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Old 04-21-2009, 07:19 PM   #841
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
They're both at DNR:
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Old 04-21-2009, 07:45 PM   #842

supergoofy's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Current DukePlus compatibility list:

Duke Nukem 3D
Duke It Out In D.C.
DukeZONE 2
Arctic Alert map
The dream map
Duke is 10 episode
Beerzity map for WGRealms
WGSpace episode
Clear the Coast map
Vacation Cove episode
Bedrone map
Outpost X
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Old 04-21-2009, 08:07 PM   #843

Sobek's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
On top of the other change I requested that you're working on (random variable speed for shooters), I was hoping you might be able to implement a little something else for the sleeper effect.

Can it be made possible to control the speed of the fade in / fade out, and also the fade in/out colour? (fade to white, fade to black, that sort of thing). And also, something I've moaned about on occasion... Could you possibly include the option to lock the player's view during the sleep transition? At present you get the horizontal lock, so you can look straight up or down during the 'wake up' portion of the transition, but not left or right. It'd be nice to be able to lock the player's view at the default straight-forward both during the sleep and wakeup transitions.

I'd like to use the sleeper effect + some other moving sector trickery to create a 'cinematic' intro, however the player having free mouse movement is a real bitch, as I'm trying to create a series of effects that are best viewed from an 'on rails' perspective... If the player can turn around and look at all the crap he's passed, it just ruins it. What I'm doing at the moment is putting the player on a moving sector and using a sleeper with a long delay before kicking in, so the player can't move about, and can pass through all of the scripted sequences I've created in front of them...

Hope those are possible!
Last edited by Sobek; 04-21-2009 at 08:10 PM.
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Old 04-21-2009, 09:27 PM   #844

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by Sobek View Post
On top of the other change I requested that you're working on (random variable speed for shooters), I was hoping you might be able to implement a little something else for the sleeper effect.

Can it be made possible to control the speed of the fade in / fade out, and also the fade in/out colour? (fade to white, fade to black, that sort of thing). And also, something I've moaned about on occasion... Could you possibly include the option to lock the player's view during the sleep transition? At present you get the horizontal lock, so you can look straight up or down during the 'wake up' portion of the transition, but not left or right. It'd be nice to be able to lock the player's view at the default straight-forward both during the sleep and wakeup transitions.

I'd like to use the sleeper effect + some other moving sector trickery to create a 'cinematic' intro, however the player having free mouse movement is a real bitch, as I'm trying to create a series of effects that are best viewed from an 'on rails' perspective... If the player can turn around and look at all the crap he's passed, it just ruins it. What I'm doing at the moment is putting the player on a moving sector and using a sleeper with a long delay before kicking in, so the player can't move about, and can pass through all of the scripted sequences I've created in front of them...

Hope those are possible!
Yeah, it's all possible, and you've been very patient and polite about it, which I appreciate. I"m going to include that stuff in the next release, which will be Duke Plus 2.0. I'd like to get that out before polymer is released. My modding time has been mostly focused on WGR2, but I can take a break from that for a little while to get a DP release together.
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Old 04-21-2009, 10:47 PM   #845

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Re: Duke Plus 1.8

Really looking forward to it... Those were pretty much the last remaining features I was hoping for in Duke Plus. At one stage I was fiddling with some of the CONS and such and I'm pretty sure I found a way to achieve some of it myself, but the problem there of course is that each new release would require going back in and screwing around with those files. When you take care of it on your end, life just gets easier

Keep up the good work, because without it, I and many others would have some pretty 'stale' mods!
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Old 04-22-2009, 01:32 AM   #846

blizzart's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
A stupid question perhaps, but is the DukePlus version in the new HRP the latest version of this mod?
I got some problems with Mikko´s Dukecide map there (black squares instead of shotgun and other things).
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Old 04-22-2009, 01:43 AM   #847
The Commander

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Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by blizzart View Post
A stupid question perhaps, but is the DukePlus version in the new HRP the latest version of this mod?
I got some problems with Mikko´s Dukecide map there (black squares instead of shotgun and other things).
Delete the texture cache, and make sure you are using 32 bit mode. Won't work in 8bit. (shotgun is a model)
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Old 04-22-2009, 01:48 AM   #848
William Gee

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Re: Duke Plus 1.8
I used the HRP DP and Mikko's map was fine.
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Old 04-22-2009, 01:49 AM   #849

supergoofy's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
there is an updated version at:
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:09 AM   #850

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
If you have black squares it is your fault. Black squares are caused by placeholder tiles for which no replacement graphic is rendered. Most likely causes: you turned off models in the video options, you turned off hi-res textures, or you are using the software renderer. Another possibility is that the model and texture files are not found because they are not where they are supposed to be.
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:26 AM   #851

supergoofy's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
maybe if he try to unpack
is he using the "-game_dir DukePlus" command
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:59 AM   #852

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by supergoofy View Post
maybe if he try to unpack
is he using the "-game_dir DukePlus" command
Unpacking the DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES directory is fine, as long as it stays where it belongs inside the DukePlus directory. In fact, I recommend unpacking that file. The only reason it is zipped is for the HRP uninstaller.
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Old 04-22-2009, 03:12 AM   #853
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by blizzart View Post
A stupid question perhaps, but is the DukePlus version in the new HRP the latest version of this mod?
I got some problems with Mikko´s Dukecide map there (black squares instead of shotgun and other things).
Quick fix: Leave all your settings where they are normally and rename the autoload folder to something like Zautoload.

edit: forgot to mention. If you try to use dukeplus and all you change is the video mode settings to
XXXX x XXX 8bpp on the game loader setup tab, the modified weapons will be black boxes.
Last edited by Forge; 04-22-2009 at 04:40 AM.
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Old 04-22-2009, 01:58 PM   #854

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by Sobek View Post
I just got done adding all of the new transition effector options. Now you can:
  • Choose from black, blue, red, green and white fades
  • Control the speed of the transition (only works on the two-way version)
  • Take away the player's weapons and stuff
  • Lock the player's view to center at the origin, destination, or both
  • Play a sound of your choice when the effect begins
  • Make it not start until the player presses the open key while facing the appropriate direction
With these additions, it is now possible to make fake doors using the effect.
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Old 04-22-2009, 06:06 PM   #855

Sobek's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Wow... More than I expected! I love the idea of locking the player's view on their destination. If I use that and put the player on a moving sector, will the view lock stay fixed on where the destination is? Or would that 'break the lock'. Also, does that factor in the Z axis? ie; if I put the destination higher than the player and set their view to lock on to it, will the view actually look up to where it is, or will it look in the correct direction, just straight ahead?
Last edited by Sobek; 04-23-2009 at 06:21 PM.
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Old 04-22-2009, 06:58 PM   #856

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by Sobek View Post
Wow... More than I expected! I love the idea of locking the player's view on their destination. If I use that and put the player on a moving sector, will the view lock stay fixed on where the destination is?
No, it just locks the player's view, both vertical and horizontal, like you asked. It doesn't track a moving object in the distance. The new options make the effector more useful for cutscenes than before, but it's still not designed for making cutscenes. You'll need a new effect for that.

By the way, I added new options for the shooter: randomized shot timing, sound on firing, and destructible by explosions
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Old 04-22-2009, 07:06 PM   #857
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by DeeperThought View Post
The new options make the effector more useful for cutscenes than before, but it's still not designed for making cutscenes. You'll need a new effect for that.
A mechanism for cutscenes would be really cool.

Also, the ability to go 3rd person from fixed cameras ala classic Resident Evil, or maybe just play from the perspective of demo cameras.
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Old 04-22-2009, 07:27 PM   #858

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by ReaperTK View Post
Also, the ability to go 3rd person from fixed cameras ala classic Resident Evil, or maybe just play from the perspective of demo cameras.
I've experimented with that, and I concluded that it would be better suited to a TC with maps designed with that perspective in mind. There aren't enough demo cams in the maps, so they either have to be spawned on the fly (which means they won't be placed very intelligently) or the maps all have to be edited. Duke runs so fast that camera switching happens annoyingly often. The controls have to remapped depending on the view of the action to avoid confusion (which also creates confusion). It's almost impossible to get a good view during tight indoor action. It's a mess.

So I ended up with the current optional dynamic camera mode that replaces the regular F7 view mode.
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Old 04-22-2009, 07:57 PM   #859
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by DeeperThought View Post
I've experimented with that
Do you still have any of the code from when you did that? I'd be interested in messing around with it as I have a couple of ideas for a TC that could benefit from such camera angles.
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Old 04-22-2009, 08:32 PM   #860

Sobek's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by DeeperThought View Post
By the way, I added new options for the shooter: randomized shot timing, sound on firing, and destructible by explosions
Nice, thank you.

Originally Posted by DeeperThought View Post
No, it just locks the player's view, both vertical and horizontal, like you asked. It doesn't track a moving object in the distance. The new options make the effector more useful for cutscenes than before, but it's still not designed for making cutscenes. You'll need a new effect for that.
That's well and all, perhaps I'm not reading it right. So by locking the player's view to the 'destination' as you mention, I assumed it meant that the player's view would change to look at where the exit point of the sleep effect was, when they begin the sleep effect. Is this not the case? (actually tracking the target is no issue - I'd never thought of that). If that's the case, I'm guessing that upon 'waking up' / exiting the sleep, the camera will be reset to the default straight-ahead.

Can't hurt to get some info first
Last edited by Sobek; 04-23-2009 at 06:21 PM.
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Old 04-22-2009, 08:32 PM   #861

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by ReaperTK View Post
Do you still have any of the code from when you did that? I'd be interested in messing around with it as I have a couple of ideas for a TC that could benefit from such camera angles.
The camera code was morphed, not replaced, so there is nothing left of the original code. I think I did save some code about remapping movement keys depending on how the camera is viewing the player.

Here, I doubt this will be useful, but:

 ifvare player[THISACTOR].movement_lock 0 ifvare extbits 0
 setplayer[THISACTOR].movement_lock 15
 ifvare player[THISACTOR].movement_lock 15
  setvar temp 1
  setvarvar angvar cameraang
  ifvarand extbits 1 // move forward
   ifvarand extbits 4 // also strafing left 
    subvar angvar 256
   ifvarand extbits 8 // also strafing right
       addvar angvar 256
  ifvarand extbits 2 // move backward
   addvar angvar 1024
   ifvarand extbits 4 // also strafing left
    addvar angvar 256
   ifvarand extbits 8 // also strafing right
       subvar angvar 256
  ifvarand extbits 4 // strafe left
   subvar angvar 512
   ifvarand extbits 8 setvar temp 0
  ifvarand extbits 8 // strafe right
   addvar angvar 512
   ifvarand extbits 4 setvar temp 0
  else setvar temp 0 // not moving at all
  ifvare temp 1
   cos xvel angvar
   sin yvel angvar
   shiftvarl xvel 6
   shiftvarl yvel 6
   ifp pwalking { shiftvarr xvel 1 shiftvarr yvel 1 } else
   ifp pducking { shiftvarr xvel 1 shiftvarr yvel 1 } else
   ifp ponground nullop else { shiftvarr xvel 1 shiftvarr yvel 1 }
   ifp ponsteroids { mulvar xvel 3 divvar xvel 2 mulvar yvel 3 divvar yvel 2 }
   getplayer[THISACTOR].posxv digx
   addvarvar digx xvel
   setplayer[THISACTOR].posxv digx
   getplayer[THISACTOR].posyv digy
   addvarvar digy yvel
   setplayer[THISACTOR].posyv digy
extbits should be set to the input struct member of the same name in EVENT_PROCESSINPUT -- extbits is a bitfield holding which movement keys the player is pressing

movement_lock is set to prevent the player's normal movement from taking place so that the override can work

you need additional code to detect whether 3rd person is being used, and to unlock the player when it isn't, and probably other stuff i'm forgetting

cameraang is a constantly updated pre-defined gamevar which is the angle of the 3rd person camera (the code I used to modify that and change the position of the camera is not included)
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Old 04-23-2009, 08:10 AM   #862
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Hi, here's a modified version for DukePlus of the mighty MOD Last Reaction & Water Bases. As I can see, the new enemies runs fine, but feel free to report any bug and fix them if you're able (I'm not a CON programmer, I just did a copy'n'paste work).
Just unpack the RAR file in your DukePlus directory and run the BAT file.

EDIT : link fixed //_;
Last edited by Headless_Horseman; 04-23-2009 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 04-24-2009, 12:56 AM   #863
Micky C

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Re: Duke Plus 1.8
I just got into using monster capsules. They certainly add a new depth to the game, like many of the other features. In fact, I might be able to get some pokomon lovers to try it out. Who knows, they might get hooked like the rest of us...
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Old 04-24-2009, 01:32 AM   #864

supergoofy's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Last Reaction & Water Bases has TILES005.ART . It should not be compatible with duke plus.

To make it compatible you have to merge or replace the tiles that are included in TILES005.ART of both Last Reaction & Water Bases and Duke Plus. And you have also to add additional code.

It can be done, but it needs a lot of work to make 100% compatible and to work properly.
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Old 04-24-2009, 01:42 AM   #865

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by supergoofy View Post
Last Reaction & Water Bases has TILES005.ART . It should not be compatible with duke plus.
Bot crouching and death animation will be screwed up. Lifebars (the ones over actors heads) will be screwed up, as well as the electrical projectile. But if you aren't using bots, lifebars, or altered monsters that use that projectile, then it shouldn't be a problem.
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Old 04-24-2009, 09:47 AM   #866
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
For what I'm seeing, everything runs just fine without tile05 (that it's not included in the archive I made beacuse I know it's conflicting with DP setting). The new monsters code works too (the old drones are a real pain).
Obviously, the modified original enemies of LRWB not work in the same way, but it's no big deal if you use "monster advanced AI", like me.
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Old 04-25-2009, 10:16 AM   #867
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Still on fixing LRWB so it can decently work unde DukePlus.
I've found two more actor specific for this mod, but they seem not to work perfectly.

The first is this, completely non-functional
It will boost PLAYERHEALTH to the max, but if you've more than 125 health (the mod enhanced MAXPLAYERHEALTH to 125), you'll lose health until you get to 125.

  sizeat 32 32
  cstat 0
    state respawnit
    ifp pshrunk nullop
     ifphealthl 126
      ifp palive
        ifpdistl RETRIEVEDISTANCE
          ifcount 6
        addphealth 125
        quote 125
        state quikget
      ifp palive
        ifpdistl RETRIEVEDISTANCE
          ifcount 6
        addphealth -25
        sound DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN7
        quote 125
        state quikget
The second is modified FIRSTAID : you get FIRSTAID, STEROIDS and ARMOR. You can retrieve it if your press space,
This second actor worked only one time and then become completely non-functional

  sizeat 24 24
  ifmove RESPAWN_ACTOR_FLAG state respawnit
    ifp pshrunk nullop
      ifp palive
        ifpdistl RETRIEVEDISTANCE
          ifcount 6
        addphealth 10
        addinventory GET_SHIELD SHIELD_AMOUNT
        addinventory GET_STEROIDS STEROID_AMOUNT
        quote 126

        ifspawnedby MEDPACK
          state getcode
          state quikget
        quote 126
Can someone fix that ?

I've also discovered what modified art is in Tile005 : it's a small roach that randomly roam and is automatically squished by the player, spawning a pool of acid.
As soon as i find the actor, I'll post it too.
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Old 04-25-2009, 11:58 AM   #868

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by Headless_Horseman View Post
Still on fixing LRWB so it can decently work unde DukePlus.
I've found two more actor specific for this mod, but they seem not to work perfectly.

The first is this, completely non-functional
It will boost PLAYERHEALTH to the max, but if you've more than 125 health (the mod enhanced MAXPLAYERHEALTH to 125), you'll lose health until you get to 125.
eventloadactor PLUTONIUMHEALTH sizeat 32 32 enda
  sizeat 32 32
    state respawnit
    ifp pshrunk nullop
      ifp palive
        ifpdistl RETRIEVEDISTANCE
          ifcount 6
          getplayer[THISACTOR].i spriteid
          getactor[spriteid].extra temp
          ifvarg temp 125 sound DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN7
          setactor[spriteid].extra 125    
          quote 125
          state quikget
That code should work, but it should have done something with the code you posted, too. If it was completely nonfunctional, then something else is going on here, like maybe the actor is defined twice.

Originally Posted by Headless_Horseman View Post
The second is modified FIRSTAID : you get FIRSTAID, STEROIDS and ARMOR. You can retrieve it if your press space,
This second actor worked only one time and then become completely non-functional
What do you mean? Was it supposed to respawn?
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Old 04-25-2009, 01:28 PM   #869
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
EDIT : Now everything seems to work properly, apart from the "acid bug" above mentioned. How can I find a thing that spawn a pool of acid and is automatically squished by the player ?

For now, here's the update CON.
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Last edited by Headless_Horseman; 04-25-2009 at 02:18 PM.
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Old 04-25-2009, 03:03 PM   #870

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Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by Headless_Horseman View Post
EDIT : Now everything seems to work properly, apart from the "acid bug" above mentioned. How can I find a thing that spawn a pool of acid and is automatically squished by the player ?
You already know the tile number from looking in tiles05, so just just search his CONs for the tile number. There will be a line that says define BUGNAME TILENUMBER Also, if the player stomps the bug, just search for pstomp (there aren't too many of those in the CONs).
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Old 04-26-2009, 08:42 AM   #871
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Finally found and fixed the infamous "acid roach" actor (plus some more that were well hidden the cons). Everything seems to work nicely with LRWB under DukePlus, even without the modified tile05.

Now another question : the "Chimera" mod, which is an externsion of LRWB, uses a custom LOOKOUT and PALETTE files (for a modified Nightvision). If I put them in the ZIP file, the game will recognize them ?

For now, here's the fixed CON for LRWB :
Attached Files
File Type: zip (25.4 KB, 4 views)
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Old 04-26-2009, 09:42 AM   #872

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by Headless_Horseman View Post
Finally found and fixed the infamous "acid roach" actor (plus some more that were well hidden the cons). Everything seems to work nicely with LRWB under DukePlus, even without the modified tile05.

Now another question : the "Chimera" mod, which is an externsion of LRWB, uses a custom LOOKOUT and PALETTE files (for a modified Nightvision). If I put them in the ZIP file, the game will recognize them ?

For now, here's the fixed CON for LRWB :

I doubt it, but why don't you just try it and see? It only takes a few seconds to turn on nightvision and check.
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Old 04-27-2009, 12:16 PM   #873
Thumbs up Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Hi, newbie and wanted to say I love this mod. A video of someone playing it on Youtube was one of the main reasons I dug out my old Duke discs and started playing again. And I love playing with the Doubled Monsters and Dukebots. My friends and I have started referring to that setup as "Warzone Mode."

I was wondering if perhaps it would be possible, though, to maybe give the Dukebots different appearances from Duke himself. I realize this would mean new models and textures, and would be purely aesthetic, but I'm the kind of person who just thinks there can be only one Duke. Maybe something like EDF soldiers?

This is a very minor thing, I realize, and wouldn't blame you for blowing me off. I'm not experienced when it comes to creating models and textures, so I have no idea how much work they would take.

Thanks for the awesome mod, BTW. I've been playing Duke more than any modern shooters lately.
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Old 04-27-2009, 12:30 PM   #874

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by Freedan View Post
Hi, newbie and wanted to say I love this mod. A video of someone playing it on Youtube was one of the main reasons I dug out my old Duke discs and started playing again.
Cool! I know from YouTube comments that I have gotten some recruits that way, but they don't usually post on the forums. I'm glad you like the mod, and there's still plenty more to come (DP 2.0 is on the way).

Originally Posted by Freedan View Post
I was wondering if perhaps it would be possible, though, to maybe give the Dukebots different appearances from Duke himself. .
That would be nice, especially if bots are ever used in coop. I don't know what I would use, though. I could find some 8-bit player replacement from a TC, but then it wouldn't have a model for when people use the HRP.
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Old 04-28-2009, 11:43 AM   #875
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by DeeperThought View Post
That would be nice, especially if bots are ever used in coop. I don't know what I would use, though. I could find some 8-bit player replacement from a TC, but then it wouldn't have a model for when people use the HRP.
I might have found a possible answer for you right here while looking through the board. Kenia's Duke Nukem Army looks like it has some fairly good looking soldier models. Obviously I'm not him, so I don't know if he'd let you use them for it, but I think it'd be one possibility.

EDIT: Reading futher down the topic about it, he gives permission to use the stuff from it so long as he gets credit for it.
Quote: I cannot prevent anyone from taking art, maps, con code or whatever from it to use it in their TC, but it would be nice if you give me credits for it.
Last edited by Freedan; 04-28-2009 at 11:48 AM. Reason: New information found
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Old 04-28-2009, 12:04 PM   #876

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by Freedan View Post
I might have found a possible answer for you right here while looking through the board. Kenia's Duke Nukem Army looks like it has some fairly good looking soldier models. Obviously I'm not him, so I don't know if he'd let you use them for it, but I think it'd be one possibility.

EDIT: Reading futher down the topic about it, he gives permission to use the stuff from it so long as he gets credit for it.
Quote: I cannot prevent anyone from taking art, maps, con code or whatever from it to use it in their TC, but it would be nice if you give me credits for it.
But do the soldiers have all the needed animations? I doubt that they can swim or use a jetpack.
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Old 04-29-2009, 12:19 AM   #877
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by DeeperThought View Post
But do the soldiers have all the needed animations? I doubt that they can swim or use a jetpack.
Check the model of the player in duke army 2, but I don't remember if you swim in this TC.
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Old 04-29-2009, 01:29 AM   #878

chicken's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
I guess these frames could be added manually.
It would require some work, but it's possible.
If you want to, I'd give it a shot.
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Old 04-29-2009, 01:48 AM   #879

DeeperThought's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Originally Posted by chicken View Post
I guess these frames could be added manually.
It would require some work, but it's possible.
If you want to, I'd give it a shot.
Wouldn't it be much easier just to have a different skin for the Duke bots, but have them use the Duke model?
New map effects and various optional extras for Duke 3D.

XP based weapon upgrades, progressive difficulty, and more.
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Old 04-29-2009, 02:25 AM   #880

chicken's Avatar
Re: Duke Plus 1.8
Yeah, you're right...
Anyway, I'll look into that when i get back home.
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