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Old 09-24-2007, 05:40 PM   #41

Dopefish7590's Avatar
Re: Planning on designing open-world environment, is a GTA clone possible?
the new grid size is incredibly big... you could make a realistic san andreas map if tx increases the limits on the game on the sectors, walls, and sprites in the game sprites (possibly to infinite like what he did with the size of the con files limit) i think we would get monsterously large maps showing up if tx did that
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Old 09-25-2007, 12:14 AM   #42

Sobek's Avatar
Re: Planning on designing open-world environment, is a GTA clone possible?
Forgive me if this has allready been covered, but isn't there an issue with the Build / Mapster32 engine where maps that are over a certain size start showing massive glitches and such? Or was this 'fixed' in Mapster32... I know it isn't such a big issue if you're segmenting maps, but I was just curious.
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:47 AM   #43

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Planning on designing open-world environment, is a GTA clone possible?
Originally Posted by eyceguy View Post
you *might* be able to get away with something like gta3's setup where each portion is loaded on demand (eg going from stauton to portland) what I would think would have to be done is use eduke32 to use game variables (they dont reset on level change) and maybe using secret exits with correct tags to effectivly change from level to level. Again you would have to use gamevars to track where the player is coming from so you could overide the scroll lock starting position.

eg you have cities A-B-C-D in a linear format linked just like shown. so if you go from C to B you wouldnt start in map B like you traveled there from city A.

if you chose to go forward with this lemme know, I had some base code for a gta2-esque mod that never got off the ground because Camera's can't look straight down, but you could use the code as a base for a GTA3 type mod
Well, true, and I also believe that Saint's Row's Stilwater certainly isn't the largest city, either. A sized-city map like that would probably come in handy, too... At least the northern part of Stilwater would definitely fit, not too sure about the "country roads" part of the city, tho.
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Old 09-26-2007, 08:48 AM   #44
Cubanito Loco
Re: Planning on designing open-world environment, is a GTA clone possible?
you'll encounter a few problems with this layout, two of them are:

1) Creativity: You'll have to make every single building, house, etc from the ground up. (That with normal grid size is a bitch, imagine making it even larger)

2) Framerates, to much stuff into one room (That's what a big GTA city in build is, A bunch of buildings into one big room) will make the game slowdown to unplayable levels, and that without even using 1/5 of the limits on walls and sectors, imagine reaching the limits, it would run at 1 frame per second.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I already tried something like this but unsucessfully.
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Old 09-26-2007, 08:31 PM   #45

Boinky's Avatar
Re: Planning on designing open-world environment, is a GTA clone possible?
well.. In all honesty you could possibly make all houses "maps". It'll load up when you zone in and out of the houses leaving the possibility of paying more detail to the outlining city scape.
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