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Old 04-12-2007, 06:04 AM   #1
Weapon Model Question
Hi there,
Just a quick question about the shotgun weapon model for the update pack. How hard would it for me to change the shotgun view back to how it is in the previous HDR pack (ie where it is higher up and you can see the nuke symbol), whilst keeping the muzzle flashes and all the other nice update pack stuff?

I do realise that the previous shotty view showed the trigger was half missing, and thats probably why it was changed, but I actuallyprefer being able to see more of the weapon, especially the nice curve near the end. To me it was closer to the 8bit original, and it feels a lot more solid IMO.

To be honest I'm a bit of a noobsauce when it comes to this kind of stuff, so its no biggy, but it would be cool if there was an easy way to tweak it myself.
Thanks to anyone who can help me out.

Oh yeah and if someone could let me know the best way to edit def files that'd be great too.
Aherin is offline  
Old 04-12-2007, 06:53 AM   #2
Re: Weapon Model Question
Sorry, nevermind I managed to change the model back. the muzzleflash is in a wierd place tho.. so I turned it off :P Guess thats why they changed it ey...

Heh well if anyone knows a way to move the shotty muzzle flash up about 1/2 a centremetre, I'd love to hear how
Aherin is offline  
Old 04-12-2007, 07:04 AM   #3

NightFright's Avatar
Re: Weapon Model Question
There is absolutely NO, repeat *NO* way to go back to the "elevated" shotgun version without messing up its muzzleflash position. That's why I decided to move it back to where it was in the first place, even if that meant making it look like shit again.

The modified values were at the end of firstperson.def, but these were corrected after HRP Update Pack v2.02.

1. Extract firstperson.def from HRP zipfile
2. Open it with text editor, e.g. Windows Wordpad/text editor
3. Go to end of the file and replace following code
// Shotgun (2613)
model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2613_shotgun.md3" {
   scale 1.9
   skin { pal 0  file "highres/sprites/firstperson/2613_shotgun.png" }
   frame { name "2613" tile 2613 }
   frame { name "2613" tile 2614 }
   frame { name "2613" tile 2615 }
   frame { name "2616" tile 2616 }
   frame { name "2617" tile 2617 }
   frame { name "2618" tile 2618 }
   frame { name "2619" tile 2619 }
   // anim { frame0 "pump1" frame1 "pump2" fps 30 flags 1 }
   // frame { name "pump1" tile0 2617 tile1 2619 }
   hud { tile 2613 xadd 0.09 yadd 1.45 zadd -0.89 angadd -25 }
   hud { tile 2616 xadd 0.023 yadd 1.177 zadd -0.89 angadd -25 }
   hud { tile 2617 xadd -0.2 yadd 1.29 zadd -1.1 angadd -25 }
   hud { tile 2618 xadd -0.464 yadd 1.417 zadd -1.1 angadd -25 }
   hud { tile 2619 xadd -0.464 yadd 1.417 zadd -1.1 angadd -25 }
4. with this one (from HRP XTR, changes are bold):
// Shotgun (2613)
model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2613_shotgun.md3" {
   scale 1.9
   skin { pal 0  file "highres/sprites/firstperson/2613_shotgun.png" }
   frame { name "2613" tile 2613 }
   frame { name "2616" tile 2616 }
   frame { name "2617" tile 2617 }
   frame { name "2618" tile 2618 }
   frame { name "2619" tile 2619 }
   // anim { frame0 "pump1" frame1 "pump2" fps 30 flag 1 }
   // frame { name "pump1" tile0 2617 tile1 2619 }
   hud { tile 2613 xadd 0.1 yadd 1.3 zadd -0.79 angadd -25 }
   hud { tile 2616 xadd 0.033 yadd 1.027 zadd -0.79 angadd -25 }
   hud { tile 2617 xadd -0.19 yadd 1.14 zadd -1.0 angadd -25 }
   hud { tile 2618 xadd -0.454 yadd 1.267 zadd -1.0 angadd -25 }
   hud { tile 2619 xadd -0.454 yadd 1.267 zadd -1.0 angadd -25 }
5. Save the file and put it back into HRP zipfile (see to it that it goes to highres\sprites subdir!).

The shotgun will be remade one day in case that comforts you.
NightFright is offline  
Old 04-12-2007, 11:28 AM   #4

TerminX's Avatar
Re: Weapon Model Question
The best way to edit def files is with your favorite text editor.
TerminX is offline  
Old 04-12-2007, 06:15 PM   #5
Re: Weapon Model Question
Thanks for the replies guys. Thats a shame about the muzzleflash, but oh well
The HDR pack still rocks.
Aherin is offline  
Old 04-13-2007, 07:51 AM   #6
mean person

mean person's Avatar
Re: Weapon Model Question
Originally Posted by Aherin View Post
Thanks for the replies guys. Thats a shame about the muzzleflash, but oh well
The HDR pack still rocks.
HDR Forever
ЧЕГО БЛЯ?????!!!! Я НЕ ПОНИМАЮ ЧТО ВЫ ГОВОРИТЕ!!!!!!!! © Кирил Немоляев
mean person is offline  
Old 04-28-2007, 08:20 PM   #7
Re: Weapon Model Question
On the topic of the shotgun, is it possible to get the shotgun cocking frames to be moved right? At the tallest point, it is blocking the very center of the screen and is VERY irritating.
Hendricks266 is offline  
Old 04-28-2007, 09:07 PM   #8
Tea Monster

Tea Monster's Avatar
Re: Weapon Model Question
Wouldn't a muzzle flash model solve this?
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Old 05-01-2007, 09:41 AM   #9

Parkar's Avatar
Re: Weapon Model Question
Originally Posted by Tea Monster View Post
Wouldn't a muzzle flash model solve this?
I thought so but it turned out to cause a lot of rendering glitches if it used alpha mapping so I gave up on it for now.
Parkar is offline  


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