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Old 07-16-2010, 12:55 AM   #1
Mystic Towers help.
So I decided to dig this game up, and am trying to beat it 100%, and there's this one I'm stuck on which NO FAQ or anything I've been able to find on google was able to help. Maybe someone here might know...

So, I'm on the 6th Apprentice Tower (that's the last of them), Marchwall Hold, and I can't seem to get over 50% secrets for it! I'm on the border of being convinced that the further "secrets" don't even exist or are bugged out. I DID get 100% treasures though, so whatever I keep missing, it's not a treasure.

I swear I've gone through that tower at least 10 times by now searching every nook and cranny...
I started a bruteforce method of using a reveal spell in every room... haven't gone through the whole tower yet but thought I might as well ask here. Anybody know?!

Well, there actually was a room with a mystery rune, that didn't have any secret passages though... but maybe it has something to do with it? Could be something totally different... whatever.
Zak is offline  
Old 07-17-2010, 12:14 AM   #2

joey007's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers help.
Ügh I hated mystic towers, it was so annoying
THE sig of useless words. Panda bears are the least racist mammal theyre white, black, and Asian! :p
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Old 07-17-2010, 09:36 AM   #3

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers help.
I have that game (boxed actually) and played it some, but never could get into it for some reason. I will sometimes play treasure hunt games like that, but the requirement for me was excellent controls and with the odd isometric down view, the controls kept me from ever progressing in the game... so for me, like the second post, I just found it too annoying.

I remember when the shareware was released for Mystic Towers and it was a well made game relative to sounds, music and graphically... but that was when the PC game market was exploding and it was quickly over-shadowed by 3D FPS's... remember Wolfenstein was out and DooM was released about the same time and that is the direction the market demand went.

I was playing the old Catacomb Abyss game(s) and Wolfenstein A LOT, but did not yet have DooM I am pretty sure when I downloaded the shareware for Mystic Towers. Because I over-estimated the staying power of side-scrollers and Isometrics, I thought Mystic Towers would become BIG! (Then I saw DooM and realized where the vast majority of development and gamers would go) But I always wondered if they would use Mystic Towers as the basis for a First Person Shooter. (or third person later) But none of that happened.

If I was retired I would probably do it myself on the Build Engine... rip the sounds and do a TC. I liked a lot about Mystic Towers when it came out, but it was FPS's that made Mystic Towers and most other side-scrollers obsolete for me AT that time. I am more likely to play it now just because I appreciate the older games more now.

Sounds like you are really persistent! Maybe you should make an FAQ and be "the guy" that did it.

If some how I actually play the game through (I too am a 100% type person with games) I will come back here and post, but it isn't likely as I seldom even played through the shareware.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
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Old 08-30-2010, 07:57 PM   #4

twelvepaws's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers help.
One of my favorite games...after I bought the registered version with the ability to SAVE and found I could make progress. I thought it was the most innovative game I had played and was disappointed that nothing more was developed using the same format. Too bad FPS wiped out the chances for any other type of game being developed. It's not fair that profits have to be the bottom line.

I haven't played for awhile but remember several levels where I could not achieve 100 % treasures or secrets. I would try to go back and look but ran out of health (food) upgrades. Also, I rarely beat the time required for the bonus. I really hate the idea of playing with a timer.

I try not to replay games too often so I don't get tired of them. And platforms, my preference, are in short supply. It will be several months before I get around to Mystic Towers again, but if I get a chance, I'll go in and look at that floor to see if I can figure out where the other secrets might be. Sometimes it's something that drops from the ceiling, like a bonus item or weapon upgrade and you just have to know where to walk (hoping you remember to avoid the places where you get a bomb instead!) Sometimes you have to put a coin in the slot in that room to get the secret.
Rest in peace Paloma, my sweet little Tortoiseshell, with your gold mask that spread over your eyes and down your nose. It formed a perfect replica of a dove.

KC Royals - World Series 2015 Champs!
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Old 09-02-2010, 03:05 AM   #5

twelvepaws's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers help.
Out of curiosity I got into Mystic Towers and completed the first two towers at the Apprentice level. Here are my results of items found - hoping we can compare:

Tower 1: coins, red jewel (1st Floor) coin(2nd) necklace (2nd) Ankh (2nd), baby toy (?) (2nd) coins (3rd) goblet (3rd) coin (5th)coins (5th) secret passage (5th) baby toy (5th) shield (5th) reveal spells (forgot which floor) - 100% treasures and secrets

Tower 2: coins (1st) coin (2nd) baton (?) (2nd) coins (2nd) necklace (2nd) secret passage (4th) crown (4th) coins (4th) goblet (3rd) coins (3rd) coins (5th) coins (5th) invisibility spell (5th) shield (5th) goblet (4th) coins (4th) reveal spells (1st and 5th I think) - 85% Treasures, 100% secrets.

I don't know if the shield, reveal spells and levitation spells count. Anyway, I didn't include the levitation spells in my list.

Will be back as soon as I finish the last four towers.
Rest in peace Paloma, my sweet little Tortoiseshell, with your gold mask that spread over your eyes and down your nose. It formed a perfect replica of a dove.

KC Royals - World Series 2015 Champs!
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Old 09-03-2010, 04:36 PM   #6

twelvepaws's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers help.
Towers 3 & 4

Tower Three: coins (1st) coin (1st) reveal (1st) poison (3rd) necklace (3rd) coins (3rd) necklace (3rd) coins (3rd) red jewel (3rd) coins (2nd) coins (2nd)coins (4th-under block) idol (4th) jewel (4th) shield (4th) secret passage (4th) coins (5th) fireball (5th) coins (5th) jewel (5th) shield (5th) helmut, coins (1st in secret room): Treasures 70 % Secrets 100%

Tower Four: coin (1st) coins (3rd) coins (3rd) coins, red jewel (3rd) crown (3rd) coins (4th) necklace (4th) secret passage (4th) gold ball (5th) shield (5th)coin (2nd) coins (2nd under stool) coins (2nd) lightening (4th using reveal spell) crown (3rd) crown (4th): Treasres 88% Secrets 50%

I don't know if some of the spells count; I included the ones that came with use of the reveal spell. It would help if you could see your Treasure and Secrets percentage talley up as you go along. As it is, you don't know what you've got until you leave the tower.

Now to do 5 & 6.
Rest in peace Paloma, my sweet little Tortoiseshell, with your gold mask that spread over your eyes and down your nose. It formed a perfect replica of a dove.

KC Royals - World Series 2015 Champs!
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Old 09-04-2010, 04:58 PM   #7

twelvepaws's Avatar
Re: Mystic Towers help.
Towers 5 & 6

Tower 5: coins (1st) coins (1st) coin (2nd) red jewel and coin (3rd) coins (3rd) gold ornament (4th) coins (4th) red jewel (4th) lightening (4th w/reveal spell) gold ornament (4th) coins (5th) gold ornament and shield (5th) coins (5th) gold ornament (5th) red jewel (5th) levitation (4th) invisibility (5th) gold cup (3rd) secret passage (4th) necklace (2nd)
Treasures 90% Secrets 100%

Tower 6:coins (1st) red jewel (2nd) coins (2nd) goblet (3rd) coins (3rd) secret passage (5th) gold coins and shield (5th) helmut (4th) goblet and coins (4th) necklace (4th) invisibility (4th) Use block to reach light switch (4th) coins (5th) crown and shield (5th) crown (2nd) gold idol (2nd, lower left room, use coin slot, idol behind door) coins (2nd)
Treasures 88% Secrets 50%

I went back in to look around tower 6 some more and found another red jewel (5th). I think I found that rune you mentioned and tried the reveal spell and also tried to pass through the wall connecting with another room on the other side, but nothing happened. This time I came out with Treasures 100% Secrets still 50%.

Where I mentioned coins more than once on a floor, it was because they were in different locations. I also included items that might not count, just to try to include everything I could. Since both you and I missed the other secret(s) in tower 6, they're either well hidden or don't exist.

Anyone who has a clue, please share! Wizard level I'll save for another time, because that's a whole other ball game and the subject was the Apprentice towers only.
Rest in peace Paloma, my sweet little Tortoiseshell, with your gold mask that spread over your eyes and down your nose. It formed a perfect replica of a dove.

KC Royals - World Series 2015 Champs!
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Old 09-16-2010, 12:50 AM   #8
Re: Mystic Towers help.
Thanks twelvepaws!

Well, I can testify that I got 100% Treasures and Secrets for the first five towers... so I can look into whatever you missed. But I see we're in the same boat for the evil Marchwall Hold... I'm almost ready to put my money on them not existing.

Unless there is a way to hack the data and look at it...
Zak is offline  


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