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Old 09-28-2005, 07:30 PM   #241
ultra tree 85!

ultra tree 85!'s Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Nacho said:
just going to repost the new questions in case they werent seen.

1) Have you actually started sound work as in in-game sound? (Not voice acting)

2) Have you started any voice acting yet?

3) Are drivable vehicles in?

4) Does the Jetpack drain like in Duke3D or does it last forever?

5) Which weapons from Duke3D return?

6) Anything from the original two Duke games re-appear?

7) What is the main enemy in the game? (i.e. is it human, alien, robot etc.)

8) What is the average load time you would say?

9) Have you played DNF in multiplayer yet? How is it?

10) How long do you think untill you begin to design the box art?
Well, we know that the pipe-bomb, freezer, and shrinker will be back, and they played multiplayer with 9 players once.
Duke Nukem Forever will be released in 2010. The community will realize its dream of playing the greatest game of all time. :)
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Old 09-28-2005, 10:13 PM   #242

Neptune's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
in before the lock. Also, these ar esome mighty interesting questions...
"The Patriots, man! They control us, man! They're like... in control of everything, man! I'm serious, man........Pass that joint, man?"

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Old 09-28-2005, 10:15 PM   #243

Kalki's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
X-Vector said:
Calling this behaviour risky would be the mildest description I can think of, but it's not surprising that some would deem it deceitful.
I'd prefer those "some" deem it deceitful only if they've personally handed over their Fifty bucks to 3DRealms for DNF. Otherwise they would do well to keep silent and wait like the rest of us. Shit happens.
"Gentlemen, generations to follow will see us as the first pioneers of the internet. They will look upon our days as those of brave spirits and free ideals - where men were men, women were men and children were the FBI."

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Old 09-29-2005, 03:07 AM   #244
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
About the lock-heading topic:

Maybe George was(is) an ***** and all those talents walk away because oa that. Maybe.
But when the game comes out and it'll be great, I don't give a shit about this stuff.

And also George is the director and producer speaking in movie-making terms. It's up to him to decide, where his work is going.
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Old 09-29-2005, 03:08 AM   #245

X-Vector's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
What does money have to do with any of this?
Are you saying that just because no one had shelved out for the game, it was OK for 3DR to get people hyped with claims that had no base in reality whatsoever?
Don't take this too personally, but I've always figured you were above this kind of love-it-ot-leave-it mentality.

I'm well aware that we're discussing old stuff again here and I may appear more phased about this particular topic than I actually am.
It's just that finding out that the excitement around DNF in the good ol' days was based on nothing more than a shell of a game and that we were basically being led by the nose still isn't something that I can get my hands together for.
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Old 09-29-2005, 04:08 AM   #246

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
X-Vector said:
Are you saying that just because no one had shelved out for the game, it was OK for 3DR to get people hyped with claims that had no base in reality whatsoever?

George actually admitted that it was a stupid move, to announce it that early... He can't do anything about it now however... And now they/we must live with many people bithcing about it taking so long... Just because it was announced too early...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'
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Old 09-29-2005, 04:13 AM   #247

FireFly's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
X-Vector said:
What does money have to do with any of this?
Are you saying that just because no one had shelved out for the game, it was OK for 3DR to get people hyped with claims that had no base in reality whatsoever?

Well, the base was the 'future reality'. They made predictions based on the anticipated state of the game, and their own expectations for the project. That is how game development works - you get people hyped up for features that are only barely implemented, or implemented in a buggy state, or not even present at all.

But game developers trust themselves to get the features implemented, or at least to try their best and so consequently that trust is passed down to the fans. 3DR are no different, it's just that this time the results didn't materialise.
"I think the push for people to innovate in gameplay - i'm not sure that I particularly agree with it"

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Old 09-29-2005, 04:29 AM   #248
Kristian Joensen

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Re: Questions for George and the Crew
X-Vector said:
FireFly said:
Mistakes are not the same as lies, nor are inaccurate estimations.
That depends on your interpretation.

When George Broussard 'came clean' about the latest restart, didn't he admit that 3DR had never even been remotely close to a release worthy product?
That puts the fanfare around the 2001 E3 presentation (with the highly suggestive "2002" coupled with release years of previous Duke games and talk of the footage being "only the tip of the iceberg" - Ruben Cabrera paraphrased) and the unreserved claims in 2001 and 2002 that DNF would be out before Unreal 2 and DooM III respectively in a different category than innocent mistakes.

Calling this behaviour risky would be the mildest description I can think of, but it's not surprising that some would deem it deceitful.
Actually X-Vector George and 3D Realms where of the genuine believe that DNF could get released in 2001/2002, they themselves didn't no better, they made some predictions they thought could stick, they didn't stick. But make no mistake they really believed it themselves, it just turns out that they themselves where wrong.

This is pretty clear from the information we have about Prey, they changed their mind about it becuase DNF kept slipping.

At best you migth call them naive and they have already admitted several times that they are slow. Beeing naive and slow isn't the same as lying.

Now can we please get back ontopic ?
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Old 09-29-2005, 05:15 AM   #249

Kalki's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
X-Vector said:
What does money have to do with any of this?
Are you saying that just because no one had shelved out for the game, it was OK for 3DR to get people hyped with claims that had no base in reality whatsoever?
The 3 posts above me explained the varying reasons behind the hype failure better than I could. Deceit is too strong a word for this, unless you want to get into that murky territory about what they "owe us". Hence my comment about money.
"Gentlemen, generations to follow will see us as the first pioneers of the internet. They will look upon our days as those of brave spirits and free ideals - where men were men, women were men and children were the FBI."

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Old 09-29-2005, 05:48 AM   #250

Nacho's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Stop arguing in my thread or there will be some ass kicking.

This thread is about the Questions I ask.
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Old 09-29-2005, 06:18 AM   #251

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Nacho said:
Stop arguing in my thread or there will be some ass kicking.
Yes, it's going WAY off-topic... If you have to proceed, please do it in PM's


This thread is about the Questions I ask.
Correction: This thread is about the questions we ask...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'
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Old 09-29-2005, 08:00 AM   #252

djmondy's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
I would like to ask george and the crew a few questions:

1) How happy are you with what you've done so far?

2) How much content gets taken out on a daily/weekly/monthly basis because your not happy with the way it looks/moves/sounds etc?

3) When DNF gets released will you take a long holiday or will you start work on a whole new project? or new duke game?

4) Finally, how much fun have you had so far working on DNF despite the setbacks and restarts has it been fun for you and the crew??

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Old 09-29-2005, 11:09 AM   #253
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
I want to know how many times they have been pissed off after reading something from the message board.
Old 09-29-2005, 11:29 AM   #254

RedSplat's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
I think they just let things slide off them like water off a ducks back when it is negativity or stupidity, but can allow in information through their screening process if there is a kernel of truth that needs to be heard or bullshit to set straigth.
I think developing DNF developed really thick skin..
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Old 09-29-2005, 12:28 PM   #255

Water12356's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
djmondy said:
I would like to ask george and the crew a few questions:

3) When DNF gets released will you take a long holiday or will you start work on a whole new project? or new duke game?
Lets see they have been working on it for almost 10 years? I think they deserve to take a little break when its all through.
"Psycho Mantis locking your doors, your fridge, shutting off your air conditioner, and clogging your toilet sure beats reading some crap off a memory card."
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Old 09-29-2005, 01:52 PM   #256
ultra tree 85!

ultra tree 85!'s Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Nacho said:
Stop arguing in my thread or there will be some ass kicking.

This thread is about the Questions I ask.
Great post, Nacho!

The questions were good, let's get back on track, and maybe George will stop by and look at them.

also, i'd hate to see this thread locked, It's one of the first threads, if not the first thread, that I ever looked at when I was an anonymous user.

So, I'd guess that the jetpack drains, but I don't know for sure, of course. Not sure what my guess would be on things returning from Duke 1&2.
Duke Nukem Forever will be released in 2010. The community will realize its dream of playing the greatest game of all time. :)
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Old 09-29-2005, 03:45 PM   #257

Bushido's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Wow...been a long time since I've been in this section of the forums...I told myself I wasn't going to come back until the "when it's done" tagline said something like "Summer 2006!" But here I am...

It's cool to see George talking a bit more about the game. The new bits of info get my imagination flowing but here's hoping we'll have some more official news releases...I miss this place.
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Old 09-29-2005, 04:57 PM   #258
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Cerberus_e said:
why not? jumping puzzles rock, they are in the roots of FPS, which come from sidescrollers full of them
I actually like jumping puzzles, how can you possibly dislike the one in SS2 demo? it's not hard at all.
I hate jumping in FPS-games. In 3rd-person games I don't have problems with platform jumping, only in FPS. Specially I hate when needed to jump on a moving platform in FPS-game.

As in example SS2 demo, it took me twenty or something times to get Sam land on the right spot. Most of the time the damn idiot jumped to his death.
After I've lost my mind I figured out that Sam didn't react fast enough for jump-button, it had about 1 sec delay and when he landed, it was like he had his shoes covered with oil.

Maybe I'm bad jumper, but luckily Duke will have his Jetpack.
"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
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Old 09-29-2005, 10:25 PM   #259

Kalki's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
What if you can see Duke's feet? Would that help??
"Gentlemen, generations to follow will see us as the first pioneers of the internet. They will look upon our days as those of brave spirits and free ideals - where men were men, women were men and children were the FBI."

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Old 09-29-2005, 10:33 PM   #260
Little Conqueror

Little Conqueror's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Kalki said:
What if you can see Duke's feet? Would that help??
Yeah, but then that brings up a problem: in every game I can remember, the character has a set standing animation, regardless of what they're standing on. The feet are always the same distance apart. If 3DR did this, then they'd have to go the extra step to make sure that if Duke is on a very thin ledge, the position of his feet reflects that.
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Old 09-29-2005, 10:47 PM   #261

Kalki's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Good point, but that's just another issue they have to consider, like climbing ladders.
"Gentlemen, generations to follow will see us as the first pioneers of the internet. They will look upon our days as those of brave spirits and free ideals - where men were men, women were men and children were the FBI."

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Old 09-30-2005, 02:53 PM   #262
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Kalki said:
What if you can see Duke's feet? Would that help??
Maybe, maybe not. You can test it, close your another eye, put sement shoes on and try to jump over hallway carpet.

I never made it to the other side.

Visible character body is good thing, actually, it was the one thing that caught my attention in FEAR-demo.
"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
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Old 10-02-2005, 09:04 PM   #263
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
I seriously hope Hollywood and Red Light are available as deathmatch maps. If they are not included, someone needs to do them with the new engine. . .
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Old 10-03-2005, 04:12 PM   #264

KaiserSoze's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
George Broussard

3DR Staff Re: Duke Nukem Forever-where are we at? [Re: KaiserSoze]
09/23/05 02:15 PM


KaiserSoze said: -Should Duke fans worry that Duke Nukem Forever did not get a single mention in the recent PC Gamer article "The shooters of 2006"?


I don't think we would unveil Duke in a roundup article.


-The Meqon physics sale hopefully did not affect development nor is it forseen to be an issue at all?


It should not. We've talked to them and Ageia and things seem good.


-Could you possible give us an idea how far along the following parts of the game are in terms of pre-alpha, alpha, beta...etc?
The enemies, non playable characters(NPCs), weapons, music/sound effects, levels and multiplayer.


Varying stages from beta to pre-alpha.


-Have you decided on the format on which you'll release Duke Nukem Forever? CD and/or DVD/online delivery service?


No. Those decisions are made very close to launch. I think it's safe to assume DNF will be cd and dvd.


-Do you think the interactivity you are incorporating into the game is actually slowing the development process down a bit because of the extensive nature of it?


Sure. It's part of making the game. Doing anything for it slows us down


-Do you think we'll be shocked by some of the levels of interaction in the game?


No idea. We are too close to judge things. We just hope it's fun.


-How important are the "small details" to you? For example, when you talk about crazy interactivity,


I'd say very important.


-Have you decided on a "hype" timetable for DNF? 6 months? 1 year?


No. We really make this up as we go along and we don't plan it. We'll simply wake up one day and realize it's time to show it.


-Most people think it's a safe bet we won't be hearing about DNF until after Prey's release to stores apparently in quarter 2 of next year. Any comment?


I wish we planned that far ahead.

copy and pasted as i think these replies from george pertain to this thread.
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Old 10-03-2005, 11:42 PM   #265

cladinshadows's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
*posted in wrong thread sorry*
I can't wait until the DNF forum is full of people discussing how the game was instead of discussing what they want it to be.
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Old 10-04-2005, 09:42 AM   #266
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
When when we get shrunk from those shrinkray weilding alien evil doers, will we be able to battle it out with the resident cockroaches, spiders and other insect-like enemies? And can we hide INSIDE the discarded drink cans???

Probably alot of other stuff we could do while shrunk.. but it's late and I'm all out of gum!
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Old 10-04-2005, 03:54 PM   #267
ultra tree 85!

ultra tree 85!'s Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Famous said:
I seriously hope Hollywood and Red Light are available as deathmatch maps. If they are not included, someone needs to do them with the new engine. . .
George said that Hollywood holocaust has been in DNF before, on past builds/engines, so there's a chance that it'll be put back in. He also said that they were going to be putting a few old favorite Duke 3D maps into the multiplayer of Duke Nukem Forever, but that was a while ago, so I don't know if that statement counts anymore. Hopefully they'll be back in.
Duke Nukem Forever will be released in 2010. The community will realize its dream of playing the greatest game of all time. :)
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Old 10-05-2005, 12:26 AM   #268

hell-angel's Avatar
Re: Questions for George and the Crew
Codey said:
When when we get shrunk from those shrinkray weilding alien evil doers, will we be able to battle it out with the resident cockroaches, spiders and other insect-like enemies? And can we hide INSIDE the discarded drink cans???

Probably alot of other stuff we could do while shrunk.. but it's late and I'm all out of gum!
Yeah, you go and hide in that can, then I definately want to kick it and watch yo go: AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! I can see my home from here *splat*.
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