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Old 04-15-2004, 07:24 PM   #1
Paganitzu 2 Level 11
Sometimes when I flip the lever on this level the Diamonds turn to Masks( that give you extra life ) other times I flip it and it doesn't work at all.

Any Idea why? or does anyone have the same problem. That is if you are able to check this out for me.
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Old 04-16-2004, 08:14 AM   #2

Frenkel's Avatar
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11
I have the same problem. Only the first try per game works for me.
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Old 04-16-2004, 08:59 AM   #3
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11
I definetly find that to be very interesting indeed. This means I should of restarted the whole program and try it again to see if it works again. Actually, I'm going to try that and find out.

Thanks for the reply Frenkle.
"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

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Old 04-16-2004, 06:07 PM   #4

moron's Avatar
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11
I think its there to stop you from geting to many lives
just my 2 cents
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Old 04-19-2004, 03:38 PM   #5
Keith Schuler
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11
It's most likely a bug, but maybe I was trying to keep people from getting too many lives. :-)
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Old 04-20-2004, 10:19 AM   #6

moron's Avatar
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11
in episode 1 you let pepole get 99 lives? you even gave pepole hints

also did you mean to have alabama be able to trap spiders with his body (you can kill a spider if you are 1 & 1/2 sqwares behind him)
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Old 04-20-2004, 01:53 PM   #7
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
Here's a Room I've wondered about. Paga2 Room 6.

A lever in each corner. Flip either one first and the way in is blocked. Flip either one again and Wraiths come out of the wall at the top.

Is there anyway out of this or is it just a trap?
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 04-22-2004, 05:28 PM   #8

moron's Avatar
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
I think its a trap
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Old 04-23-2004, 05:08 AM   #9

Frenkel's Avatar
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
Isn't that the Emerald City?
Groeten van Frenkel
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Old 04-23-2004, 08:52 AM   #10
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
I'm actually trying to ask Keith this question.

No this isn't the Emerald City. The Emerald City is only accessible in Room 16 of Paga2. The level I'm speaking of is Room 6. As you can see in the picture above.

This Room starts out with Diamonds.
"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 05-26-2004, 08:48 PM   #11

twelvepaws's Avatar
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
So how do you get to the emerald city?

Also, I got through Paga2 rooms 9 and 20 once long ago but can't seem to do it now. Can't seem to move fast enough or I always bump into the boulder too hard and it doesn't go where I want it to (to trap a wraith inside a chamber). In room 20 I just can't outrun those wraiths!

In Paga 3 Room 9 I forgot how to get back and forth below the neurons. (I did this once also long ago.) The salamanders either get stuck up at the top or they push Alabama into the path of the neurons.

But it's still one of my favorite games, along with its predecessor, Chaganitzu, although I can't slow it down enough to get through more than four or five levels. (Wah!)
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Old 05-28-2004, 12:34 PM   #12

moron's Avatar
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
if you got terned into a demon level 20 is a peace of cake
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Old 06-23-2004, 03:22 PM   #13
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
Here's how to get to the Emerald City in Paganitzu 2 "Quest for the Silver Dagger". A more visual way of perceiving it!

When you first start Room 16 of Paganitzu 2, you want to grab everything in the level that you can access and come on this side of the switches exactly as depicted in the picture below.

And don't forget the secret wall on the Left if you didn't already know about it.
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 06-23-2004, 03:31 PM   #14
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
Next Flip the switch in the above picture.

After doing so, move through pile of dirt and place an Amulet where it is pictured in the picture below.

When placing an Amulet anywhere in the game, you only need to be 1 spot away from it. It will never harm you.
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 06-23-2004, 03:38 PM   #15
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
Ok, maybe in the above picture it looks like I move away 2 spots but I actually didn't as I will give a better demonstration of this while I proceed telling you how to get to the Emerald City!

Now place the last Amulet where it is pictured below and move down 1 spot.
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 06-23-2004, 03:44 PM   #16
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
After the Amulet explodes, grab all keys and both Amulets and proceed to the switch that is the second on the right as pictured below.
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 06-23-2004, 03:50 PM   #17
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
Before I proceed, here is an example of where and how the Amulet always explodes.

As you can see it explodes in 9 places; the middle part was where the Amulet was placed in the picture below.
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 06-23-2004, 04:07 PM   #18
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
And now is the time to flip the second switch from the right and ... Wallah!

You have now made it to the Emerald City. Just watch your back and plan where you go ahead of time or you may end up trapping yourself in a corner.

The whole idea is to see how many of these diamonds that you can get. See if you can leave only 13 Diamonds or less. If so, then you are either as good as I am or better.
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 06-23-2004, 04:09 PM   #19
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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Old 06-23-2004, 04:24 PM   #20
Re: Paganitzu 2 Level 11 & 6
For your Paganitzu Room 9 question, well, here is my ending result.

The torches that are on will be turned on and off by the remaining 2 wraiths that are moving.
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"I'm your Huckleberry; that's just my game."

Doc Holiday, TOMBSTONE
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