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Old 08-30-2005, 08:59 AM   #1

Fernito's Avatar
Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
In this format:

Best level:

Worst level:

I have to think it very well, it's actually a hard question... I'll post later after a time of cerebral exercise
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Old 08-30-2005, 02:57 PM   #2

Phayzon's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best level: Going Postal E4L6 (or Lunar Reacter E2L7, or E3L3 or E4L10 or omg theres too many to list)
Because: Music rocks, uhh... its just a cool level

Worst level: I dno, theres gotta be some crappy level
Because: with crappy music and stuff
I made the first post on the VB!
"So I guess the news here is that not only is Australia the last to get anything new in regard to videogames, they're also the first to get them taken away." - LeadBullet
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Old 08-30-2005, 04:16 PM   #3

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Best Level: Red Light District

Because: There is a lot of variety in this level, the bookstore with the attached apartment is one good example, because it is one map that goes through all the details of those "mom and pop" businesses, which is basically what most other FPSs lack these days. Lots and lots of assault troopers and pig cops to be had, which makes this even better in the long run. It should be a model level for the rest of the FPS industry.

Worst Level: Flood Zone

Because: There are too many wet zones in this map, and having too much water and too much gloom in the map just disorients me to no end. Plus having too many octabrains and sharks just scare the wazoo outta me, and it gets too hard to kill everyone in that map. Even with the scuba gear, it's too hard to get through the map without wasting air and staying alive.
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Old 08-31-2005, 02:10 AM   #4

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
8IronBob said:

Worst Level: Flood Zone

Because: There are too many wet zones in this map, and having too much water and too much gloom in the map just disorients me to no end. Plus having too many octabrains and sharks just scare the wazoo outta me, and it gets too hard to kill everyone in that map. Even with the scuba gear, it's too hard to get through the map without wasting air and staying alive.
I actually liked that level...
Must be because i Octabrain's are one of my favorite enemies...
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Old 08-31-2005, 06:48 AM   #5

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Micki! said:
8IronBob said:

Worst Level: Flood Zone

Because: There are too many wet zones in this map, and having too much water and too much gloom in the map just disorients me to no end. Plus having too many octabrains and sharks just scare the wazoo outta me, and it gets too hard to kill everyone in that map. Even with the scuba gear, it's too hard to get through the map without wasting air and staying alive.
I actually liked that level...
Must be because i Octabrain's are one of my favorite enemies...
Eh, the pig cop's been my favorite ever since I can remember. I mean, I can handle an Octabrain, just as long as it keeps its distance, the thing I hate about it is when it gets close to Duke's @$$ and chomps away at ya. It almost gives me the old "case of heart attack and shock" routine when that happens.
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Old 08-31-2005, 11:05 AM   #6

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
8IronBob said:
Micki! said:
8IronBob said:

Worst Level: Flood Zone

Because: There are too many wet zones in this map, and having too much water and too much gloom in the map just disorients me to no end. Plus having too many octabrains and sharks just scare the wazoo outta me, and it gets too hard to kill everyone in that map. Even with the scuba gear, it's too hard to get through the map without wasting air and staying alive.
I actually liked that level...
Must be because i Octabrain's are one of my favorite enemies...
Eh, the pig cop's been my favorite ever since I can remember. I mean, I can handle an Octabrain, just as long as it keeps its distance, the thing I hate about it is when it gets close to Duke's @$$ and chomps away at ya. It almost gives me the old "case of heart attack and shock" routine when that happens.
The pigcop is my 'other' favorite enemy...
The battlelord is ALSO my favorite enemy...
The thing about the Octabrains i like is thier look, and the sounds they make... It's just awesome...

Anyways, Back on topic... uhmmm... I don't have any examples yet... I'll post later...
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Old 08-31-2005, 11:28 AM   #7

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Micki! said:
8IronBob said:
Micki! said:
8IronBob said:

Worst Level: Flood Zone

Because: There are too many wet zones in this map, and having too much water and too much gloom in the map just disorients me to no end. Plus having too many octabrains and sharks just scare the wazoo outta me, and it gets too hard to kill everyone in that map. Even with the scuba gear, it's too hard to get through the map without wasting air and staying alive.
I actually liked that level...
Must be because i Octabrain's are one of my favorite enemies...
Eh, the pig cop's been my favorite ever since I can remember. I mean, I can handle an Octabrain, just as long as it keeps its distance, the thing I hate about it is when it gets close to Duke's @$$ and chomps away at ya. It almost gives me the old "case of heart attack and shock" routine when that happens.
The pigcop is my 'other' favorite enemy...
The battlelord is ALSO my favorite enemy...
The thing about the Octabrains i like is thier look, and the sounds they make... It's just awesome...

Anyways, Back on topic... uhmmm... I don't have any examples yet... I'll post later...
Okay, that I like about the Octabrains, I just don't like it chasing you around up close, everything else is cool about them. I would use some Sentry Octabrains in some of my custom maps if need be. Especially with the DOOM "Knee Deep in the Dead" remake that I have planned, Octabrains would be great Imp substitutes, IMHO.

However, my second favorite map is as follows:

Second Best Map: Hotel Hell
Reason: It has a lot to go through. The fact that I like the way the rooms were laid out, the whole kit and kaboodle was worth exploring in that map. I love that secret area, too, with Indiana Jones. Also nice since you can skip the whole map, explode the shaft behind you, and jump straight to the Cycloid Emperor at the football field.
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Old 08-31-2005, 11:35 AM   #8

Micki!'s Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
8IronBob said:

Okay, that I like about the Octabrains, I just don't like it chasing you around up close, everything else is cool about them.

It would be kinda goofy if they couldn't attack you up close... I mean, they have giant teeth, and beg claws... It would be crazy not to use them in combat...
However, my second favorite map is as follows:


Second Best Map: Hotel Hell
Reason: It has a lot to go through. The fact that I like the way the rooms were laid out, the whole kit and kaboodle was worth exploring in that map. I love that secret area, too, with Indiana Jones. Also nice since you can skip the whole map, explode the shaft behind you, and jump straight to the Cycloid Emperor at the football field.
I second that... This level is cool...Especially the secret you mentioned there... "We meet again, Dr. Jones" But the shaft actually was a secret level... First after that secret level you get to the Cycloid Emperor...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'
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Old 08-31-2005, 12:52 PM   #9

Phayzon's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
8IronBob said:
Especially with the DOOM "Knee Deep in the Dead" remake that I have planned,
Randy Heit beat you to it. Knee Deep in ZDoom is planned and under way ATM, and NO enemies will be replaced, in fact i think that is a rule, you can only add DECORATE lumps (added stuff, not replacing)

EDITL Or are you making it for Duke
I made the first post on the VB!
"So I guess the news here is that not only is Australia the last to get anything new in regard to videogames, they're also the first to get them taken away." - LeadBullet
"We're part-time internet superheros." - Hudson
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Old 08-31-2005, 01:05 PM   #10

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Phayzon said:
8IronBob said:
Especially with the DOOM "Knee Deep in the Dead" remake that I have planned,
Randy Heit beat you to it. Knee Deep in ZDoom is planned and under way ATM, and NO enemies will be replaced, in fact i think that is a rule, you can only add DECORATE lumps (added stuff, not replacing)

EDITL Or are you making it for Duke
Yes, It'll be done in the Atomic Edition/Plutonium Pak version of Duke 3D. Then again, I was originally going to do this in Half-Life, but somebody may have done that there, too. To me, Half-Life would be the perfect game to build Hangar for. However, for Duke 3D, it would be a no brainer, the Build Engine is bar none the closest rival engine to DOOM, and the easiest to work with.
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Old 08-31-2005, 01:12 PM   #11

Fernito's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
The forum was about Duke Nukem levels...
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Old 08-31-2005, 01:21 PM   #12

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Fernito© said:
The forum was about Duke Nukem levels...
I know, I was just replying about his response to me. It will be regarding a Duke conversion. At far as best Duke map, I believe that this would be considered the #1 custom user map of all times, since there's so many conversion variations of Hangar and such.
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Old 08-31-2005, 01:52 PM   #13
Dr. Kill

Dr. Kill's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best level: Damn near all of them

Worst level: Crappy, rushed, user made ones that I find online. Ones that have doorways so damn big, that they make even Duke look tiny. It's hard to find good maps. Roch and Red are some of my favorite series.
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Old 09-01-2005, 05:26 AM   #14

Gatinater's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Yeah, most user levels make me feel like Duke and all of the aliens have been shrunk, because every furnishings and objects are twice the player's

I like Lunar reactor and the tiberius station.
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Old 09-03-2005, 07:48 AM   #15
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Dr. Kill said:
Best level: Damn near all of them

Worst level: Crappy, rushed, user made ones that I find online. Ones that have doorways so damn big, that they make even Duke look tiny. It's hard to find good maps. Roch and Red are some of my favorite series.
Is Roch 9 out yet?

Best Level:
Area 51

Worst Level:
Pretty much all levels in episode 2, but above all, probably Overlord
Old 09-03-2005, 08:34 AM   #16

jimbob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
8IronBob said:
Worst Level: Flood Zone

Because: There are too many wet zones in this map,
wel, its called flood zone for a reason

Best : touch one, but i`ll go for LA rumble, love that map

Worst, Stadium, never liked it, maybe becuase it was just a boss fight and not a whole level like the other 2 boss maps never really liked the first boss map too.
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Old 09-03-2005, 08:52 AM   #17
Dr. Kill

Dr. Kill's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
I-Ninja said:
Is Roch 9 out yet?
Don't know. I used to get all the Roch maps as they came out on Bob's Duke Nukem Single-Player Levels, but he moved on from Duke in 2004. I used to get a lot of great, quality levels there. I guess I need a new map site.
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Old 09-03-2005, 10:16 AM   #18

Cerberus_e's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
best level: E3L3 - flood zone (sorry 8Ironbob )

reason: the level design is just excellent, especially considering it's on a 2D engine! I keep getting the impression on that level that it's 3D.
I also love the monsters closets in the rocks, like for example, when you are on the rooftops of one of the buildings, a "rock door" opens on the other side of the chasm with assault commanders
and almost at the end of the level there is another one opening with a battlelord and an assault commander on each side of him

worst level: Normally I'd say lunatic fringe or something, but that's just a multiplayer map modified to work for singleplayer, and it's a secret level, so calling that the worst level would be very lame (it was never designed to be a good singleplayer level, just for multiplayer, that's why it is a secret level)
So I'll have to think of a normal map...
aha! E4L11 - Area 51.

reason: the 8-button switch at the end, with the multiswitch so you only get half of the 8 buttons (= 4 buttons) at one time.
I had to use a walkthrough because it frustrated me endlessly. I didn't want to put effort in such horrible puzzle.
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Old 09-03-2005, 04:10 PM   #19

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Cerberus_e said:
best level: E3L3 - flood zone (sorry 8Ironbob )

reason: the level design is just excellent, especially considering it's on a 2D engine! I keep getting the impression on that level that it's 3D.
I also love the monsters closets in the rocks, like for example, when you are on the rooftops of one of the buildings, a "rock door" opens on the other side of the chasm with assault commanders
and almost at the end of the level there is another one opening with a battlelord and an assault commander on each side of him

worst level: Normally I'd say lunatic fringe or something, but that's just a multiplayer map modified to work for singleplayer, and it's a secret level, so calling that the worst level would be very lame (it was never designed to be a good singleplayer level, just for multiplayer, that's why it is a secret level)
So I'll have to think of a normal map...
aha! E4L11 - Area 51.

reason: the 8-button switch at the end, with the multiswitch so you only get half of the 8 buttons (= 4 buttons) at one time.
I had to use a walkthrough because it frustrated me endlessly. I didn't want to put effort in such horrible puzzle.
Well, actually, I'm starting to tolerate Flood Zone, it took a while. I believe right now, Toxic Dump appears to replace Flood Zone as my worst map in the game. Toxic Dump is just too big, and too difficult of a map to get through, as is the secret level, Launch Facility. Too many puzzles, and too much to time things properly in those maps. Right now, Flood Zone may be okay, just had to think twice about that map. That was RABID TRANSIT that I didn't like, man I get those two confused!
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Old 09-03-2005, 04:13 PM   #20

Cerberus_e's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
rabid transit doesn't have underwater rooms, only at the end for 5 seconds to get to the nukebutton, how can you confuse that with flood zone?
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Old 09-03-2005, 05:57 PM   #21

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Cerberus_e said:
rabid transit doesn't have underwater rooms, only at the end for 5 seconds to get to the nukebutton, how can you confuse that with flood zone?
Well, there are some big underwater areas in almost the whole 3rd episode, like Raw Meat, Flood Zone, Hotel Hell, and Rabid Transit at the end, and when you start out in Freeway. That's over half the episode right there, underwater. Toxic Dump is mainly underwater in parts, but that's the shareware episode. Well, I better not explain too much further. There are just some maps that aren't cut out for me. I do appreciate underwater maps, but to have almost the whole map underwater like Flood Zone? That's too much for me to handle, you could run out of scuba gear oxygen and croak in a matter of five minutes or less.
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Old 09-05-2005, 12:17 PM   #22

Fernito's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Cerberus_e said:
best level: E3L3 - flood zone (sorry 8Ironbob )

reason: the level design is just excellent, especially considering it's on a 2D engine! I keep getting the impression on that level that it's 3D.
I also love the monsters closets in the rocks, like for example, when you are on the rooftops of one of the buildings, a "rock door" opens on the other side of the chasm with assault commanders
and almost at the end of the level there is another one opening with a battlelord and an assault commander on each side of him

worst level: Normally I'd say lunatic fringe or something, but that's just a multiplayer map modified to work for singleplayer, and it's a secret level, so calling that the worst level would be very lame (it was never designed to be a good singleplayer level, just for multiplayer, that's why it is a secret level)
So I'll have to think of a normal map...
aha! E4L11 - Area 51.

reason: the 8-button switch at the end, with the multiswitch so you only get half of the 8 buttons (= 4 buttons) at one time.
I had to use a walkthrough because it frustrated me endlessly. I didn't want to put effort in such horrible puzzle.
The 8-button code appears in about three different places in the level (Look well... ) ---> Clue: Look at the chair in where the blue key is.
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Old 09-05-2005, 01:41 PM   #23

Nacho's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Best: The Shining level in Episode 4 of the PSX version. It was just great. So much neat things to see in that level.

Worst: There were a few levels in episode 2 I really didn't have fun with.
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Old 09-05-2005, 01:59 PM   #24

Phayzon's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason for
Nacho said:
Worst: There were a few levels in episode 2 I really didn't have fun with.
Thats what I was looking to say when I posted
I made the first post on the VB!
"So I guess the news here is that not only is Australia the last to get anything new in regard to videogames, they're also the first to get them taken away." - LeadBullet
"We're part-time internet superheros." - Hudson
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Old 09-05-2005, 02:01 PM   #25
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
The best and worst are both PSX Exclusive. The PC ones are great too, and I don't really hate any. It's just weird how my faves turned out that way.

Worst level:

E4M1 (PSX) - Nightmare Zone - Even after finishing it and doing the walkthrough it still has me confused. Just a lot less than everyone else. This level is just plain NOT FUN. It's a shame not many play Plug N Pray, with it's awesome levels (most are even better than the PC levels), simply because you have to play through this turd first.

Best Level:

E4M4 (PSX) - Duke Royale - Duke the best way he is, in the city. It's based off of Tarentino films. I wouldn't mind porting this to the PC with extra stuff from Kill Bill. That is, whenever I finish everything else on my plate. Having the level track from Tier Drops, my fave Duke track on the PSX (and overall) is just icing on the cake. Plus the difficulty is perfect, IMHO.
Old 09-05-2005, 03:50 PM   #26

Steve's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Best level
<font color="red">Hotel hell</font>
I've always loved this level as the design is just great for the time the game was made. It's not too tough and dukematching on that level is a blast.

Worst level
<font color="red">Warp Factor</font>
Always hated this level because of the drones in it. The level was really hard when I first played Duke and I didn't like the layout of it. That, and I'm not a fan of the space levels.
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Old 09-05-2005, 03:51 PM   #27

Steve's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
8IronBob said:
Cerberus_e said:
rabid transit doesn't have underwater rooms, only at the end for 5 seconds to get to the nukebutton, how can you confuse that with flood zone?
Well, there are some big underwater areas in almost the whole 3rd episode, like Raw Meat, Flood Zone, Hotel Hell, and Rabid Transit at the end, and when you start out in Freeway. That's over half the episode right there, underwater. Toxic Dump is mainly underwater in parts, but that's the shareware episode. Well, I better not explain too much further. There are just some maps that aren't cut out for me. I do appreciate underwater maps, but to have almost the whole map underwater like Flood Zone? That's too much for me to handle, you could run out of scuba gear oxygen and croak in a matter of five minutes or less.
I love flood zone. The level can be quickly completed if you have the jetpack
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Old 09-06-2005, 05:13 PM   #28
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Best level? There are a lot, but one that springs to mind was A user-made level, who's author I have forgotten (Please forgive me), had an exceptionally pleasing design and made for an awesome multiplayer level.

Worst level? Got to be one of those 'Look everyone, I can make a single sector room in build' levels. Why, oh why did these people have to post their monstrocities to the world, AND THERE IS SO DAMN MANY OF THEM! some added some sprites (like strippers in excess amounts), but seldom bothered to use any wall/floor textures besides tile 0.
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Old 09-06-2005, 05:33 PM   #29

8IronBob's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
MarkJ said:
Best level? There are a lot, but one that springs to mind was A user-made level, who's author I have forgotten (Please forgive me), had an exceptionally pleasing design and made for an awesome multiplayer level.

Worst level? Got to be one of those 'Look everyone, I can make a single sector room in build' levels. Why, oh why did these people have to post their monstrocities to the world, AND THERE IS SO DAMN MANY OF THEM! some added some sprites (like strippers in excess amounts), but seldom bothered to use any wall/floor textures besides tile 0.
Yeah, a lot of people don't know quality map designs vs. just slapping together a user map. It's the quality map designers like us that have to shed off some of the credit to other no-name mappers out there with those maps that don't deserve to be downloaded.
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Old 09-09-2005, 08:10 AM   #30
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Steve said:
Worst level
<font color="red">Warp Factor</font>
Always hated this level because of the drones in it. The level was really hard when I first played Duke and I didn't like the layout of it. That, and I'm not a fan of the space levels.
You have never seen Star Trek, have you?

The Trekkies are mad that you don't like a level that is related to star trek...

I made a mini version of Warp Factor, its a small DM level but it sucks, maybe ill post it someday.


Best level
Warp Factor

I just love star trek TNG, and spacegoing levels in general.

Worse level: Dark Side

Too damn big and sucks for multiplayer, it takes forever to get through. I made a mini version of Dark Side too...
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Old 09-12-2005, 02:30 AM   #31

Neptune's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
<font color="red">BEST</font> :
Stadium. The whole fact you beat the final boss on the last level, at the super bowl, just kicks ass IMO. It even rivals the 'first-time-seeing-the-cyber-demon' feeling.

<font color="red">WORST</font> :
Nightmare Zone. Like the guy above me said, it;s such a shame. Plug and Prey is such a kick ass level set, only bogged down by this massive turd-in-the-kiddie-pool.

There you have it.
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Old 09-12-2005, 02:40 AM   #32

Steve's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f

You have never seen Star Trek, have you?
I have... and walked away promptly from my television set
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Old 09-12-2005, 05:00 AM   #33
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f

I have... and walked away promptly from my television set

Hahaha, that's the funniest thing I have heard in a few days, mainly because I happen to know people who would probably beat up someone for saying such things.

But I did post for a reason. Another level (or set of levels) worth mentioning as best-ever material are those found in the C and C addon. Although there are only 4 levels, they are very nicely made. They probably would be terrible DM (infact I am certain), but single player is great.
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Old 09-12-2005, 05:56 AM   #34

Steve's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
I happen to know people who would probably beat up someone for saying such things.

That's just sad
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Old 09-12-2005, 10:19 AM   #35

Boinky's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Steve said:
I happen to know people who would probably beat up someone for saying such things.

That's just sad
The real question is _CAN they beat someone up for that? Or will they just set there phasers to stun? I think thats the right name for em. :-P
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Old 09-12-2005, 03:08 PM   #36

Steve's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Boinky said:
Steve said:
I happen to know people who would probably beat up someone for saying such things.

That's just sad
The real question is _CAN they beat someone up for that? Or will they just set there phasers to stun? I think thats the right name for em. :-P
They can blind me with their pasty skin. That would hurt.
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Old 09-12-2005, 03:44 PM   #37
Dr. Kill

Dr. Kill's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
yeah, they could also use their super-thick glasses to fucus the sun's light and fry your ass!
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Old 09-12-2005, 03:54 PM   #38

Steve's Avatar
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Dr. Kill said:
yeah, they could also use their super-thick glasses to fucus the sun's light and fry your ass!
Don't know about that. If they these trekkies are exposed to the sun light I'm afraid that they will disintegrate due to the overwhelming amount gamma rays

Or something.
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Old 02-24-2006, 11:41 AM   #39
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f
Best level: Derelict and Duke-burger tied
Reason: AHB at his best. Kick ass design and gameplay.

Some runner-ups: Warp Factor, Dark Side, LA Rumble, Freeway, It's impossible, Area 51.

Worst level (excluding the mp craps of E2 and E3 secret levels): Movie Set
Reason: Damn, this looks ugly. And doesn't fun at all.
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Old 02-24-2006, 01:48 PM   #40
Re: Best and worst level in Duke, and the reason f

Movie set (Nice design, also somehow got into it. Good for Dukematch IMO)
Freeway (I like city themed ones)
Rabid transit (The crazy subway witn no mercy will squish you. I was really afraid of it sometimes Also the atmosphere was perfect with some nice effects )


Incubator (Hate the music, and the level was evil, but still had some neat effects)
Bank roll (didnt like the level so much, kind of a bit wierd)
Death row (Well not _that_ bad but still dislike it whenever i play E1, Dukematch is a totally diffrent thing on this one )
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