:02 PM   #2
I think they meant that it was a coincidince. What are you talking about IE? I have the same version and I can see it fine.
Old 01-18-2002, 06:32 PM   #3
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dopefishman:
Where it has the cut out that says the stuff about Tom Hall and quake.... that is not a QUAKE LOGO. It is a trident logo, and the text that is to the left and the right of the trident pic says this.... <hr></blockquote>

Don't think about it so hard. I know exactly what it is. I was joking.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
Joe Siegler is offline  
Old 02-13-2002, 05:58 PM   #4
You were joking? ahhh.


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