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Old 04-13-2005, 07:07 AM   #1
3D Master
JFDuke Enemy counting
I don't know if anyone knows this; but the enemy killed counting is seriously screwed up in JFDuke. Just finished E4L9 with about 10 or so enemies left alive, and it says I killed 257 and missed 0. I've noticed this in mutliple levels; often it says you got them all when there are still a few left.
Old 04-13-2005, 10:49 AM   #2
Killd a ton

Killd a ton's Avatar
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
i think it has somthing to do with spawning players, are you shure it's not also in the original?
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Old 04-13-2005, 11:19 AM   #3
3D Master
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
Killd a ton said:
i think it has somthing to do with spawning players, are you shure it's not also in the original?
I don't think there are any spawning enemies in E4L9, and some of the enemies I left alive didn't spawn in. From what I can remember, the original didn't have that problem.
Old 04-13-2005, 11:19 AM   #4

AlgorithMan's Avatar
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
Killd a ton said:
i think it has somthing to do with spawning players, are you shure it's not also in the original?
257 eh?... you realise that in one byte you can store a value of 256 maximum? I guess this has something to do with it...
i often have 1-2 monsters left although i launched with parameter /m (deactivate monsters)...

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Old 04-13-2005, 11:22 AM   #5
3D Master
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
AlgorithMan said:
Killd a ton said:
i think it has somthing to do with spawning players, are you shure it's not also in the original?
257 eh?... you realise that in one byte you can store a value of 256 maximum? I guess this has something to do with it...
i often have 1-2 monsters left although i launched with parameter /m (deactivate monsters)...

Shouldn't that mean it can only count 255 enemies, the number 0 taking the first bit?

Besides, it also happens with levels with less enemies. Shop-n-bag had it too, I didn't destroy the tanks that emerge at the very and there, but I took it to mean that it was just those spawning tanks. Damn thing is, it's happened now with a level that from what I could tell doesn't have any spawning enemies.
Old 04-13-2005, 12:30 PM   #6

AlgorithMan's Avatar
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
I mean it might be that the INC instruction sets the overflow flag and maybe duke considers the overflow flag when it calculates the result...
I mean it must have something to do with the byte limit 255 (yes - 256 different values, starting at 0)...

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Old 04-13-2005, 02:48 PM   #7

TerminX's Avatar
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
I'm pretty sure it was changed to a short instead of a char some time ago.
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Old 04-13-2005, 08:31 PM   #8

Rellik66's Avatar
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
3D Master said:
I don't know if anyone knows this; but the enemy killed counting is seriously screwed up in JFDuke. Just finished E4L9 with about 10 or so enemies left alive, and it says I killed 257 and missed 0. I've noticed this in mutliple levels; often it says you got them all when there are still a few left.
I always thought that it may have had something to do with the slimer eggs that spawn slimers. I think that essentially you get an extra kill for killing the egg.
Yup, I created a test map with only one egg and a nuke button, killing the egg before the slimer spawns yields only one kill with 0 left, and killing the egg and the slimer yields 2 kills.
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Old 04-14-2005, 01:22 AM   #9

AlgorithMan's Avatar
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
but also if there are no enemies at all (parameter /m) it still often shows 1-2 were left... these errors might work together
I have discovered a truly wonderful signature, but this margin is too narrow to hold it.
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Old 04-14-2005, 01:50 AM   #10
3D Master
Re: JFDuke Enemy counting
Rellik66 said:
3D Master said:
I don't know if anyone knows this; but the enemy killed counting is seriously screwed up in JFDuke. Just finished E4L9 with about 10 or so enemies left alive, and it says I killed 257 and missed 0. I've noticed this in mutliple levels; often it says you got them all when there are still a few left.
I always thought that it may have had something to do with the slimer eggs that spawn slimers. I think that essentially you get an extra kill for killing the egg.
Yup, I created a test map with only one egg and a nuke button, killing the egg before the slimer spawns yields only one kill with 0 left, and killing the egg and the slimer yields 2 kills.
Maybe, but unkilled enemies should still be counted, somehow they are not.


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